Show f 6 I I EllI i i J Ell-I 1 11 r GOVERNOR MKINLEY b t cP I OhioSlno iiiniinnil a Jhiit With Him J il Al A Viclt to tho I I J ou 1libllo Mutloir 4 il = = = = I i f i I I Hat VtKfulty lash M < nd TalkitHi fMHt yttetn tad Hoc lit I tInA tI-nA Salnmm like Hill Vrf 71 Fur lvlh dull His ff YO I 1 1 handogi Ttfli HIV III TangM Sttfolor tts a 111striti11a flttl tan C ir I anI Hit nnt Magleilrhe ttv ltaJ1vtiiHit > HttnlG > Clt I HtwIlttoMt I > CmtrtitA rn > HWi 1 wMelsollhe I 1 arltf anJ Ht M I I oJl 0WIAM04 xlz jrs1 1 CsopiAlairro ft News C jmkud IM lair rr 1 18611 u c arpnur > Col u him Ohio August it l 11195 1 4 P 10 tA 0V McKINIIA is I M Juc r 4 nMenllil cumllilile I I t it p if hlve come from Waililnstnn V F to Columbus A h1 lieU I l 11 I r lie-U doing to make lilime I I I Irldenl ol ihe Iiniled I l I f A States Every one knOs lie Is l tul be 40 i ono of the Itnling Candidates before A I the rermbllon national convention I Ohio has declared l herself for Ida anil I 41 McKlnlcy clubs ate 1lnK foimcil allover I f all-over the Union Columbus ought to be I it the headquarters of this oinilMlgn and Ile petlel to rand a literary burwu at walk here There H I nothing nl tile I Und The state house Is l n torpid as A i k snake In raliduinter and lh governor 01 I uptwrently lto4 no HIIHO Interest In 1 I i Mlrepullmr than though he were Ihe i i M I I chief ejeciillte of one ill I tile luor1 I 41 terrltorlM ol Iho CSI i lie 1 1 is I lint olnB I a stroke to help along the movement I and he itfinn to ay n word upon I national politics for publication He i 1 J A vlll noll talk about Ihe > re ldincy and 1 he sale > lilt Ideas on public questions IA ere no well known that III U useflessfor I him lo mtlie any statement al the probable platform 1 If SOUK OK UCKINUVS CIIAKACIkKIHUI i I I have known Governor McKlnley for fti ft i I 1 year He I It I one of C tlie moil modiat I I r I men In public life Ito I Menu lo Shifts I I notoriety and u averse lo newspaper I 4 talking about himself Up to the present li lime he list mittniAiicslly refused to I I give anylhlnic of this character lo tile I 0 neuiixipern I and my talk with hint only 4 Ak I came through I I my long mcqu I strata I nce and I upon tile promise lhjl I I would big 1II0d r I old In my expressions I silent omo I time with him In his office at tile Hale house He I Is caller I lo gel at than any 1 I Internment clerk I In Washington I There I i ti I no ted tape about hK establishment I Uu unit through the rotunda do none 1 n-one hall and up 1 another and pa s Into I the anteroom wherohls pilvaicKcro 11W1 A 1 Uriel work If the governor is dist t I I Called Iheae direct YU to uo tight In A r and > ou find Mill Italty who 11 I now I I perhaps the most talked man In Hie 0 United Slate seated 1 ot a big flat < le kIn i k-In a mahogany chair with it iJlo of I 1 letter I and leletrann before him His J I I l private secretary maybe on llmo 11 pu a l I silo side of the desk but as n nits il I a thing you will find him alone and II ou 1 I have ever met hint befote he will be I I 4 Aura to recognize you He I has a I hen A onienal memory and he seldom forgets I I 0 1 u tume or lilac He pun you at onci I I at your case and tviuenlly docs not 1s 1 1 141 consider himself lo be any better or a Htcalir than IOU ate He I Udcmocralic I I in his feelings and actions and he u u I com healthy specimen commonplace Humanity He I Is a nun ut tile JICUIIL and he believes in Hie people and tan rjmpathUo with Hitni L Hr w I J good talker and can tell a Road story though he never mes anecdotes upon me stump As you talk is Ilh him you find tint he I has a humorous side to Ins nature and I he can laugh like n young Bacchus He has I a religious side also and lie never rats unuhliii against religion cten in jest He I is I a member ol me MtlliotlUt Church but I do not think he is a doctrinal MtthodUt l and he has his jokes flow and ihen at the upensrol hli friends who belong lo other ilenuml nations One of his stories for instance I gives tile reason why a prominent politician could nut bciome u llapiist I It 1 was because he could not bear to un dcrgo Immersion as he could not stand being out 01 public view fur any Un > III I uf little atilt I another was as lo Hie e Scotch heavier Un who was noted 1 for t i keeping the Saliluth and e er > thing ease 1 I he could lay I his hands on I A HIS DOMESTIC KCLATUINX I Governor McKinley has an Immense correspondence and the eliclilc ties I are kept hot with the biisliiiiis ol his position lie disp itches Ins orl < Ulckl > dlctiting the answers to Ins I Idlers rapidly and seldom slopping lora lor-a word or an Idols Ho walk up ami 1 down smoking cigar as he dictates Tobacco In Uil is I hit only vice fits netcr dilnkt and consequently Is I fue I from Ib fault which the man excepted I when he spoke ot having perfect wilt You may have heard the story Hit man remarked I There is only one trouble about m > wile him will wear when shells drunkl Veil McKinley 1 never ilrlnki and he Ir f r j dl I never swears His 1 I iloiot t iilcnJjicll me they have never heard him till u sory uor utter an expression which coud tile repeated the presence of ladles lie litondol the octal ol A ladies aud there li no more divoled husband in the United Male than la 4 His ulfe has been all Invalid for the past lucnty > Carlo mil helus devoid t all hit spire time to her the relations uhlch the two t Austria to tach otmr Art must bwiutiful Mm McKinley lliinki there is no iranln Ihe nor 111 Iluall I lu her InuUind She his an ill I luintiui i of him au hunt that it will be the filt thing nllo sees wnu 5lieiuakeiin ih I moining a and she nolver tires ol tlk i ilk bout him She haii urown much luiiti I uilhln recent j 011 anti she is low a mutt Hdl S h isaucautiltil wo111411 i and a very bright vile intolLetuall hi a Is very Illialluut I that tilt t ooaut I A II caild I IVr I Vr YrI fleas jaolitic I l She I told mo that site hoped bite u hI IIJUCU him I to fie so Olson tilt Dun canary Ulf their A sller vtuding Which 11111 OCCII IIU l4nuar The twolive very cllll1rottly ul tilt NIII luue in Clulllbn II governor walking back anti forth to Ills wok lit tlto hte IlUille II hllh a JUt cruoo tile way lib DOE NOT TAll post I Ali Al-i The governors life In uci is ijuiel A I At 10 r I J regular iptl coniparollvely uneveiitlnl I Jr Is I I allendlng Hi Ihe duties ol I his oHicc and now and then going oil lo I make opted In different pn of Im Unite in l Sum It 1 Is wnmletfut how many demanils therefore upon him for speaking He receive sccire r IB cimu every week And many ol lime are ncxom > aiileil with < Hers uf money lost tin I ether day he received I n letter I rnli rent Iknton I sailng that the writer would Rive him is u il he would deliver a speech these He f rep led thai he solmarch I II IIII ould nut t go whereupon i tile man sent n Ito oil letter I staling that If the money ul 111 ft Offer r was not enough I he would make It twice the live hundred and his expenses Governor McKinley however does mil believe In sptaklnj lormon y He looks upon Ins upesUm something ns fiiMiol doe upon his u riling and he has never 7ulaon I A dul ar for any of his public utternnce lie II peculiar fellow In hU Ideas ol right and his vleas upon ihi < question c1 I public Speaking com out HIM afternoon upon my telling him that I thought he ought to make a good thing Out ul hU > pc < cht < and that I knew other men who were Increasing their Income In 1 this way llefore ho hail replied I asked him what he got fora spctch und he thin told me that he had never received a ctnl fur such work Said he I tin not know why It Is I but there 14 a sort ol repugnance In my mind against giving lilY views on puiillc quite Huns lor I pn I mII bea Iwronganoul il bull I know It wou d take nil lloe enlhmlaMii out ol me if I knew hall I waatgiiing to be pvld at the atilt ill a Forl t mciting for lite renurks I made dunng II I have laid money Offered I me viry 11 olltn i but I I have never taken II Ire I i member n sietch w Inch I made not long ago in debate at title ul tile big eastern I universities on the larlll iue < iion I I look the piolecllve side ol 1 course und a Very proiniruht lIe trader had tile uthe side Shortly alter I arrived m hll city the proldenl ol I the institution called upon me at my hole I familial I the visit he look four 1100 nils out ol table his jiockei and laid I tneni down on Ihe What Is I tint COIl nald I 1 hAt is foryour spiich lonl < hl was the reply 1 Hut I donl want any money for Iho ipeecli I answered I did tint come here lo talk fur money and I cannot lake it ItWit Uc would rather I have you take It than not said ihv president Uc have paid 1 lint t inch lu > our opponent all11 I see no teaun why yea shuuld not Ila paid nsw ell ns he Well pursued the governor tile president continued to insist and at list I told film that II lie was determined = it he could pay my e peies t It would I cost me ISO lo I fill the tl emjaee IIl talent and that lu was all that 1 rouhj accept ac-cept I asked them to send tile money to sll hollar for do > ou know I do not belico I could n bave done my best withy that money m with-y pocket llcotNII A A MKAKIK Still Governor McKinley nukes a great number of public speeches Ills anuot hit one ol a hundred of Ilic re ipiesls which he receives and ol Late tears his freecriei hive covered a II dean de-an lie has spoken at Soldiers re unions has given literary addresses at t uriver liy commencements and hill tits mned telKious iiuettions ul the conventions con-ventions ol the lmorth 1 cajuo and the liiutiui I ndeavor IU is a ilrunc ipeikcr and 1 Ihi impressions which hIm hI-m ea ire Jailing lie has a round 01l0luli Vulcealid ho cats suaktalilm sell Items in any cruvvil llehasalme I presence upon Hie stump Hi I futures ire much like the ol I Uinlcl Webster lie I has the same full Characteristic fore head tile saint deep set tIng eves IlIokllll out Horn under heavy a brow and Ins I jaw Is lieipially broad and mas lot He Is a liner lookin man Him Webster I 111 features ao more cleanly cut and tile honesty which thmes out I of Ihcm was not so apparent in that treat t r > l orator of the 11 > 1 generation Me Kmley spe iks for hours vvlihoul A gill lion of lurceor rtpetitionol idtas 1 He I uses short sentences and makes it i pilnclple never lo speak IInlft h I I c h Jai somellililK a 1 lo sty He I I behevis in plain Antilobaion ant I avoids classical nhrases UuiInK my talk with him to day I asked him how he prepared h its speeches He replied Uitn I hive an Important speech to make II absoibs me Ills i hJ Oak und It Hikes all there is In me I LO over the mlject I again and I iicjin in all Us phases In I my maid al I read all 11 m gel hold of upon ii I anti tile speech gradually crows until It is I ready got I ehverj 111 is fine that has to be liven tn the press I dictate It to I niv sit nugraplu r and bee that t the copy is given out btfoteliaiiJ I llitsewillestuy thought and tlioiiRli I seldom nuke exactly tile saint Speech thai I bive llltlld II It IIU 1II1Ily tl lUe 1 Do IOU like tospeik No I ill nut reiiind Governor Me Kittle empiatiedlv loreidlt I My heal gues Iull n auto nil boots whenever I gel up leiuie all ud ence anti I trmb a accord I have be uu lu u k 1 this isalunvssi and still I is have 1 beenmik Inc S eechts for facility t ihiee vears 1 Do you remember J uur Am nubile spt la I ked Us I Indeed ter > mil replied Hie governor mth ilain 1 It vttsupin my leturn home wild the lruois at the cme ol tile war I lived In Iho little I vilivKe of Ioland near Youi > usttin and a reception wan Liven In hvno 01 tLe I sold erg One cif the Judges ol tho euuiiiy ninlo HID woicomin upsinsch und I was cmneii lo RVU the response I ab limn Junk tWCetyUI10 years old HOW MCMMBV OECVSIL VpJLDIhk llnu ollvvero von IIho > nu ntM into tile Atilt goernuff laskel I vvis Just seven t van was the leplv 1 vast Win as a euiimr suunil teiclicr RIIIo thnottivAar bioke on My father kaanxiitis 10 11e tile a 1001 1 cdueation Ho moved uiih h Ito lilllily I-to tile little low n ol Ilal 1 n Ali I II Ia urdv that I mlLhi 911 ml i the 111m Ih And heal I II Ao bon a t tj r 11T ho Sent me tv tile A leI I I Iulll Pa I le-I fell ito I er hd i-to come homi VXiic I halne lJot I look up leaching suit flog a uuult I s hool near Poland This Iidlio I go lo the army lly the wa Y governor what did they I pay tou for teachlnc I p1I i wages were nfiilnk I 11 < a month and I I boardcl I around My parents lomvcr filed only three miles Irom i Joe school liour anti the moil of he time I slave I with them and unikcd to she school und back every day Similes < Si-miles I wage d Iw n trig walk for mo now 1 supooif but I It I IfdW nin teem muih llwnWell Well while I was fend nig continued con-tinued Governor McKinley Fort I bum ter I vas hied tin and every one was w nil 10 jo to the war A company was formed In Poland and 10nl 1 sled I GeL i John CIemunt I Inspected and Mullet ed In the cempany lie examined me I wa then very slight not much bigger ban > ou ate General I lemonl Ie I member ntemed n assess min IU me aIM a-IM ol wveiUren whose mind I AgI I been illy Ihriled with the Malay of his w m etlnl adten uies In Ihe west t reinemi er he ode I my chest anti luuke I mileage lulu I my eves and finally pronounced me fit Jim I 3 sold cr In what regiment were year gOvernor gover-nor ilify first service was In Ihelnenty third Ohio mid I remained In lhal real futtit thruuLjioul Ihe w irA ir-A > IOI > K T KM bass edPVhat was your rank wl en oll nIt 1 n-It was hat bf a private lrplnil Malor McKtne Die I tint colonel 1 lilY rejumiii wasKo < ecran > who niter Willi became gci eral Our heuleiinl colonel was Sianliy Matthewi alter tards Mailed Hlalei ic itlur an I justice raise Supirme Court and jut major Kutherlord II lhe who wa lo become n general 0011 I afterwArds lo Mrrvc as governor ol onto and as Paces dent ol the United Stairs It 1 was k itmaticable regiment wasnt llfsald I Voil replied the governor and the great body < il tilt regiment was worihy of the great commanders And you wire a pllinle ovcinorr Mid I us lookid I Into tile bright my allies of the man who may it ct In I treai dealt o the Untie I Mites Uui von tell lie umiihing about your hie as a I privnisoldir It 1 va > just like tint of Ihe other S nidus replied Governor McKinley My exifien i as did not dilfer from 11 line ol 4 na lion young a men WK I > went into that tsat war line was nothing uncommon about It It was simply Iho Incidents ol I camp and I march and battle comniHi lo lie soliher m general Uc cdro1 uur musket > 111 I nnrclied alonx lonelier Uc all ul us fell our Input tame I Suppurate Mot you did nut reiniin a private n I did let lcd Uoteimr Me Klnley I limited a private fur over II ear I us then ptomoied lo 10 I ser veilat of it ceo iany 11 I lilt was alter he battle ol Amiei 11 i Uuiherlord II llae > helud t cmine ko111til trukj lit me un ionimincn I later on I > ir veil on lie I stalls of a enirtl 1 Hayes Major General Crook 0111 I Mjjr Gitienl Hancock In 111611 I w is made4 major bylo brevet by Irealucnt I I Lincoln I II r 1f I hank of your lust battle major atilt tell mo II0d lUll lilt for tic Wall time under lire it I scaly > k lememler replied Mjor AlcKiilcj our tires engage mint was tile uMr ol I laiiuiai I erry II vias a long lime uo There was plenty I ol bullets I Anlll I up oie I was lerriblv fit blessed Alas it mtn ire at such I limes I got i through 1 however ami I laus ulili the Inenty third mall Us battles an I snycd with It until the close ol the war Jluw did > uu hke imliar late IOV efflop at i Very much Irdeed was Ihe reply I I wanted to fenvills Ill tile army tar r friends among the officers urted me lo do so and 11 I would probably be In Ihe military service today II 1 nit father and mother had not terlouily otjtcled Somehow or other they did not think much ut I my being In the army In the Into or peace Ihe I result was tint I came home and studied fall 1 went to a law school at Albany and then hung out my shingle m C niton as a young practitioner I eunlmuej to practice law until I was elected to Congress IIIK I AW AM A KOPKHMUN I Do you remember our first law case governor anti what do you think of law as a pioesslon liianclallatid 1 otherwise I is I il worth lIe best work ol I A nuns lile I will ASISIACr jour lAltiltleltion first replied Governor McKlnlty I connder life law I the best ol I rufessions i There Is enough mil to bring out all there is in any man mid under proper conditions it Is I financially profitable As lo my blat law Cave u was a suit lot replevin which I Judo llelden ol Canton asked 1 mo lo try for him low I did it turn out II was ulcul natdidvuu gtt for If Iwiuiv tlC IlUllArs In looking I back over your career bra u governor have YOU c ver wished that IOU had stuck lo the I or lId kept out tf politics Y e replied iovcrn r Mck nicy 11 1 have a numb 1 times lot I Ihlnk perhaps II is AI4 I as well as It i < The things we wani minis hfe 1 < you know ate Ihe llun < e I ave not got I lili not tuppoie there na nnil In any lu who does not at limes IhlnK le would Isaac dc leller In some other and Hi has ueen tlm case with me meM low I did you gt into Politics > My first office wa mat of prosen Ing attorney My lnen s made me a candidate in iMo I wa elected and served for two vcu Alter thai I praclti cd law until i it which time I was nominated for Lonareis I was not anxious lo he Ihe c4n111111C > at that lime I thought I was loo > ou ig lo t go Inlo paltics I had a 40 I bidnesand I was not well enough i if lo enter public life Still I was n unated and elected by a large manrlit How lon UIJ IOU remain In Con gressr rw served I In the lluuie for fourteen years and was then elected I governor of Ohio aDo von like the ovirnortldr lei very well replied Governor McKinley lit Is an Importimposition and there Is plctit ol wuric to ilo here I now in UICAIIK t nrcTtONisT Governor McKinley you are the rrtat aposlle of 1 protection in the UnI ted States I low dlil you twao lu make the tariff n life woiltj M eiml Iuuw I when I was not Interested In-terested In the land I replied Governor McKinley M 1 wu < brought up as It were protection My iyhood WAS spent In mi Iron manniactiirmi dhtrlcl und 1 iinon miners ndlaiiKn where I went live Is a center ol BICII maim ftclurlng Imiustrles life first speech I mtde In Congress was in favor of a protective tariff It wa agilrst 1 crnan lo Woods tariff bill in isS As I Went unln lilY study of themitstlon I became noru and more convinced that this was Hie best wiy to raise our revenues and at the wine lime to luppott our Industries Indus-tries Ihe I tariff will alwa > s le I alive question A IKHHANKIT TARIFF What tlo Joe think of the Idea of n constitutional aniem meiit prohibiting the changing of the null w I thin a limited limit-ed crlod say hvu ur ten cars rI Jt 1 don t believe 1 that such it Ililtu would be advisable The changes of coml lions might make such Oil arrange nit lit work giett IiJurya und besides CLIIAr eats Is I ine law making power and I don it think It would he wise lo maLt maL-t l iinlriitlon Did the McKlnlcv 111 have the effect unun the huh as of the American people peo-ple I lhal vou einectcb V es ill anticipated effect of the tarlll law I of ityowas realized It was not ns hf fully reallied perhaps ns u would lime been had it not been i for fte ihiiucolnilminiitratkil which occurred nlKii it was but wo Cliff old It pro lectrd American industries It ttirted till tin plate fait tries auJ all agate that they are here lo Slav Referring lo v uur question AS to lira hibiimg lie changing of the tariff with n a limited I penoil ihe eov > nior weiiun I do mil limu that the American people would approve ol mull an net fifty 1 Ar re t tl tutl watitlo Irlet alone I I u is true but the do not want Hut when is bllnlln I bilious to the Cuenly tube allowed > remiln Vc have tut li > sit W isd mailer t lhi to the i pre ent tanll ut well as we un until we can change It We lull have no hope of doing this for lwoear lo con e hull I believe the c will Ie II ehallglllll the future lo meet tho requiieincnts ol Ihe treasury aim lo promote our mJiii trial dcveopment think I our people Lelicve In pioteclion and reciprocity I line Is no doubt at we can produce oar 011 sugar nuke our oln till plate and other tnings which we aienowlm polling from abroad I Uhcve we should do our work at home ni fir as poulble and that with a protective tarlll we will have littler limes and a permanent I per-manent prosperity What Is the condition or Ihe rrpubli can paily today ovirnor Is it alive deadordvhV II has never been In a more healthy and vital condition than III Is today tc a Governor McKinley hero I will be no split fit our party in the coming campaign Vital ll Is the condition of the Halo of Ohio I OhioGood Good as the itply Our industries indus-tries are all growing and we have a bright outlook lot the future 1 MVl t CPAUUz |