Show Nations at a Their Musi Musts By AUGUSTUS Copyright 1923 N N. T. T Even Em World Press r ENGLAND II In Merrie England cen ago igo music reached a a. high hight 1st development History f music and poetry were by the Saxons Their bards or strela played and sang in and castles Only a freeman could own a and to be seen without I itji disgrace When the Saxons engaged in warfare with theL King Alfred in the disguise harper entered the enemY s 's sand and learned their strength plans In St. St Augustine Gregorian chant to England Ing mediaeval times a. a a great of counterpoint was founded d this chant There Is a w won n. n song for six mens men's VOICe Sumer is in which from fr-cm the thirteenth century skill with which it was com corn com proves that there was a flouri school of ot music in England a time Jl 11 When the Norman gland a romantic element en IJ Into Saxon music The the French court was reflected the Instruments were then Imp from France and Italy I The Elizabethan era wh which b notable for the revival of liter was also renowned renowned- for forIm Jin fm progress in music Ernest Ernestin Ernest Erne in his Short History of- of ofEr Music says Music w was e where app apparent rent Wherever monarch Queen Elizabeth was as made a special feature Tc functions H Shakespeare in his plays If constant reference to music makes it certain that it wa r. r part pant of the court ur J The most famous musician lan this period were we-re Thomas William Byrd the teacher bf E beth A beautiful song nod Hod was Drink to Me Thine Thino Eyes Ben Sen en Jonson the wor words s but the composer Is known Although about J Jold old tais s song is still popular r. r The folk tolk songs have that and robust quality that is chr of ot the English people the past the country dance dance vw a. a main recreation of the It Is now being revived Is i-Is dance Is in Its most form known as the l Ia POl d. d Some fine tine old British songs Sally in Our Alley The Bray and nd the danoe dance tune Lasses C CLasse Lasses Lasse and Lads The The pioneer of modern E Enite En Enc music nite c was Henry Purcell ll 1 lt 35 o Many consider consIder- DI glands gland's greatest composer jAl jAlof of opera that he Invented in vogue ogue for about two le centi centt He wrote sacred works and ands s that still retain their During Handels Handel's career h 1 J the ballad opera became The Tho first of ot these produced 1727 was John Gays Gay's The B Opera Be-Opera Beg Opera It was based airs and satirized the custom the day These red productions with the progress 6 of f J 1 serious operatic works worl 1 dV Up to the middle of or t tb their r century English mUSI O not of a ver very high t type type- l J group roup of composers aro arose e I sought to raise the stand Prominent among them Charles Hubert Parry born I Alexander Mackenzie l born I ICharles 1 Frederic Cowen born 1852 iSsn Charles Villiers Stanford 1852 m The fame of Sir Arthur 1900 Suji theM i 1900 1842 rests on operas which he wrote in coli tion with Sir W W. S. S Gilbert van wrote the famous song Lost Chord while a bedside of his sick brother brothe Sir Edward Elgar may ma- mabe be bethe Cl the composer laureate of Engl He the front ra rank OrLD ern cnn musicians Among are many fine fins s symphonies s an 3 great oratorio The Dream of |