Show A IIIIIIMLIMIIII U IIUi The history of Ill DC Hllkifr lin I IKtilinlnlfltr way had comniunl cillahi 01 Ituiila now traveling IMouih tills nunliy u I an Instance of Ibis Incomes that first ly always il tends well illiicloJ ifftiu lie filet come lo I Ohio couotly In IBM and traveled all over the 1 ul lod mlddla Writ InUt ha returned home tut owing lo some dliigitttutnt Utwtrn 1 loo and hit falbir 1 ho dtUimlbtd to return 10 Amilka and earn hit own breed Tile story ROM That al tint he icclt4 work In a bop al Wain wiltbl whole be wn Kttu a Chance lo I mite boll lit WON known a > John Miglll After a while lie I went lo I Aigimtlnr whtitbl ciniian nilnMi Finally h iiluiod horn and walked at au tuiliiMi hut lit rapidly advanced and bcanit The Instrument of building up the tailioid ijilriu of Ituiila The trinceff skeonotattled hinst aD his travels and ihmd with him hli tail cutfoiluntr Alpiticnlh lion of The trusted idtlitii of the till In mat tin ititilblog trithis communications of the empire and undoubtedly the IrDHlbIu railroad mill coo plated will be a monuminl la hit tndoml table will and Cleat gtolut The visit DI The lIuuln mlulI 10 the Uulltd Htatta this time U a bur tlid our tot the ICM9U that hi has lo tests his Imperial alsoter ou the ad 01 Nombo Lilt it will nevertheless be 01 practical value for lb country In the Interest 01 which II Is I UDdnbn I |