Show New i0olocril Ilto 11109101114111 9 we 11loorld Callas 6 Were C I it Postal nl Iocr otemse Cvrull Jackson County Flotilla September Jd st911 1 a th lJlio We lake pleasure In penning a few ol out experiences since Conference held ay jotlt and jilt Killer Brigham flearalsim and myself were appointed llo abnr In I Oadsden and Jackion counties among Samls and friepdi and ran say II hat since 1 mat time our sarrowshave bn law nl ourjuys J many one Ittot e will mention may fee of I rotleal 10 our many readers On entering the four City Of Quincy the county seat of < idsden County ive In line nl our my called on the Editor ol the Quincy I I could 1 and 1 found him to be an aged enlleman ol about evenly On Intro O uclng our dies we learned I that his ante was W W Keep He said he went ti t > Utah In esrlydaysln A company ed by Parley P Pratt and remembers well 1 llnlum Young acting of Governor of Ulan He related some early emmlicenCM ol Utah tous 1vhIC9 were Interesting One we will I mention II I le says he went lu the home ol Brigham Young with his feet badly Ion at one lime and stopped and was In I the care of llngham f r sis weeks While there A man by Mill of Worthington Urilhth died In Governor Youngs care land Governor Young gave nrc Y 5 Jr Keep it piccolo that belonged to Uilflilh Mr Keep has the trcaiured Instrument today and showed It I la in ll shoos Us ago as oell as does Its orthy owner Alai talked I freily r I with us and with high spirits I He il now aardlir able to get around owing to being I alfcc ed In I one si te with paral > sli but looks biltht and cheerful one expects lu vim ball Ike CIt In I the Price late also Ittyalsole the onl one I mong many living down here Hut can say he has seen the lace of the Prophet oneph Smith Our labors have been crowned with reasonable success In getting before the people and we are very greatly en ouraged with our situation Traveling as the Seventy ol former dar we often find ourselves In I the monotone of the most popular class ol the country who arm eager lo hear what see have tu lt Sometime I ago ew hal the pleasure LI being entertained by the chaplain ol this tale asylum who deserves praise for dt tunpnallty He remarked when wen ild 1 him good morning I lhat he had earned something and hoped we woulJ meet again Thus the great beam of prejudice J Is I bear rapidly removed by r be divine plan and a better feeling I as eems to prevail 1 than al In I for ther years I tlCIIAtl llAILAU G o Koukus |