Show CUTAIX DOWIKS FUAKIIAIi A roefpondent of Ihe Army and av7 Journal mcysl Tuncrol lervlce 1 hOer She rcmalna of Captain ChI Dodge ot the Twentyfourth Infnnlry Mho illrd at Hlbunry Cuba laI I July wtre held Thurfday April llh In Ar limton cemetery Captain Dodge wa rll fI well known In Waihlnuton being I n na the of leucgrt I Ion Ha one all on Ihe plaIt of leneral Illlu I ron t lr ltd to Manh tilt wai promoted to th nUuiil rank of caplaln In I lul fourht In the Indian wan und wa mteelalIy i l nttrreted In the nHln with roiille rrd I kin near Hattltinak Mprlngi Ten Auguit e lila rcpanle and concle tisussl In rIse 1Ihorn of all tsily he 01l1l1d the seslent ot neimbot aol JunIor |