Show puqvo Ilium UTAH Oar Iu 111111 l l llcckutll mil Illller Acquitted In the on ol Id Hill TI John llickll 09 tndaulj ruoitmi far a Use suit was overruled 16 + tir Jiy aflitnion John llrtkwill Ib ill a Jiul I thou took the Stand lie entitled lint law milli bit heather David rim to Need I on Ibe title ilJuLewuen I May it lived hit they ruitto linultli for Mti Jukliui i > nuN > Mln 3 emitted li the noibi ol Jhli wil Wh lieu Iba beui they law Win Ililiir unloading coal learn him wiiruu tools waiiiaaaliiK nil IliiWtwlk they not out tl 9116 luijf and John told David to I iinitln behind and Ila waiktJotir In I Until I with kii plilol I WII J li in Safe I head lie it its lj Ititter and a i 1Y 11youtieveruillodstry HtMoJ It Mm lo kill you lie hold i 11 I UlMt Votes In sued Ibli laatll lllllt looked up 0111441a 1livoi Ihooloa left ekwillir iili tliiolbo bind him and nlJt No You at not worth stioUlln1loollato on tba waion II led tell take It uf of your taldo00 II It started It 11111 air tile coal and aib uldao Le bind bh btoiiir David who bd com up behind him took bulb ojuUnl tmtniUr series he nd Itiltoritooped down end picked f dWI up a tlflr 1 which In bad In the Wagon and two shto wage Slaves aluieil gifts fallaciously lie did uol know who Read First John then look hold of HiUcti rllli ai a lllllt lala ed on th wagon and ran Willing might IIITI inured the falls wlilib wn sun HIDE II did net know Joe II Mclw WHO IllJ kDOTTII Ilock ill ln ot II ynti azo whole ho i to in Ilut IIIN tube at that time bn iutiili > j for r ue and quif wii good and Jot A roonin ol ltbl tOflad that It wn good flow flu fury wai Instructed by The null Bud after being out about fifteen lulnuiei lilutneJ 2 Tirdlit ul col guilty No reference wn raid elusive file trial of Itso eggs to the supposed Congo ol 1 thealloatleffthot lotions between lllllt and Mil J ibn Iljekwill with ibaixcitiltunol lb > twlimonr train Ulil CSI American I Falk I witnesses to Ih Ie Ilial John had ilia Ibn 14131C Ittlat thit Jt uir bad alone oil with lilt win rills John did noldiny ilnjbllilj be light Isayfasild 10 AIWOIIII the lUckwill CM wai given to the uty Mr Oscar Moylt at tustany for Vul Illllar iilliil whom Information cbiiKliiR auiull Who Intuit lo I commit murder hid silo bases filed asked that his client on bo callus as soon as podlbli aih did not Ibluk It would take 101 to dlipoi ol the rate and bal Dell 1 wlUtnri wanted I leave l on < li > nixt lulu IKHiLull Altorniy Uatb aikvl li ho tile on lralit want > l = lulllclcnl evidence to omTlcl but this did Suit fell Stalin who wanted an I acquittal iu the Records II a court I Ws 6140 lf Stan I niontbilMt Hunt I wai iMllUj li a trial I but It I was iliettl i tbit Water Had but Um atriUitd 1611004 aiktu leave l to jI 4 national II t I1 which was I a ratill RIJ n ally 1111111 entered a I laniladanialr 1 vleaLf P 1411y the A 0 1 II hid 14111 laid am The lulumiiti a Mt llitU stilted be had lo DtJJiioil in i rtienll he was latliflMl deli atil hi I left I In nil deffuto from the bylience I In the ItAk I I will cue I Mr 1 Moyle mini Itllltr to the Hand I 111alf i lllj llo Ha lilltl1 that UltlJ llgtkwill bid j not Ulfu lot li filed on Itickwtll Id State he lead CIO because be Was afraid David would shoot bodies fho Jury was itselluclais to main a verdict I not guilty this will In all titbibllily Bud sty further tell I logo I scraticall11 In I 1110 shooting a7 mission offia ad 10 much excitement list I at the time bresupa II II nI lit ly that Details XMIterall will live very Scale bud lu likelihood 01 his mI1 condition itt Uconiiug mob II bi UMI I fly bit he can be cillH to local account for fill part t In the irlilt |