Show 11itHt IIIILASI > Sev enteen countlt s of Ireland arc hreatened with scarcity of food If nol with actual famine this winter ni gainst fifteen that are reported as not being In any such danger as yetI I ° rern threequarters of the green little 11e come reports of crop failure the condition leading up to this dreadful rult will seem strange to ngrlcultur 1ls In ttooe high chnmbra of the mtalnssald conditions being heay rains long continued which linen beaten doan the boy amI rye crops nnd have rotted whal had been cut from the Fame coon the potatoes have failed to ma lure and what there are of half grown mlfrotted tubeis are affected with a blight that renders them unfit for rood It is even wild that from eating these diseased potatoes four persons have Icon attacked with acute cholera ymptom and one role hun pro1 fatal John Dillon the wellknow n Irish patriot and statesman declares thaI there Is f Immediate danger amIDe am-IDe and he demands the convening of parliament at once to provide relief work In ailvunceof absolute dltros In making this demand he Is I seconded by Timothy Harrington who asserts that the Inhabitants of the western part of the Island have nothing whatever to fall back upon and that unless the government takes Immediate action a repetition of the scenes of 187S ned 18 < 7 may be expected ex-pected In Qlenglaroff the Inhabitants along the seaboard arc in a state of destitution They are attacked periodically peri-odically with famine fever and thy are being pressed for arrears of rent by the trustee of the late earl of Bantiya estate These arrears originally origin-ally amounted to 13MO and were bought by the trustees for 7000 Having already collected il2000 the trustees are now trying ° to extort the remDlnder A shortage In furl alt exists there Is widespread dlconlent and 110 small degree of despair and 11 I almost certDln that the alproach ins Winter will mvitncne riot not dl lurbnncea of mnDclng malnltud |