Show I I A I llll IlltSIDhM AMI UIAII IOU I can I hall aip 1 Bald Trcsl I It cut Mclvliiley to the Utah delegation i which waited upon him on Moody and riquo < lrj him to bo present at the Utah Iloneer Jubilee In July next I Tile Presidents reiponio Is all that r could be wished for under the proton I I 4 flroumtanoi It Is a direct promise I i that II oOlell1 business does not Intervene Inter-vene to make Impracticable lor him i to cometheCalef Maglitrato will unite 1 with ui In celebrating Utalfsienal I I centennar III le also probable IUal If I Ij i the 1reildeut cornea he will I be accompanied o accom-panied by several members of his I N catilort In connection with thaI tha-I I formal preientitlota 01 the Invitation then must Do recognized also the fact I I that several western Congressmen united with the Utah dgalho in 1 urging tie t lrdnl 10 lake a Wths teD f trip and their UlKoUon Chat he make It a lour 01 the Ia I i I 11 I clflo coast evidently had LOC slderabU I welgbt lathe present pro F I I eel therefore there Is a atrouz I I probability that Pieldent McKlnley I t willm hoatrlp lu the far West and I be Dt Utahi Jubilee sllfpl as the I I PresUent ruuiarteJ the friends ol f tbe Jubilee will unlit In Bhcreolng I I lb less ouof Conrei wblcli they locticat t I certainly ought to do In the Intuicst of I their oomtltuents receiving u visit I I from the natlonj chief II I t I At the moetlnK In tbe executive i mansion yesterday the Utah ilulega tlou present comprised the committee l on InUtllobUorge Cliff Ila OG W Bsttcb P 11 Lauuu Frank J Uan 1 4 I nonJo ephL Hwllns and Wm 11 Itlu there were alto Hentori Warren li 1 I roll of Wyoming Bbcup of Idaho I i 4 Carter Montana Wilson of Washington Wash-ington Perkins and White nl Call I V tornls Petllgrew of South Ujkota Cullom ol Illinois unit Proctor ot Vor I want Conertiemnn fjbafrolh of Colo i J 1 redo Delegate M A Smith of I Arizona U W E Doraay ol I l Nebraska and Attorney C 0 Whit < A < temoreol Bait Like I t 11 The foimal Introductions were made li by lion George Q JannoDwbo made I the opening address on behall ol the delegation and extended the firit InviUtlon ilthougn the regular r press report yesterday did not I mention title not I or even Mr Cannon preienot anJ also patented I pa-tented Ujvcruor Wells letter whlob I was the tfficlal nquest of tile Blntu 1 J I for tbe President to cone Following Ibe reading ol this letter the PretU dent said be should like to accept bat could not leave I Waihlngtou If Can greis were In seseinu Mr Cannon tug geot if that theta was reason 10 believes that Congress would be through In A time and Senators Piltlgrew White I Cannon and Culbm ixoreiel a similar I t I I simi-lar view whereupon the President I I cold thru a shortening of the session would < pave the way for till accept I r ace of the Invitation Congressmen Klnjot Utah theu pioituted with a I nest pcb the memorial on wblcb 4 was the ktcilpllon of a Pioneer 11 bulletin on the pUIue Ploneori I camped hero June S 1847 making I mak-ing 16 miles lodnj All wel I HIIIUIUM YOUMO Ibo aildreta was theu read by lion P H liauntn of I Bill Luke AI the close of the road t Ing the President remirkeit that the neht WAS Well Worthy 01 a gellefAl ii t celebration ana saidsto I reported Iu the I Tribunals special dispatch this morn Ingi Ill I on 1 shall go Heuators Ptrklns White Bboup Carter WIN son and Warren Itepreneulallva Bbaf r1 I rotb and Delegate Smith Ilion urged I the President make the vlllt a trip to the West receiving reply that 11 I 1 be could do lube wculJ The Burn I i bore of the Cabinet alto were Ili v tied to come to the Jublltr aud made the same clooditloaall aceplaue as I the President ViceProsldoiit I Hotel III ta eHwO I was iqvltcd 7 Lot stated that fie would not be able I to rome I Nothing better uuuld be asked for from the President at this time than the acceptance bo Rave and It li f incident to Justify Strong nopo ot bU 11 presence and ol a presidential tour of I 1 its Wool In which each wette late and territory ti Interested That I L I i tuob a visit would be ol general boom I atin augmenting Ibo unanimity of 1 national sentiment there Is I no room to doubt as shown by the reulti ot I I l previous presidential visits tJ the West and that President Mi Kluley am his party will be warmly welcomed for Ihelr own personal worth at Amerioin I il cllncf and will be honored slid t ik TMotodallh becoming loyalty grace I kl 2811 a 1 I and dignity BS tbo tiprotontatlvta alb a-lb greatest Ilepubllo the glob Is I aha a certainly May the West have Us opportunity ot welcoming Prctl dent MoKlnley on a tour to this purl ol the country the coining Bummer and may Utah enjoy the felicity ol 1 be nations Chief Magistrate at her Pionter Juullcil |