Show 1 SALT LAKE AND Ii OGDEN LINE Making Preparation for D Big Season I I 1 n ii Sea-son at Lagoon I t itf 0lJ k l FLOATS 110NDS f 1 i f I I I t The til rn Irpl rrerk 10 In I u 101 rrlalnlrbr I I PUn P-Un Mantcer ilambercer accom r I hlolI1 I < Tilof in lnter Vail went I t over the line nf the Hilt l ke A Ogden t I railway yeilcrlay wllh a lew nf making l I mak-ing all Improvement neceiiary tn 1 i I openllng th ruad wllh Ih heaty loco I 1 fo moHtrt lately I received In nnler 1 In I 1 iibike the lime between lagoon and I I Pall lnkf In thirty mlnutei dutlng the coming teaton At Cenlrtvllle a new utallnn and tiding I I I ing It I being conitruclcd which will doa do-a wllh one of the itopt 1 heretofore mail at what I calle1 Iarrlh loine I 1 which will hereafter li CnlreMllo tta lion Al iJitoon ildelracki I hat been put In of Bumclent capacity an that thtee trulna can b accommodated r there at one lime Tho rt d It I being t H extended from Ijijoon in Iho north end I II ft Furmlngton The ilinclng pavilion hul been enlarged aa tn furnlih tut Il I nclent rapaclt for unlookrra lo teat i I cvmfurlably and watch Ih ilancer I 1 without UIYlne any of Ih urlglnal rtinclng floor The grand Hand an bluachtra 1 which wvr t Iho llfvde I I I track al Iteck > Hot Hprlngt have i I f been removed In lagoon and are now 1 11 W r r btlnr rtbulll at ipeellly at It I la a IIM 0 In he nnne Kleen acre nt ground hav been acquired for inli I I pur into well of the bowery Thl will I II mak on of Ih boil amt largetl bai t i lull ground f In the I country The grand j Hand and bleachera h a reallnic ca X cllr or 1000 lreont lIlr Ii 1 A bridle haa I n hulll from the 1 J I mainland to the IMnl an1 I a large I I r ItIi being erected on Iho Itland I which will iimtalii a tarltty I of Dili Mine tail jer a hot hou > hn been I erected ind a variety of flower and rhrubi therein contained will lie let out Mthen the eeaiuin nneni Tho flih Ing and boiling will ntlnue to Ixt I attractive at-tractive and It It I pmp > l In put nn a ntplhn launch A number of anlmnlt hav 0 Ipoon added l Ih menagerie and monb ato no on Ihl rrllln Inll r 1lfOOn The fire will b at heretofore twentyfive cenla from Hall Lake to lagoon and return and Inlnt will run m acheduM lime without any delayIng 1 Ih mpny r1 nn Ihollh h ullklnt 10 ndlo Ihlr bUI n Manu Oln h n Ing th teaton begin H YIJ Jr day up to and Including Labor day |