Show JOHN > NIIEItnANS illlllllllAT alias ro they or auto Give hap Ua 1 0 Alltisiti11A GllI WABIIINOTUN May nJohll fiber mat tile Secretary ot stale celebrated ulo 74ib birthday Just ulghi The white marble mansion wtilcu faces Franllu Biiuare was aoltze with lights and filled wlttl the perlume of choice llnwirs Tbe reception was notable for the dUllnijUlshed aseembiaee of guests wbloh Included dignitaries of all the foreign countries us well as the prominent promi-nent oOlolals of the United mates Tile reoiptlon ball was decorated with palms and polled plants while the fragrance of tailor llllee pervaded the atmosphere I fbe Best mud hostess were assisted 10 reoolvlg by their daughter Mrs James Ives McOollumDII miles and Miss LIlo IIbmu Mr Satins an wore a gray Bilk uuwna collar of polbt lace outlining Ihu bodice There were Ilbut3oo euials Including cabluel cere the diplomatic corps the longterm anti rprIIIUV lu Con grtmi |