Show 11 I LOCAL BRIEFS t I I A privato letter received today from I 1 it I 1113 K 1lnlooll vho lit I chaplain In I I tile Second Imaltiorr Curt witis Col I Wlllard Toune In Cubit Plates that they I ik I expect 1 to bot mustered out of the Per I I vice III Smannala in about Iy 10th r Last night the foremen allsayero call 1 IIII = m 1 galnordirs and cifflesto force of the llancluer t I monlelter hl Prolonged to Hulmrintendelit I It r 31 Tellune a beaull1u rollloo desic 11 1 C W II Tmn mail 1 IhInnlIIn I j I I I The DItlr look place at the It = ot Mr Trhu e 14 i 1 1 AMISH I tnYth report that r i I JhUA Urretivioul J still J It Itantion ol are tandlitatts fur thodistrict attorney Iltll rfll I r1p APpointivallit In the I Fifth district I It denied by thove gentlemen They Pay r thOJ ate not after the plans I 0 I Jennie 10 the alfcof W J 1IlIon I the I t1lI tit her home i rmigtateramn JII 1 1 Nol III as t reond SOuth street y jt I I strategy Flat vx A native ot 11111KI oent and was 4 CA 4 axe Mrs or i I i 1 outleuav I I Ita Short 1 ad false Children I t 11r Intnl child wax burll1 two wk if I I I I 410 Tho tunrol will take Illace limit I J I Header 1 Whll 1ln lowered alluvial Va hn I a I i 1 1 J of the In Tree rnln near Diamond I I rocaterday rItnbrotM Kershaw had a T coluPle of fibs breakers The rem on i r the windless I bo unit he fell a tile I A1 tAn ot1 tl Air Kha wa I throught In total eveninir shot volarryt 1 h llrr It his horn tin 0 anti Third I streetig Ito I J I goxviting better I I to Dr F A Meahtharst who to I writ I i Nq known In Salt 11 and who was ap Intool major Pursilign Of Colonel Will i f lard Tuunll 4notimpro ham an dllln I I Julh1 rfI In 11rhoollitAt I I Service in Cuba thAt fie hastteen appointed a 11 11 mr anti brtmeaho milestones of volun I i Itol AlIhouh hill Imnl Is I 10 lie musterI out JIajr Meacham voitli be I I ormitinuef i t this service 1 The applaint I 1 f Moot will nol Ik effect IInlll Its Is I i trill scroll out Ali regimental 1I1JfOn ot I 1 thfSecont enatnerm I I I Another Utah volunteer who enllI1 1 In the arrnr unit vrent to the Phillp i I i Ill Inc In Private to TritogriI John woundNI Isotopes whir This went time I 1 I I Iii 10 Itanilm with the VPdgWO0f roo i j II rull Th Army anti N Jnnrn1 j 1 I Ilutillah the following In I official i at of woundll WoundedPrivate norlt X Im I 0 t II John ItalfrM battery A UtAll Atillb I I back Petailadverts Mr Itogres hAl i t many friends hr still the novice of laid 11 misfortune III be n 1lnrul surprise I I I 10 Ibm as no telegram Concerning II m1 j I I has hn rectived M Tortsorruvor afternoon at tile UnIver city a vunds tile Y All C A I tim I ti-m and a 1Ik1 nine front the other i i r I came of the city will meet The Y 31 or C A has been trinforarI ii toy two strong rJ 9 outside mn 11Caulln ot 1viviville I ft And lIyn ot Portland And throw mn J o will bon the twittrY In tile comid tomorto I Il I F nw For the All 11011 IAk train Him brought formerly of inI City 11 nj I Ilrounia not Jackson itt the Tweraly 11 fourth Infantry will let the battery 1 11 Marietta Qt the Short I Jam ltevl call I 1 I lain ot Ih looallIn llovill11111 at the I I I I lIIh School Holt and NIkhn lit the I 1 I 0 and Oarff of ilia IT tat Do are 0 the Alay menIn if l4ekI nine I Tilt gains menI I bo called at 330 Alit I I Uon rKV WIIWM AS 0111011 PMtVr and tlrlmn as umpire i j |