Show CHRISTMAS AT TOOELE Splendid Sleighing I Excellent Prospects for Dry Farm WheatUtah Hazel Nuts Special Corrqspon4ence Deserot New Tooele Dc 27Snnw to the depth ef several Inches HIM remnln on the ground and good lelghlng has been Ir progress for a couple of xeeks though a heavy thaw at In today with every prospect of putting a stop to the Jingle of merry bells The present snowfall was preceded by nn unusual amount of rain which kept the ground In excellent excel-lent condition for the sowing of dry farm wheat Several thousand acres have been planted on the east side of the valley and the wheat Is now taking root under Its ample covering of snow Never before In the history of dry farmIng In this section liar the outlook out-look been as favorable as now With only a fair price for wheat next year the farmers will da very well with the prices that have prevailed luring the present season they will have a bonanza bonan-za since his last visit to Tooele the wlller 6bqered many substantial Improvements Im-provements A new flour mill has been erected und Is I doing a thriving bul l ness under the management of Charles ru McBride and a largo number at private pri-vate residences have been built Some of them would do credit to a much larger place The Installation of an electric lighting plant Is I talked of as one of the probabilities for the near future The city already has an excellent ex-cellent system of waterworks The financial condition ot Iho city an a municipal corporation Is very good Tile advent nf the new rallload ao long discussed Is anxiously awaited by the people The public school In I well Attended mil Principal McCormick nppears to be thoroughly In touch with Its patrons thus making progress eaolr than would otherwise be the case Tho city has a mot excellent school building It clit a good deal ot money but the people ire proud of U now that Ill Is finished Something new In the way of garden nr farm products at Jesuit so far as Utah la concerned attracted my niton thin Yesterday II wn a display of haEel nuts gron hy John Adams one ot the oldeat and Most olleeeBrul farm ors ot Tooel The seed nuts Com which Iho display came were brought from ndlnna and KonlUcllY In 1819 by John r lIanen formerly ot tills place but now a relllent of Salt Lake Two or three other partie made nn etrort from the same Reed supply to mIAe a few hushes but were not sueeessCul Since then the Attempts have hen repeated Iwo vr three times bill always without sueee Just why tallurs should result however 14 I not quite clear ns Mr Adamm had no dlffiulty In the matter The bushes are aPIHlrel1Uy as strong And hnry as those that grow In the Central sIn loB and eerlalnly the nut are Just DS fine So Cur U8 known here Mr Adams Is I entitled to the distinct1ti of having raised the first hazel nuts grown In Utah CLON I3 L ARGUS |