Show AMUSEMENTS Gunning Ibo Hypnotist Tho bill Lake Theater did not contain en audience of van an average tlza 1 last I night Whoa 1rof Uunnlng began a watk of hypnotic lilt at that boos Them woo a great deal of ikepllolsm manifested tao by tbote to 1 ntteudanio aa 10 tbe geuulnenets ot bla wOk though It U I conovUed that he did or crclso considerable power of aomoklnd In the handling ot son ot hli tub Jtcu He atated botore beginning any of hla toni that II a porsou Inwardly rohol not to te bypuotl2id bo coulll eneoc lao yj poooor ovoo Item but with the maJ31I1 01 wllllug sublce tho petl gould ho wrlted 11 line IIlulrlloo oC tbo aoninambullstlotind oatulepllo stole with local subjectr and u loCh 01 them upon one uu turust a ladyd hat plu through the lloiiy part ot the arm and the subjeot dU not move a muicle nnd upon Ibe other while lu Hie cat alptlo 01010 end onr Koillog Ibo holy In a polly rigid condition and placed across two chain an attendant with an Immensa iledge hammer brake In plecta n hale rook Weighing three or four hundred pounds without without making any luipreitlju upou Iho rigid mosaic of the mbjecl nor were there any patnlul alter cleats exierlenced The concluding numbtr 01 lait evening ffo raui wag the tutting lu deep of Klwimt M Uitt DUo of the theater nUclue inr a I etlod of auventytwo hours and today ue Is on exhibition lu uuu ot the wIndows the CJhn Dry UooJa Co nod to all apiearatcua It re4tlug comfortably com-fortably In Iila little braia cot lerloctly obllvloua of Ihe croWd thai stand about outside kin clii be awakened on the tae uf tbe Theiter Tbundar ev ulu g If the prdeairn work l > properly time A number of tout wore glvee utter Ibo erlormaoc boo Ibe Leuellt of the uewipiper men nod till phyalclant several t of wh im were ireteul Gunning will remain till wok oo the CUoIaoli a goal many hluk him a woudor Th Dosedfits porrormnce ot 1iqu at Ibo Urand tail night wad something of a dliappolntmeut the usual Monday night attendance last night OhIo 05500 mJ to gust slxea and teveur aud everybody teemed to be rattled btiblud the curtain One of be extras engaged for lUll production brew down his part at the lent minute and this with tbu other hitches created lb ecenluo iota that ov apparent C The play dragged along aud Ibe humor of IjiiiOUU Jilakemore at DImple and Ullldld not ellr up the apathy which he other work produced Pique aa a play li I a itrong 000 and lull of good opportunlllei and II 1 li I certain with the familiarity which will came will the extra rehtumali It will receive and Inn nightly perioomoucoa dunlog the week thai II will arouao the old time Interest Kdwardi gave a careful I rendition ol Ibo role of Matthew Blandish I but old mlnl rolei are nol lu Walter Hue altogether though be thee lola wok well lu auy part Mr Kyle did lulrly well In I the leading tote us did Mr Furd though Harry Taylor will hay to apeak louder Roll more distinctly us otherwise the ill cll la lost Ito Ualob was bardly uu to Ibe standard as llugmony Jim lOtus Uttemaa was Ihe shIning light 01 the cait and her work was aa usual good Mill Ititle Mill Minbalf attic Uiokln and lIla Mllllu Mrs 1llo were all fairly good the latter however how-ever scoring more of mcceid than Ibo others ilque goes for tbe balance of r the wok with too usual Baturduy matinee Itio Lyceum Uf those who were attending Ibo theaters amusement last wtei the bulk were seeu at i the Lyceum and the way that they am plauded the funny elluallons Ihe singing sad other euloyable l fealutes ot town l ° lolca w uld Indicate that II wIll s000e ua lIIuall 01 u luaoe so upon n lorojer occailon here Hotter Alack Nellie Ltnuult llatrlco Norman Nor-man end Ibo otners are etlll with Ibo organization and their work contributed contribut-ed largely to Ibo evening oi > oiueul lowu loplci vlll bu Klvou every night during Ibo present wtrk ad there li no question nut what the pet foriuancea will be well attended Tbo regular eeatou close at Iho Grand ou May Eih and the menibire ol the stock com uoy now at that hcimo will 10 rill emuKenieuU in other cllle < while the Ulirn uud Kiel company naw of the Broadway the aIr Denver will come bore for Ibo tupplemetital season at Ihe UiauJ Ito lost productlou of the regular bkosou Willie ton Lighta ILjudOj |