Show STOCKYARDS IN SALT LAKE TO TOBE TOBE BE EXPANDED Sale of in Bonds to Enable Exten Extensive ive Improvements Improvements Improvements Im Im- Im- Im in Local Union Establishment NEW SHEEP DIVISION TO BE CONSTRUCTED Cattle CaUle Capacity to Be Doubled J J. J H. H Manderfield Manderfield Manderfield Mander- Mander field Announces Rail Spur Tracks Installed Plans authorized by the board of directors and the stockholders of the Salt Lake Union Stock Yards two weeks ago and made possible the sale of in bonds will make the Salt Lake Lale City yards ards the biggest and most modern stock yards ards in the west without ex ex- ex Word Yord of the final writing underwriting of the bonds was rec received i ed In Salt Lake today by J. J H. H l manager of the yards ards when he an announced announced announced an- an the detail of the extensive e plans for Improvements The bond bonds were underwritten by Carsten and Earls I Incorporated of ot Seattle through the Los Angeles office of the firm the detail of the work being in the hands of W. W R. R AnOrew AnOrew Andrew AnO- AnO rew a former Salt Laker now connected connected con con- on- on with the California office of or orthe the Seattle firm Mr Andrew was former formerly associated with M. M t. t K Parsons In this city NEW SHEEP DIVISION The Improvements at the yards will wilI incorporate the construction of an entirely new and enlarged sheep division to be located to the west and south of the big sheep pavilion completed last year ear for changing the present sheep division division divi divi- sion into cattle yards which will double the cattle capacity of th the yards for tle the installation of a new loading and unloading dock of ot ten- ten car capacity to serve the sheep division division division di di- di- di vision and pavilion and the cattle yards ards and for for- forthe the erection of a modern two-story two office building at atthe atthe atthe the entrance to the yards With the authorization of the Improvements two tn-o weeks ago work was started at once and the grading grading grad grad- ing for the new sheep division fin has already alread been completed as has the installation of or the necessary spur railroad tracks for the new docks The tracks will enable the yards to handle two trainloads of cattle or sheep In or out at one time a facility of ot prime Importance to shippers The general construction work at atthe atthe atthe the yards ards will be started as soon as ag the livestock show booked for earl early next month Is over and It Itis itis itis is expected that the work will be entirely completed In the early su summer miner OF VAST IMPORTANCE Salt Lake City will have ha a a. right to be proud of ot the stock yards when these Improvements are completed said Mr Manderfield l The Importance importance import Import- ance of these yards to the Intermountain intermountain inter inter- mountain country and especially to this cit city Is not known to the average average aver aver- 1 age citizen because of their location location location loca loca- tion In North Salt San Lake Laie However as a a. means of furnishing a a. ready outlet to shippers In this territory and as a provision for fe fending feeding for tor shipments going through here they are of ot vast Importance The amount of money represented by the sheep and cattle handled annually at th the tho yards ards runs Into an enormous sum suni Started Just a few years ago the yards have been gradually and successfully sue suc built up by men who have hav faith In this region and who have hae evidenced their faith by hy the Increasing in increasing nt- nt creasing Investment of their mone money The Salt Lake yards lire are recognized recognized recognized from coast to coast Bu Buyers ers are here from all the bl big centers at frequent Intervals Shippers of or cattle ha have a quick cash market for tor their stock and the prices obtained alwa always s 's compare more than favorably favor or aby ably with those thoRe of ot other regions The stock shows 1130 have of ot course had much to do with this success be because he- he cause of or th the thousands of visitor which the shows bring In addition to the number of ex ex- ex |