Show N Iork 00 Dniot New York Oct LTbe Herald says The gold Democratic city convention will meet In Cooper Union today Prl Ir day and endorse the Tammany ticket The consideration promised is the nomination by Tammany or Francis Fran-cis M Scott to succeed Justice An utc dr of the Supreme court bench and other places for athe organization There will be slsti nee to tire en domement In the convention and 0 bIt frum the organization will follow which will wreck the machlno Tho leaders held a caucus and decided de-cided upon their course Former Mayor William II Grace and Mr Scott recounted the Inducementawhich had been offervill and Insisted oIrd upon the endorement Ther wa a limited opposition op-position because Mr Grace and 01 Scott carl < their Point The strnlh of the National Democratic Demo-cratic La on election day will go 10 Beth Lw I Pormcr Representative John DeWItt Warner who has bn prmlnnt In the council of the National Democratic party heads th revolt In an Interview Inter-view he said tIm t-Im afraid th National Democracy may support Van Wyek so far n tire New York delegates are concerned The vote will not bo unanimous but I doubt If there will be enough to prevent pre-vent It |