Show lira III 0111 a > 1111 ftl Actress The annals l the iuzu show ver > fw ictora who have displayed marked Abu ly In any other direction even 111 i 4tn kmdted one ol dramatic nuthunhli I Ihe players who have distinguished i liemselvet 1 I th A pliwriters and lUylnterpreiirs I h no beui su few In all he J history I ol the 1 theulm ihut the r winl i iluJnt uf the ligt mill lc Hlmust ruiuu nrthfir i am it ill T4 11 11ITke Minnie Mj Id I in I ikf wht lr 1 MIU I n u ll M x > 11 llill I CAI i lic Jt Jr 10 widespread i rtfLuguuoti u lu i it tin U a nhllllic in an aWL > 14hillitio 1 I n 31yamonlhe women of Ihe tCO ro i her I Unit In 1 her aptitude author hip Aside I from her llitMry work wllib I In > plte H an r fbir I er hat alwa 1 > I altracte I titntiun lie I nt dllae d a remarkable Mlenl Tor t iliv eye stramtelt enough how mer all hr effort ol 1 thi kind l har l hut far I 1011 one acl I dramat The m1 i otableol lhe I hwr Men The Kow 1 a nd OrnmhMpa Imtli of which I Atte IIA cn by Ptlix I Morm i il tronge1 works have not > rt been piuducea One of them entitled A light from ht I A ties idill be u4ed by her 11 her lour n IMI season Another it 1 riiH Not Gulty A rem rkilie Hung buut Mrs I i h more nulabte pla s is their los ile Hofn in New Orleans I her literat mutind wedded tuber dramatic coiiiillion hu ed her lo qeiie hara IMS and Incidents hut moved In the lrong n1 I Indivldiul almiwphrtii T In nhirli she pent her childhood reI Lke I Cable and other noted wriiert who have beroim limiui fir heir plclinot uf Creole life she 114 l t ecognutd Ihe sliung poitibilitlet ofTr ed In I dntnutlc way by ptthaMIhe must striking and picturesque locally In tits country file Rude vidly Illui rales I I a phate ol Creole life f nh a touch of I romance quite uniienuily understandable under-standable A Light I frum SI ARnes del with a dillireut and ulnMer ealure ol life In the same legion and Not Guilty will hate a realism of the same locality |