Show Sports and Pastimes iifrlrJ JOT1OITHIM will ib lllurrlablrroprllor me llrirr lo hire sUpplY 01 blorolll 1110 etlaupplr iBllad of boliUtlDK upllelr courage lod trying 10 1 tllll Lblr rcodlr mu IIrolo by ayiPiC 115 bloroo II I only umporarjr true a Noah II oU hid tire fopl > to I1 lu ntOf lbs wsl ttr loonY dip but the earning did Illlle uooJ 10 will It be wtlb lb lIvery mm If they doni look cut The Now Yolk Vui lecenlljr In iitikUf ediurlallj mldi Accord lOtus lire aMunipllon 01 I hot dieters lid Llorelo tiding is l a mere fad on i trhrmeral bobby does noL < 55511 lotus luillflfJ Ildiullr Ih machine ba i 5nie loiter It roar lie that iii use ilorlj for ipirt end ieere tloti will dlDilnlih heieeller connubial else cmnlntfuploriilacellln lire poiular l l liner but before tint decline nil I In 1111 does occur Ibe pinion lit bicycle llJIngwIIIUtullleie Indoor nnd ex find gristlY Mulllludoiuf people yet hOldS la to aUVclid hj II Lul ass outbiD for rarloui uiee ai a meani ol niotmir treniporlatlou It mint con 110010 employed end pirniaoeiilly ir trialir aud uritor uuniben of lioile Very miny of them It U true roes never been horse bun but the necklIne will onehie thuuiinJiuf pin 1 1 In ill roll of lire Uniou u ha hate 5tiiid i on horse ml along with tut Hum wholly or In part Japan li I beginning to inaulfeil IMiitl In ejclitic o em bag l we way coIns lo heir lint sire Ii I rtifjirliii I Ir1II an allick of wboeli In I a terjr orate t low The land ot pigodoi eeioii the Wall already tin a rpre MUtallTo lu the field III I the form of 1 MilHit I ol the Jhlnero < < l > E > llon et WiiblniloD who ll I admirer of Amu Iciu I ipurlf 1 Mr hoe Cooed rb uile > Culler of eicltomeol when he ep leiriupiniedeleWaihlnglotiittreeli oJ li I a decidedly plcluie ue Silo cuuitilcuoui fljuie wheeling noOn I the 11 > i the OVId End lu hit BIO lriiuyel itoueoui dill irupellldn I till wheel will I elruCee H III I ClIP ine ClI-P rc Owing to Iris I blooiutr i costume I Mr bio hIdes S wemani wheel Iaud niouuU after the femiulue fublon hid he li I hIghly rliteu with tIll lent li I eYldnnl I lu hIS I Learning and trine ciptriilou whllil Idling ills dally olerolie According lu I the American Wiled nlII lb flenTr dlralluli lu tlis X ilonefMiret bell at Aiubury 1ark lost w ikpilor tu arriving 01 i thilr lluailou wlrd from lajelpnla wade Ibiy expected lu read tIle lath bo ni wag itarled the reputl hit there wore sonIc Lilly lailln In lire piflyat til din Ilanfltlug scarlet light and that to 1 was hhelr luliutlou 10 snake a III uiuphint entry Into the town upon 111111 wheels lilian lb lenIn rrlJ Ibe w or ad Irnelililmd pili rim Ode Suet et tb > depot by the tollre ouulitliin vf Aibbury Ior together nut Ih Iranra lInlu bee gibe Trllor furor ef 1 thin nor no-r Wheel club who wn ou Ihe leach tIll oIUOIIII al lue National meet nit August remarked Hut Diunr bad lieu outdone In the mailer 01 rordlahly and tbal the apparent ipon lallr 01 tin ruee1to loucned bit bull lOut Ib1I noourer turner ba Jnl hold shout tbe scarlet kulch iibuck ti from the wild and wuoly VIOl ClilUtlra how thai Chicago Iris 100b IWUUi wbeuloien uwnleg woreli or a lrulrllou 01 oDe i bneveeysve U IMU of Ihe entile opulatloD Jtjcb islet M V one in 1 Iweltv with I ii I Uoeie of Hie lame slain one In I flitetn per 1 capita wllb Its otbir fourteen wanting rebteis U I II I Labanue Ibe tier circuit nnan of theHpaldlng I learn boo uo wlih I to I lii nughl napidng and be fouud went I mi wireD the clan II roll call sonic lIurllll tbslailtstu days be heiiblpprd bonus lo bit fallur some odd 1000 citb of dlaui < Udi duly rrglilned antI the race lluie of oontut and liars where won ai Irophlieof bit I mttnt ci leulsl drover lull uiakii our > flUOU Inprlzii Ihat be hai well tIlts censor 0 Caball leslie I of tloosn ten I allrouud mm 1 In fort bate R wen Ult li he sleet lu e erjrtlll > lie uu uinakii W hcu stolsrn ysans old I he Loll the chamilsnihlpiif Mliili > liii valley one 1 uille iwlnimliiic noarJ Also u worlds ncord lum he took Up I iprlullui and hurdle raoluf In I hloo 118 oxcIIII lu I6UU IIn yoo rbiuiplouihlp ol 1 Jlliourl fur losing and wriiiliux Also aIl champion llilp of Nitratka and tecond Hate cbiniplouihlii ol Mlnoiin lu Hap ihoiliiif Then he uwuej u bluyole In Auituit U9J Ujde hli nut Coos In Hiuimber 1881 sod duriDK I toe nenl I ysar turn world records i lu Ouainu lbs fu iler mile uuiio d which remalni until Ilili jay fur our I Login Aurora llorealli lo tiaTe a hick atJulyiHtli Tom end llertUIII nailed Ihl I morn ion tue Ttou Volley Idaho itnd mI l lowitou irk uton theIr dterllux11 reboot nod IDIull tu hare a great hills Welds rlloll through what I li to them lirra luojunlta l eryoue li lalkluir ahoutfie bloc I raiel that route oil July lllhntJIiki lInt HprluK Cyol Iraot the fillowlug lilbellitoleTnlitJ I Le oooteited lur lue winner receIvIng the tiuirnt quUaool 11 j to culll caal yi gold OhiO I uror n xr laeait o liTlf l Oonlleyornc I i i ukiit Dm ihlril inilo iirilcl rln A I L i k m I Wt II i b u 01 LI n t M m uSiil rijiri f This one mil notice I jrowlie to t La nT lll1lorlloe roc ci ruany new duels I bare 111011 ail all are elur iilned lo I win 10 a rloiely con hetao rare to I uplot1I wIth lIre uiiial Citrus Mconipammem m laou n tile torciiing ooiunmuoii I tiVelllAeianiliirandMcCreal I C rho rlWou bolell raolng learn of llf6rnla are In the olty In act Ibey J niinmncea I lo train at lloai Hot nrliKi cycle rook yeiierday ire Itstcry parllolpatlni lu Ihe racm I loueer Day Wild coma lo ui wIth a ipUudld reoord and Hall hake li HoUMja anxloui ai be 10 sis him try concluilon with Her nt McUroi I ol r bios Aniceltf on Ibu Stti Urrialnly Wtili4 rldliiK li I a model fur nil would lie ractri and the w1 he hew rouoil the track yiilrrJay atlrrooon wllboul a wabble was a cnullou Tin trick luioiiiiruenl nitul bo con Brmulalnl mi itvllilK 10 I1Ih < h litlent Mo town uf iurM 10 1 lu hire Union vin IC I duoeiuoli an army of hOlll grown icorchere ai tan Hill l tube nuJ liny alone can furnlih ai ha < Uiu prow I n II ret clan liernoon rnlertali nirut Hlll tin publo limit h l tatried to Uo nut content with nicurlnit the California oiuiluic ert Manater larlr promhui ui liOns bun cruck cia i II men I from Dinvir llrkihaw Irk and llamlhon will arrive In the city Monday In lluie lo limber up lor the IIr July 21 will be au Internllng runt fur tutu Ihu tubllit will Lo ablelo ItIIlC our boors rllorlt and tbohr ee licltyto I build their 11011 with well known curIos by au ocular ilimoniira lion aol I not by the cold blooded mathematical calculalloni on taper Fh Ibo Hut lime 1 l > iui fniloiirr Hcneflkl and Weller will be I llltlJ nialnit foreign elders ou a Hill Like tourie and knowing once rlIIar tint a few ol Ibe Tlrn will remiln at home allY bay Kraui hai beiiii HalnlaB Tery hard latilr and promlii t > make a general husky limo mr Ibo Uaoer oUo I bed ues not otirlielu fnatcbor alo hai bieu iUletly traliilnic al home lu Iwiiiaii on the llf Uli track Ihrre In oruir lo krip tbe lb Iah repulilluli next WeJniJiy Herbert lolleuearruOaICe that If Ibe weather pirmili he will mike a try tor the Jlun prut hung out by the TricL eiiivialloi lor the treiknr ol worldi renorui and will eodeuTur lo lower the one mllo njlu jtilt not aced class II worldi record of SU7 Ito I Amerlcin Fork Mud den III l pro pon to bold itnall meeti on Iuuerr day tIlts or the ghnftlrst hoTgsD or troth or road riclug It the irlooklng back wardi fully of grein and lud > vI n reilenced j rldiri 1ne li of power hoe lb ho-e thIn ai well ai the almoil criminality crimi-nality of Ibo set sluoul I preTeut rlJen IIOBI doing II In Oklahomi bbomeri are ticw worn with pliloi p keti There U I a juuug man lu town al 1 p resent who want lo iwlm anyonu let 1109 Al Ibe areialu molMt st ralr ouuiy olallll II sscucda bllor thau the recori on Iud yard he hit up to dale blutlrd oil all mouldbo ip 1 plloautiforaitfiiuaii lout were nol II Infra illjnllii Ion Ally Ilennitl I to eutir tIre Hit cr 1at Meran to gel lolo training t the rellrlug Hranger mltbl h ere a dIUorI 11010 till ere linuy 1 075 bad puiid hors Mantlnotio emphatically ton t-on by Halt Lake Lit full at Fort Douglai the auoolatlou foolish rlilJ i he had lain cult ot Utrmaal like Until time day ao when llltlii Moroni undelliok Ibioujli HanpiM pun lo challenge Miull hoc the chani plonihlp tbe county and lnclo > i > U I ly l for glory cod gold Tuiu Manll rose In Ibe majesty of her altbl laL l al Holurdo aDd aunJit au atmuiphire obicurrd by fraimiuti alltiguardi s calrlook coil varIous uoJry arllclei of f Buparoltroundtd Morunl lo the tone of lIeu goals to nil with the Ion of four wounded and one imaiDel knee c ell eltui uhn aou bow o < h 10105 moOl All oresouseirlOel I I |