Show ft E News in in Brief far or ar Plates Soon Simon A Available it jf Vt t City f County Building 9 o license plates will be t le Ie at the city and county I Ing Ing pg so 50 that motoi motorists may pay I It I axes t x s and pick up the plates same ame time starting Monda Monday continuing through March blare 1 tY Assessor John Walker said ty daY daYe y e tax tAC commission l to the assessors assessor's i will vill make it possible for apts ap- ap its ts to eliminate calling at the their plates Model r Train Exhibit rm embers Ii hers of the newly organ organ- SnIt Salt alt Lake Lalm Model Railroad k will place their model Installation on nn exhibit bad iad I Ithe the public Monday at nt fat at at organization 36 W. W 2nd South to Report t P port tort on diagnosis and t treat treat- of ot the sex criminal will will be beby by by y Dr C. C H H. Hardin Branch of Utah psychiatrist at sting ding of the Y Utah ah Committee I I I I I on Child and Youth Feb 2 at 3 pm p.m. in the g governors governor's board hoard room atthe at atthe i I the capitol The committee is isI studying studying- sex crr crime nie and its possible I I solution at the request of Gov J J. J Bracken Lee Wins Iowa Fellowship Gerald V. V a former resident of l Ia Magna na and ami former student at University of Utah has ha been hren awarded u d a 1 fellowship ff in educational administration at Ion Iowa 3 0 a State university uni friends in Salt lake Cit City were were informed Thursday New Adult Classes Special winter quarter adult classes in upholstery photo tinting tinting tint tint- I ing ing- and sketching amateur photo photography photography pho pho- to raphy woodcraft plastics plastic and leather and lampshade making making- have ha opened at West Vest high school chool said James E E. Haslam principal Adults still may register he said Apostle to Speak Albert E. E Bouen member number of the council of fir twelve e apostles hutch of Jesus Christ of latter- latter day da Saints will ili speak at a special special special cial metin meeting of Lambda Delta Si Sigma ma chapter members of University Uni- Uni of Utah Tuesday at pm p.m. in In the L I. D 0 S Institute Institute of Religion on chapel University Uni er University sity st St. St To Air Club Plans Newly elected officers of the Serra club will outline the groups group's I I 1950 program Feb 1 at a luncheon meeting in Hotel Utah Officers I I i I I I I I I I I for the year include Phil J J. J Purcell Jr 2233 Hubbard ave president John S S. S Kerns 1465 E. E South first vice president and E. E J. J Heiser 1311 Emigration circle I second vice president I Aviation Club Elects Frank G. G Gilroy 1878 1818 Yalecrest Yale Vale crest av a ave as as elected chairman of the hoard board of nf directors dirc tors of ofIa Aviation Aviation Avia Avia- Ia tion tinn Club of Utah at a directors directors' meeting Wednesday night at the club E E. E South Temple Sam B. B Kellog K lIo 2773 Prima circle and E. E Dale Peak Peale Bountiful were elected secretary and treasurer respectively fI op Co-op Wins Awards One grand prize and three sec sec- place ond-place awards have been presented presented presented pre pre- to the Utah Poultry and Farmers cooperative for ing advertising in national competition competition com coin petition at the National Council of Farm Farmers rs Cooperatives f s convention In Chicago Some 15 organizations including including ing the largest est farm cooperatives in the country participated in the national competition r I e p pO o r t e cd d Kenneth Hinshaw chairman of the I awards committee Ask Dam Action Immediate Immediato action to permit construction of Echo park hark dam lam was walt asked by hy t tho hI ne neI newly I or organized or- or Color Colorado do r river Cr development development clop develop develop- ment committee committe Thursday in a wire to Secy of Interior Oscar L. L Chapman Tho The wire was sent following nJ a meeting of the committee Wednesday edn in Newhouse hotel Some 21 counties interested in development of the river ri with such reclamation projects as Central Utah and Dixie are arc represented rep rep- represented resented on the committee B. B II It ham of Vernal was named permanent chairman of oC the com conr- |