Show ASlllNGTON IS HElm president of the Horn Silver Company Now in Salt lake WHAT HE SAID IN AN INTERVIEW licaltan Beek Older In roll 100 nod Iffect I < ortho Light hell 10 the IlitO lot Newsy Ili Allan C Washington president ot hthe Horn Silver Mining company ar Itlved In the cllj I yesterday afternoon from his homo In 1 New York Ills Ire once here 1 at this particular time Is I for the purpose of attending the torn janys annual I Inciting which takes place in this city 112m on Tuesday next Oct fall Mr Vnshliston was seen by a News reporter this morning He was In food humor and vv hon asked for an Interview readily consented tthough ho said lie 1 knew nothing that would particularly interest the West Nn public He would Pay this however i how-ever that the present silver depres slon which was so keenly felt out this way arrectedNew York and the far last but very little It was a cane of one section of the country knowing know-Ing comparatively nothing of the needs and wants of the other section Speaking of operations at the Horn Silver Mr Washington conceded that they hud 1 not been so profitable the past two years as formerly but I ho Intimate 1 that the property was yet paying fairly well with good chances for an early resumption of monthly dIvIden Its Mr Washington In his mnkeup anal ever > expression gives Indications of I being a shlevvd I uslness man which he undoubtedly Is l He 1 has served the Horn Silver company as president torn tor-n number of yours and stands u splendid splen-did how tar reelection lie VlSl 1 to I out 10 the mine lomorrow evenlllg In companv will Manager Farnsworth and others then he will return to this day attend tile meeting schedule for Tuesday and probably take a luxopollo Austin Nevada wl ere he also las extensive ex-tensive mining Interests |