Show aNLY I alall nil null i ur nn IIJIL I Thli It I au > ie ofitallillcr Clovcrn mentt romniirclil firganlntloui and leading I butliiMi lioutra tnakn II 1 a matter of Inturetl to ollita I generally or ludlvilunll everthliig which rtltleilu their I epecUl iiiulrvniinli ur InteitM Ilt ulna epculslo nivtrl I mlfuieor abuia the Infurmatlun oltilned ti I cl hall account com pared 1 with Iba Unoflli which nn geliuial Ihu knowltd whlob li valu ablt and table calculatlonr etc wlllclo when illlclil or aulhurllatlvr adroit not only tbu commerce ol HID woilJ but seem Individual lontunicr and l i rjdurir lino I figure rtrv unl reolta rIllY suggrt bOuuK steady the muittt Ir both lujir u1 I tiller nrlliulorlj the Great roll unhuial orlll clwery humr fro i Iho hlMhllo Iho lowoal II ro Iwiiiiluluoly rilUllruy II made lull > aa tlKtiria sun llmuo nit liny am rmlly lh Urumolcr o i In I very pllaa o of aupply end do maud Is l n mil Ihernui and iiinhln wiiuueflruia Una munlui from 01 i I weal to I over luuaod by dopes wolcnw 0 on till was of trod Cyolono norm tain druiilb latent Wight contingent or Uilnle enlor Into Ilieie otilruio and lo moat r rioiu unlntifeitlntirolumnioi flgurti Karmen with their grain hay eoIc bully lock are > all lab leled ai aro this producli Iho ranchman whore calloll tra 10 kilns to hul mod wool I I calllo and Iu lo imoraea end bide Iverythlng Uono hy Iho raiser of troll from toe liunitleit to Iho hlgbeft li vitlmalod Ibo proximate iuantlty and value of gtaptf orange 100IIon leaohelq applti and 1 hUll all of which when appearing lu Ibo a < uregatn lions cjmbluel only bewilder aud tusk ui aitonlihed by their lu > tyorlauco and l loiuienilty at well li I do lermlntd One of Ibo remilkablo featurn of flgureii end products I thun cauildered li I tbo Interdependence of attto upon dab aud nation upon tatlau Tubs Iho Item of cog ge m au Illnitrallon How few recojiiKi thoitatlillolan and dealer Impoilanoo and immunity of aupply or ajhiumptloa It li I olilinoJ that nine hundred million dozen eggs are la d I by tho hem cf the United I Slates blob al tho avenue av-enue of fifteen cinte a dozen I rneani It total value of one hundred and folly million dollirr or two dollar per heal for every clllien wo baTe Nat Don tout howover wllh Ihli auiailui homoeiipply there was ublalne from Cunada dune lait year nosily fourlenn million dozen tu lar nothing iup piles from eliewhire Now limbs annual homo crop of ut exceed In valua Ibo ontlre national prudent of moo and wool about whlcli 10 muuli Is l laid from time lollmilbo raluaof the tint being estimated el from lovintjllvo lo uUhty million dollati mad the latter wool uelweu llfly and ilxly mlllloci Vorllj ai the JjKllhin laii iu may wo aati Ilon Is I hII I anyway snot hD I forioolu Imports annually from Im uiaik tho lattundlng total of ono bun died and ilxty tnlllloni or nearly fuUlteou million dcnu Intonillngai Ihli tolo li I In 111 aspect but one luoro Illuitratlun ei hlblllnic She growth of au luduilry and wo must aha wiy for olbir and l primary thought Iviry ono real lia lo some extent the fruit Talus ol uur near neighbor Iho Uoldn itatr Mho begin ai II were but toe other da S la grow iltrui frullr but lait leaion i hi tent Into loam ultler ilalii II 0 tbcuiand I threo hundred carlnadi uf 1 stances lo any nothing of lemons for whlcli we have been IndebtedtoHlclly Europe iiunually fjr the riiormoui supply 01 two and 1 threequarter mil loon hoxeeof Ihrio la Ibreo hundred I and sixty lemon per box And l cyst Iho Utlgnlfleant ilrawberry rol lulu the Uhloigo market from a very uinlt radlui tome hundreds l carltadi every leaion Ibvonre amonk tboitnilltit hems Imiorlaut In their way uu doubt but ai the dull In Iho balance to the Invalculibio trcducli C aTe hy lliirei cf wheat corn cocas orb or-b bolt butler oliecie poultry putaloet etc all 1011 from the loll to lay nothing of load 1 lupplln from the gene and rlvtri or laemanulao lured pioduclnot loundrlet faetoilet irral smell ur dlvenlllid ai they iilinHlir U tha almoil Inllnlto lie maiidi and uecrttltlei of cur own nation and wherever unlurprliu can llnd a runktt errata an exchange If the Internal and l external com ame ot tblt nation were lummirlly iuiuuded mat exiileuca alone would ihuw how Intertwined l are the source U117 and the machinery fjr dUtnbulioii Molt 10011 know eniilbliigof born vail array it mlddl men whom Hue tile highway ul aMUuieu ouvtiileucabtlwuun Ibo producer and cuuiumir not that large army 01 trot ere ujeulr diuninitri tommliilii men and wholesale liuuiei but they know moro of that lulllie holt ol ro alien who cote lu dlregt comet wllb Sloe eUIlOr who JOY fcr all You find them ou avtry itrett and In every iielubborhoodi i f all uradui and iualltlio prelentloui and l utherwlir but under method l apparently all needed for conveultniu If not for lrlllll rue waul of ilxty flv mllllom are not eailly itippllvd jiiiumitlon It I continuous and huudrodi I null lulu ibis ranch 01 dlttrlbutlou ten lone keeplug ai It It I called l without 0003 iiudiritandlnK of Ibo primary pri-mary element nf builuen Inlay In-lay nuthlUK of lucctti 1u lIe trlLuto li I considered tmj to liaudle the floJucii of the farm end 1 roolor7 li I conildrrrd a way of living rumlilnx but little thought Intelligence or rep aratlon dollar enough to buy a ilock or credit enouifh to tecura 11li diemed limo ono thing ntddll and iu Iho ranktul Ihu elsa ore multiplied lid Inltnlun railnrm ncrur nmong fill elms with 1 el rllliii fruiuiucr and they bt avenge lu 1 Ihli country over five buudimj per month or fur lha lint sin month ol this year ul UOSD will 111 llltilM me living lUlnjuliii million dullaii Till ai agelnst 708 Itllurei with Hub lltlfi 01 over Olio hundred million ijllati diirlnc the tint tlx luuuibi ul lat year 11 li Inferred front loll clod uthur tymlumi limit tho Himl urn Improving Indeed almoil every iamb I of tride evidence moru or Icsa l oi a millon from tbe for IJ IUIIID bolMt threa yearn What ir lIrlllllho fallurae and hoe mi Itll lo limo wooly coons tilutru o course Iho whole tool Crrlalnlt lihow rh1 i itiumaaru annually 1011 I trade Ih t tunes flluro repreosut but ntlih u ot which It covered ty bd cble Jvl0 lime loon grads soil i i i iguuraiuv changloK TaI l U 50rr uui enough when ulluro is I n Ailed u uvercome HiiCi I o voJ l that comrara > lvo lube would bow Utah far below the average aver-age Her builnen mtu are ooniirva llvr liar irapulallon Insane lo r7 their dekts Jtilreocbmenl and l can lion have bcenunlvtnal and fillurti vary tone wool wheat ani stock her three great itapln autllde at 1 mining have all advanced In price and l her fopulitlon can live through a ranlo blob would proitrala a len thrifty Independent and 1 lelMuitelnlng community com-munity All lha prcepeoli > for droll ara today Inimanie to that whli feeling alter eaiteru capital lot internal development and the ritiUlibment fictorleirf one kind and 1 auctbtr time ate limply relatdcJ by lha nature of the population who with plenty yet without inonled our > plus ate only walling for the tide lo turndependent ae all other ctoimun lilei are upon the great outildo world for iomelblnt Ibal li I very much mo llfled here ty local training and by lbatphlloit > liyofeconoiulei which conclude tu do I without everything hot II cannot oanvtnlonlly reach Bu wtillu from every tectlou uf the sveral stales toms the aiiuranca ol Icitrjvid nuauclal coudllloui while old factorlei ale starting and new one bllug built while lrullle tlnrluiuber llvntock cotluii wheat tsiltoad sod l hub bay bo advancing lu 1 rice and looting the juria strings no excitement excite-ment center In Utah on the olllboi whether II loipr vei ur olheiwlic If the masses ore not exactly lu the con illllon of time man who 1I didnt I cure which way the wheel turned lie woe bound l U RU up time li an undcrlyliK faith that many tblnn are ai they are fjr I educational purfoni and l they ballevu that the remainder re-mainder l will bo made to yield III halved hal-ved of good lo those who look lu that direction Ai a unit In too great federation of 15155 and l ualloni the old 1 Uloulini at 1col l are not counting much un peat They do not leek to bo lioeleiily In liilwtneil with londllloni and 1 cemlng eveuli which cut their shadows even now They anllcl ata trouble Ihty look lot ovetthrow < 7 eiect dliluibancalnltidp and l Ilicy areai cured I thai iulllbrluni can bo maln > allied 1 only by wlidoui I more than humao and l that whatever may Irks II wIll through the crucible of divine put mi atiurrdly I Inure to the peace irtiervallon I and Mlvntloii of those whose pearls are not tel on the coda ol Ihu world or on rlchea which lake to tnernttlvre wing and 1 Dy away J |