Show = ANOTlIER VICTIM El8i Chard With the Border ct Hinaa Williams U1nRE ICU 15 t ylll IS l AHTOt IIJlIwl rdlIn + the HoJles 01 the I Minded ColUreu hood lib I > Cellar lbor appl JulllhD 1 ILO CJlICHO 1 r will blhl 1 1 at the 1I0r 01 ellJ c II la 11 11 f Jlolw t he UJorlou lour soeaxla tletuJ Ibo etlreeA murt Wit rtottbe 1loIoel t Tb1 1111010 ar jooll Worth Tn wet hff nUll bood 01 110100 IL ere Ib 1 tGs r ICIIUIIlIoUbl fh1 lb 11101110 t lai violent mound hai been tb I city III a wctenalmiitconcluilvely Lit toohtbtthe polloe found In aID or a-ID the nick bullJlurjalTul Sixty ttiri i tlnl which woo ulll by aod In which both I he ami Ibu Ho mil vlllTiroi Kil > > u iu W hrrea bonu bullom known to liavo Jeiin doe ownod by Minnie I Wll l iII i uanJ < a ia I I bah I i wtch chain wnlch Was uMlllvtly dintlOed ai having been rise proper yolbl Kill Thu chain wai Itiitam Mecosulied by < I Davl Who oc y to 1O t f itiei portion ol the tote formerly I culled ty Holmee when In the bloe UII Ih1 h h1 11 Mill Wllllaiui weir and which he 1 u > dot d-ot OMiiiatooccatloni retired fur ir Utlialu cUlliitJ to IICOKUU me but tO0l Hioo ho had lion ou a died worn by Mir Wllllaiue fee Bbutly discovery wee made ule t Dnlrluby n lorcu of icteollvie B o n Jeliay been ut work chI ch-i i the bulldlui from cellar to turret Tj fibre wet Hkeii up In patti the nlli 0000 tad and gnu bin Iron null clflully Impeded Ihe walle the vault were luund lu bo heavily I ha with atbietn which Ih police ililok war placed tnero for the nrpoo I oe JoIOE the Hound Tie learih ul the home wag under lien wuen the pullce Ilile morulue rtnld a coiuiiiuniriioii from tli IollJulphlau utiiorltli Ihu Lull l tat 1 HI oilelully conn over and tlio doom elevator whloli run rom itn d I or 01 > l the building Where llolniK ijU hit clllcr lu the ban mint wlthuui ml Ail irmrveuln Hour wai tried m every pjnbl I bianner cio Ibu Cup lluur lu Ihu room whirl vu wet by Holinre u au elUr eoJ an luuneme love fully viiihl fl Iii ellamoler will u door tuni dolly large Ir the adnniilon ol n UOIl body Into tlm Interior itch t ee liaJ In the tuner examination or thu 11000 hoylr 6eeu looked Into rirlir Kill mlck opened thu door t poked orletily ainuue the dehrle cult till cane Almoil luo first lbluj r toyed up win a human lour ndly chatted Hi haitlly jultid It ill sou lound woe beyon nil iiuei r1 a bunion rib of au Hull Ii e control of the ntove were t i s toirkiy dun fed und otter I onion ul l 0 1 1111 loo badly burued lo f admit of ileliientlllcittlou I 1 belonging to ay lticulr portion of the holy tern alto found A uumber of email olltl cold lu have been worn on the rout ol Mil Wllllmi dien were lickiJ up ru Pat alto about > lx Inoliin e acolJ watch chile whlcri hue wore All of the nIhe and elbrli remoteI 1 tool the Ilovo Wore eerulll preierved eta liken lo the jiolloe llloo where a more cat rill xmlnallon will be l ivleof them lomorroiv lie police rte now of Ito vplOIOIi tint not only I M Dole Wllllauir but her younger ale lir Ann and Ibo boy lluwara Plot Ell ratt death lu Ibis tioue IHHIIK3 11IEMIIIUI TuruiNTu Ooh July IU Today Mil tletcel II IJeutlfled Iho budlii of theo the-o eblldrru louud In Ibo cellar on 11 Vincent ilreH 1 ne thoin ol her girl hilt and Neill The Mlir ibe iden I fleil by her hair unit hue former by a I lecullarlly of Ilie upper front teeth I Hie wai not alloKvd Ifu any other snot Iheboillee lloth were in inch deiced Holt of eonIllIolI that II WM though thn < Uuck would lie I rim her A It wa Mil Jliizil ilit down cot p Llelyr and jblw d inniifliout Ibu trying ordral I unit tang itirrwarai 1br dicllrei ana Ibi ditton were I cruelly latlillod with Hi p derma etluu rbocu which blue auadUn nu Ilioilllri now haToagalntl Jluliuei 10 1 very coiuplelr and much ilrooiji r luau Hint mail out anilnit lillu ID jblllollhlu I witch loll < lds a grul IUlnl her 10 believe Ih1 the rleuued olll certaiuly beuxtradiled Hummed up lute tstbecaret Holnirt in lion traced from Ihu United Htatri told city with the ohilJrD Ill I eatlly 1 was citablliheif at the Falmer Home and Ibal of thu children ut the I Albion Then both I murderer I and vie tutus were reco nliel al the very icmt 01 tlie crime not by one wltuefi but tiy Mveral An IIrtllI di lol moll for 1 cammliilnic Inn deed Ii I alio cloiily town being due lo the fact that lire I7nll iy tluTMiie11 the CT Roil tutgutl I I ut i I aoy IIDlom1 ltia bllllln on the Itrto4 loin horrowoll s plI on tbs tut I day that to Kltle were loch lie I 11th oQllgeoc anywhere else > tiring II 411 mrreou for doing so that lie wiiliml to lUh r > bin for eamii iota > 1e > which etatemont woe abown be I 1IIIOLlllal All ibis 1J the going Irslivo I Ism day MID 11101110 torroli ltlho lromiblcbrllullne loCI 110m Ithloll Holme will ladt hord 10 n5ope |