Show 15rsu leortlomnotIo At this time of the year a cold Is I very easily contracted and If I left to run Its without the aid of some reliable cough medicine Is liable to result In that dread disease pneumonia Wo know of no better remedy to cure a rough or cold than Chambetlnln Cough Hemcdy W e have used It cults extensively and It has always Rlv en entire en-tire satisfaction Olagah Ind Ten Chief This Is I tha only remedy that Is I known 10 bo 0 certain preventlo of pneumonia pneu-monia Among the many thousands who have ued It for cold and 10 grippe we have never yet learned of II single rosa having resulted In pneumonia pneu-monia Iereon who lIons weak lunG or have reaoon to fear an attack of pneumonia should keep tho remedy at hand The B and kI cent sizes for sale by Druggists Tb eeoees lee uo of silnoul unto cause the hair to turn gray hhun I the cup I and rtore tbe nntural color or the hair wmi lIalls fair lIenewel To give you an opportunity testing the great merit of Elys hI Balm I the most i el Ide cure for catarrh and mold In lIla head a generous 10 cent I trial sloe cnn bo had at hoar druggist or we mail It for 10 cents Fall slz tlirenie i lILY HUGS CG Warren Street N T City It Is I the mcellclne above all others for catarrh It Is I worth Its weight In gold I can use Rips Cream Bilm with fet fe-t and It docs all that li claimed for 1t11 W Sporry hartford Cons Dont le persuaded Into buying IInl menla wllhollt Clputtlon or merit Chamberlain s rain I1l1lm cots no moro al Its merlta lave Ioen proven by n tost of mnny heuetl Huch letters na the follonlnir 1 from I Cl llasley I borne me Cnl nreronn belly helna received The best remedy for pain I havee I used la I Chimbcrlaln Plln lialm a n1 1 I say so after hiving used It In mv famlll for evcral year It rheumatism lam bock cure spralll and swellings lear i sale loy rugrlst After hearing oome friend rontlnnl Iy nlslng Chambcilaln i ColIc Chol rca nnd nnrrhoca llemedy furtl Fleck ot Anaheim < allfornlapurchase > el a bottle of It for his own uie and la now ns enthualistlo over Its wonderful work ns none can Ie 1 TOo 25 and CO cent sizes for Bale ly Drugglsta II 11 ollllS I gun hhon i LI u Tor Christ nn1 New Year Holl dais One fume for mood trip gelling dales I > P 24 26 31 niu 1 January 151 Call at Oil Tlclet Olio undo Mn ionic Hall Ni 100 Hscmia South 1iOOI1 JML1 IIVTHS 01 li Hip Oregon Short I ln > 11illrmU tear tIle Htnua and N n enrs IIull JI WP Ii dais TI I ts on i lie n c i < B n 001 I Junuaiy lat goad return In Januaty 3 I onjln llell e < l at liner vUl ftory bit of rell f li rftrl ot a runt run-t will it fAY 11 cure Usj Mallard i 1 houml fijiup und note how quick lySuu arId cui d mid how I vull you root nftcrwrrd Hpclflo I ulso far Wbooplns Co eh and tIIflllPBlllfl CoMn Kcnvln Kanstn nayni When I began I boIse milord lionhound rrup for Consumption the doctor hid ctlcl that I would ole In B few doymtm noW 1111 and ncnd < have ma moro pain In chest or lunpj 1rlcc 85 and M cents Io bi i ont ro pay Sod by Z Co U I Urns D < pt Pus a blur to laIn PAin aClctlons aro now ns ersly cared ns they nero once hard 1acare Clente haslearned what pain Is and Hallilds Snow IJnlmcnt la I the resul Cures Strains cut IruJrea st ft Joints and Contracted Muscles rene trstcs to the very Tone nnd relieves almost from the moment It touches When allnlment la I necdid low nyc It to yourself to Kt tho bcot The dealer 19 authorized to gufrantec this one ljrlo EO ctnts Sod by Z C M J Drue Dept Tad Ilfr ICerps People Well TThtm the liver 13 t clngrlsh all olhc orqana 01 Inold you auCer from otlpallon 1I1110un Jnuudl ileidaehc lndle tlon loln In Dar Chills and Loii of bnerni lou will never know how prompt these roubles can be cured until jou use III nniNL It curei quickly when jther remedies utterly fall llejulates ho Iver inirlnes the Blood liEn rtlNl Is a Harmlis Vgetable Remedy hit guy deem life and energy almost ion tho fleet dose rice TS Pont 1rld Trial Bottle ax Z C U 1 OrofDoortmoel rhrllm n 1 Cnlo Via tIle Oregon Short line Only one faro for the round trip Bee 21 20 31 and Januaiy lot all tlclltto good returning Januarj 1st Salt fb YuUnr Joou IIn1 Trod Co IG Ponth Jln Salt Lake office of I Irst NotIonal lJllnk at lurk City Will 0000 loan at reaonaille rnl tf < long or Hhurt time in teal cable eicch11 iwolo I noclt tagcs or approved personil I security O J SAUSIIUIIY Ireel lent BAM J IvENYOV Trea ui cr Grays Laxative Pellets euro Con stipatlon 1IOL1D VlTxCUl S1ON HAH vll JUo tlmn < l VViKtrrn rallitnr On December 24 23 11 and January 1st the lllo Urande announces ate of one single fare for round trip ictvveen nny two stations on Us lima licst local train servIce to Ogden Provo Tlntlo nnd all poInts In Ban lote and Soler valleys Tiollet omce Iolomce > < rorner JTATC TECJII1 tlStOdltTItM Vana lice S7SO The Hlo Ornnde Western makes rate of 190 1 lo Provo and return on December Decem-ber 27th nnd 2Sth Trains leave Salt Lake City 500 a in 90 a m C 00 p mand40p In Always ready A > er s Cherry Pee tonal It need no mIxIng no haklng no disguise nothing but a ppoon At dead of night jour child startles you with a croupy couth Immediately that you give this remedy the little one Is I relieved and the household Is again at rest A IV onderf nl Ci mK Has been produced In the condition of my health by a few bottles of Hood Barsaparllla It has gIven < me a good appetite and eobled ole to Iep better bet-ter than I have for ears It has purl fled my blood and my skin Is l i cleared of Imperfections I Mrs N n Moore 1016 ildeu street Cast Las Vegas New MexIco 1100DS IlILS aro prompt emelent always roUablo camp to IlIke ony to operate Ii After hearing some friends continually continual-ly praising Chamberlains Colic Cholera Chol-era and Diarrhoea Ilemcdy Curtis neck ot Anaheim California pur chnsed a bultbolof It far Ills own Use and I now a nthuolaslle over Its wonderul work as nnyono can be Th 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by drug glt Lyceum week of December 27th JOHN Sa LINDSAY Classic lnyf atTuimldr 10 teoles Jlonday Tuesday and cdnciilay Evening at 613 Othello Thursday rlelay anelPotiirelay Richelieu low i ear a Mntlnte 230 Merchant of Venice rvenlnurrlccsCOc lIe Be MotlneoKc Chlldro ISo 10 otlleo opens 310ndoy 10 ra Call 11 11EII1I1olle And FOR 1000 See boaoeriiplift Kccords Supplies and Repairs The Latest UWII PMnomo n Go 134 MAIN STREET < < iV iVr HJj II I ti 1f1 4 Oi r iI i J I t t 1 J l Jj ii 1YIt < r4fj W 1 1f j lI Ie h J I > Y til 1 i JJ I A jnr IEIIR8 1NNfR Without u nice fat tuikoy would be a wry unUsteor 0 IY to com moore the iew hear H you look thtough our market nny day thin weeli you vail I sunntra and rallilcJ with alle elliplay of 00 vIkIng that gop to imkt life cnjoviit Gtait the new pearl by trading at TIff PICE P l lmI t1iJllcJ J M ILMtlIOITIrop M MAIN bT S S i S 9E9 t5 ieS S 1s 1J LIII Ij 6reat Clearance SaleIW 1F ffi 111 IIi rm EVERYBODY CAN BUT PRICES TO SUIT PURCHASERS R kfl In n Z C M I CLOAK DEPARTMENT uq Ii M 0 iIi m rrll I WRAPS JACKETS I = II Wi l ft I CLOAKS COLLAR TTE7 ETC i at Iti sA 4 All New Goods ard of Ho Latest styled I L qll rtt 11 71 offered for solo Now rogardlobs of ° Z tu tJi 1 I l cost to matte roorrj for new Spring 1m h31 I I stock II 1 O1 5 tl1 tFt1 1fll Jl P r fl 11J U M Rarest Bargains of the Year III I 1 Now Bolrig Offered at UI 0 1 jnj I j T G WEBBER Z C M i fel l J 8Ul 0 8 01 tili I Wk I 1 ffi a 1 READYMADE lufTS 7 Kf lin 0 UP I i I Cutler HomeMade Cloth 7 50 Cutler t I SUITS HADE TO ORDER 1 ill in SUITSI4ADETOIIDER1500 1 UP 00 4 Provo Mill Cloth lOUU W ff3 01e31loI Brothers BLANKETS Brothers h White nhntcts Gay Q lt IID 300 UP 1 ankets Mottled I Bankets OUU w Company Co 84 White ard Gray L1NSEYS lor Vels Company 1000 doz Childrens and Misses Hosiery ouro nmikc SG Main Btrost Combination Uundwear mad to ordr 35 Main Street B > E mock of f all l kinds of Home rnde SALT LAKE CITY 1 lanncls l SALT LAKE CITY WELCOME 1898 With something now ovcn If its only n necktie you bIllow Iho old onylng Nothing now 011 New yrnothlng new the reet nf the pram Donl 10 left oul In Iho colli that woo Of eournevd 0001314 Iko to roll lao 0 suit of clothsgot Iota of them lentocll melted pretty at Xma wek but we cnn flx ylto Oat thorn for 11310 or Rho and w can sell you a good suit at clther flguro Theyro made lateot otle and well tailored ill through 7 heneame our 110 sulla In Clay ANorBteels chevot and Jllieel roods well made proper cuts The best 11000 bunch ot clothing worth > ou ever aaw Then rome our hIgh art tallorrel I roods at 1200 ilSOO 11800 S2000 und 2500 A new lot of those Hoys 12CO knee pants suits Just come etc ONE 1JICJiI Jo P GARDNER 136138 Main Street 5lcllAt 1fitiiiS0dtt 5rf If ELEGAUT SULPHUR IURKISH BATH And Treatwoet Ileoms t nolturge of a COMPETENT rilYHICIAN who will I I ellagnose and pimcrlbo for patlenta neidlne I medical nld It Ion have CA fle UYSPMSIA nilKUMAT I 1 ISM NlnVOHS THOUUL or KID I MIlk DIsrASi I come and bo cured ikf 1J1 l Any kind of n bath you want Ma > BaRc I for Iooth sex e Slmmlng leona I for ladies b > the matron Saponifier I rcnnsylranla Siponlntrll ll B lbs orl nal and old rrllaMe Conecnlrttd Lye for family lehold i rlelu The 1 cf Ibis article has Induced unprincipled parties to Iml tate II Nona rcnulne imleil 1 ennsjlranU ball Matmac luring Co PblladelphU mss ope4 oa tbs 11 J 1 Ash your grocer for It aod take no Ilkom m IIC 81100111111 I I eOsOi1 Olleos O coter 181 We have a most complete stock of Shotgun Ammunition Hunting Coats bloats and Shooting Equipage at 1I0uom Pbcea 0111 O r 81ok oiIor1s f Forth Film and Photographers Supplies Sup-plies is i coTpete Send for Illustrated Catalogue 8hIOYNIN I lbS 155 Main St 2461 I Wash Avo Salt Lake City Odcen 1 A Nice Cabinet cOiW FRAME FREEl II I On Thurudoyo Only Irom DOl jntll auerilio Holidays J WSHIPLCR d313OlOO0llj The Photographer tniltlvlal1imCftblweirun1rnbIaIataly I I l lrg I aV ry dozen photon L tllhlu 15 lrr lIozeu Com early UBIPLEA llOosulbsoCa Some 5uggestlorl for I HOliDAY rRfSfNI8 I DlAMON03 01j gle < t tl oor roput Itlou is I toe benllIog roilblotovoeim bIb boaklg aI oar stock ylIll 0031 Jr il ClOCKS f4k tgama 001 a auniagl qIlal tty cllllorad WACHfSu r t1r i rm r ehle In Ulna mI ocnaal 101101 is I nloe lIun a oteh f leul rhlltmo peellntO 11 fynriuyVo l Sil VmWARf YY lido at nay a fell Rr GS X Un I ii nil I prlccK Nnuchlemt00 B BUS og I asaoao aosoo alalolo a look to Iow ton iVro rcry popular this season rd BRO HfS u luu o imo of them wu are r 8 01 Allprlc In silvr oll nml liNK BUIfONS I plU J ranlf Yif prl C < 1 oOOle t 0 numerat more on Iuow our bu lnr no1 bo ht IfOO < lreJ U r hltd I awl ck 13 Vo noodle clai I eytllbcg r dock rices ritrl he Juit 00 1111110 11 1100 ut day or two b furo CltrlKtma jIll ll1 mrluetit will not bo as cool II a lI0llt ho akin tu ifh o 3 ou os laut li of our limo olthor Joslin Park JEWELERS 170 Main Street If you want to male < good soap use Red Seal Lye Trio Greatest 50apknr and Absolutely Puro Gee moo alit awl dean gosae feo 11010 salt 1 will make ten pouads 01 lies Hard Soap Wllbout bnlloni 011 iooJ bird 10p uut of all Mad sfgcss PROFESSIONAL I M WAODm 1llOMli S OIIO8 M AttornoytLaw and Land Attorneys liia McCornidt hlaahSultlko Cli nux MCMISIEiI Attorney at Law and I Justlco of tho Peace Rooms 11 a CommcrcUl Blocli PIR1EY Y p GHRISImSnI AttorTJeytLaw Room SO JOI COU1merclnl Dlook halt Lle Cite A MINW Attorney at Low Rooms 3394 Conilitution DuQeln Main SI J Is RAW no J II 11050 RAWliNS 1111110 H D Attorneys at Low Rooms S3 16 and aT Hooper llalldbc hI I UVe Cllv WIlliAM D mR Attorney etLW Iloom SO Hoopnr Illock iltlt Ito clip GHRS M GRNNot Dontlst Kooros SBVIIO Tmnploton DR J lOOMIS S DeTJUst a6 South Malo ltrdt Salt fmts Clit Welnes a few at the 111100 H COOl G l BfiSf BURNER U smns Loft also soma of ttje l Soil CO11 l AIR IImli smm Closing out ale Which ye are ° ri000 If 1 you Wellt RsdUOOd l okDW U 5100050 WO will malts 135 price right The David James Co nUffitJers cna Tlnners 61 Malrb Throw 11I1 Yijur Corscie t r PI PI f I P00 sIt ho tnpmmldzd iFt rl bihi 1 rumstndor lao la rosh > a4 l 1 Ibo Plt1 > I ln t1 v gJ II J r SALT lAKE cm BRfWING CO lArOIt MOUltZU |