Show ifftwaffors Advices BAN FRAWJiiCO May 10 The steamer China today brougnt the following fol-lowing Hawallnn udvlcei HONOLULU May 4fha Japanese Japan-ese cruiser Nana should soon arrive bete having Itft Vokosnka on April 0b Bbe brings Commula Akyamu of thu Japanese foreign office two Japanese newspaper correspondents cor-respondents and three of the lmml grants lately minted a landing here wbo now come lo serve sa wltuesiis In the Investigation which Is to behold be-hold Is TuaNanlwa also bring formal Instructions In-structions Ito Minister Bhlmamura from government their gilt being that ho shall charge Hawaii with having violated the existing treaty In February lu refuting a lauding to the Jsptntsa ImniltrantMiieventlng them from employing counsel and Utollu I lug lo entertain the propoilllan for a suit at law to determine the rights of the cars |