Show 7 S 'S i gyp rf L LE N Y t I IJ p J v r y t tM E X a r P Pi i yc ij rr M iI r Jr ii J 1 1 r 11 f A J I i x- x M- M J fr 1 c 4 Jam d' d dJ ii J Ji 1 H HJ Jf Im to f il ilA I If f i f A i r Y j iy H z ro m r h VIVACIOUS TO BRIDE-TO-BE Miss Jean Truman will become the bride of Jenkyn C. C Thomas on Feb 3 Weddin Wedding will take place at the home of oC the bride An informal reception will ill honor couple Jean Truman Engagement To J. J C. C Thomas Announced i iA A vivacious young Salt Lake miss has chosen Feb 3 as the important day for her marriage She is Miss Jean Truman Truman Truman Tru Tru- man a daughter of Mr and Mrs A. A R. R Truman 1042 Lake st. st In a gracious home ceremony she will exchange nuptial vows with C. C Thomas a son of Mr Ir and Mrs J J. J K K Thomas Harvard ave L D S Bishop Claudell Johnson will perform the double- double ring rites Attending her sister will be Miss Jill Truman Harvey Bonner will be best man for Mr Thomas An informal reception after the he ceremony will honor the newlyweds Mr Thomas is a former University of Utah student The young couple plan to make their home in Salt Lake City Prior to her marriage Miss liss Truman will be honored at showers to be given by Miss Doris Pehrson Mrs Burl Jensen Mrs Dean Thomas and Mrs William Villiam Burbidge Mr and Mrs Thomas have also planned to honor the couple |