Show UI U. S. S DESIRES fRENCH ISLES RITER SAYS Wants Cession of Antilles in Return for War Debt Scribe Asserts Hughes Told Diplomat 1 PARIS March 17 By A. A P. P The P.-The The United States desires to obtain cession ces I sion slon ol or the Antl Antiles les from France in I payment of ot the French war debt I according to Adolfo the Uruguayan writer In an article printed in the newspaper LEclair Supporting his contention conten- conten i tion quotes the following I j remarks which he says Secretary Hughes recently made to a South American diplomat who is a friend of ot the writer The Monroe doctrine doctrine- is the fundamental fundamental fundamental fun fun- basis as yell well as the unique strength of Pan-American- Pan Ism lam and it will not have attained Its essential object as long as there re remain remain re- re main maln European colonies in hi America The hour hur we are hoping for however will soon strike Ve e have postponed our differences s with Great Britain As to France she owes us too many millions for us to be able to cancel her debt for tor forwe forwe we are responsible to the people of the United States But In a few years the sum sun France owes will with interest have brown to such fantas c proportions that no country country country coun coun- try in the world could possibly pay it Will the question of or the sale of ot the French Antilles be considered the thA asked Mr ac ac- c cording g to M. M The Th-e article says that the American secretary declared Certainly and we we- hope the French will be become ome reasonable an and will not refuse to discuss this questIon question question ques ques- tion with us From the viewpoint of ot our military and naval defenses these islands are of vital Importance importance importance import import- ance to us while they bring in nothing nothing nothing noth noth- ing or practically nothing to the French I hope and with me the entire public opinion of ot the United States hopes that the French government government government gov gov- will wUl end this by an under under- standing |