Show t1ItvI Olt JltmOXS FRIGHT WHEN FACING STAGE svrrt ING A DIFFICULT OPEftAT10N whlm II 111 Tt ID f wu fI hp u ywE JIn KIJT 11 Nerea Js en rrad 0 Inset holhlugcr ol go fright lthtg 0 eo Irtol Ncw aztOI tt suW u wan Mini Though < tine l3M2ft II > Li 1 with referees In eur Irrt I Rte ° 11 ttlMlutntr Ih n turf tur-f wan H Ile l 1 llou f WI fudarh 1 tarnlMnchnlhinit I Ob1 c hoI r Wullf Inm4he IIIIJ01 K a W1 klmU I of itwi i I I 1Tii rath t u II 011UII Ht IT ho ft00e au 1111 I I m01 nut h ill 1Ilr I itbai lye l line fl 401 VM illflVrout ccraliK nffretwl ye Ines K Ueiinl thrown vthW It It i IS by die thotanrgeon Wh ° leNis bytl J Ko t l11 e011 i tl y firt = lu ycttm lino ulwrntlou I 005 I Nis oW m lbn WDT and lIolhlnl C oF rullomIIlBllolI l Iis rent IN I en c 1I c nilo IIIM > II < 11I t d gnrlet by emrest e IIloJnwhJb may arson yjtoit I Lo tats t t Is lrow slut I i1 a l11D1JI h3l11 bIIIIIL to ehni 1I If Ls 1 Lla then HOIaIUhkh huhrul IIIUI taltb 1 uuvuuemins uerruxns 1 hu l < UJtoJ j opus Iethnpe lIh n fatol nult bttrcA l < ho Lo worn of Ibl mutt grows 10 his care older IDIt 10 old sign Ion aihe trews all to Iloc l r nether rllllrlUUvt of 1brte I host Ibo time this eurgyotl 1L11JZr if rgtgh btu mlud all low Uee yv U sus which eunld imv thly r 5r ecd Lo wooden if lima ao 0 05 ctr < tlwbleb bo Ines not UlOuRht uf t min j t iiyiioiiH > anii emguluu of a Inappy 11 it 1 bot 1 < U fears lhl < mid tbnt end tho n h 0 As Urn hour upproMliw flirt thing I < < tooth to pqencnca Inks work morn oral nu when 10 II Idwo 1 Lo ub ocm bun Urn Ho MitouuicMi ul I mourn hJ atelhguutly reflucl nKnpoii iulght prlnu Inn slit not hurry i r o Ul t bOl r i i l milk tat Inn 1 N lnteaerly I Imtncent Li 1 I d11T abtcrl1 Ly what bo li do 1 firm nn let wlnn nlnll mi opera us 1r t a t 660 of Iho most colutr itul inr HMII I workflow It wee u init dim gran all cpcnlloB so1 Inn 1 unn1L1tL ester a Zr milk dnrturs who had coma few inouienU tone tllJrlttCl < llL A fun Iho ynuecis was to commence his KM prtoitnl bye frJenJ to two doe tn I bIoA1 cumo from n dMiincn In I a Ion mum Ho toned turriwlllv myndpnkestew J I < word rliortlyaflir 1 1 skit 10 eamra nc l uitrotlnK H cr ratlui vta of GomlikraliM joDII J V and when It win flulnlii l thu two jMitlcrtifn to whom the surgeon I Ul l ien prmmtod npnrwclml > to pmil avi rotul Ury noel 1 or two Ai lie dud n K > tr tn mvriilEO thorn loll need jxwjitwltrwm yla aliL Ho cl im l hli pleworo Hi umtlnn them lion thin vllhimt 1 the light t rwwlhclloti thut Lo W met blCl Da IOU retail the fcnUptratlcn you trer informed i yourfltl lotlmi rtraf inUr it city > > 111 I TCW In a hC4ptt l where thiro ecru atOO Unit lad 83 lurpi tu In charuv I WI uie of Ineyoruitf iMiUtont 1 vurgcoua If aa cppntJon was iirxtwniry In any of thin wards II 1 wn our duty tn report It lu the ntgfvn In charge who bclllr < arils the < T ration If lin I chimx I n tatnd lo siy rerRi n tine nurmltyif ua uujmtailcii tt u gr met ttio 1 hu pur Icon eow sod I naked ut tho inoji sat IUKCRK Flh my opinion that nn nni TCtaUon wu nucimiiry I WM dlnctod to f1i IlI1thJu rtmaly fur elm op tn i UoC S silt oho 1UjOIl mill trans cad OIra tilf I cuss If not you won aolll perform > thoopinitloii jour t Ielri I told my your nnnoclatiw of elm wr DIII they wed Wolf ion go all anil nt ready bat ho 1 w ont coma Von Mill Into to do the ups ratluil lror imr olt Aunt l Unit MIU thuarmy It turntil out Oe cj nitlKt wan til Ire 1 lit 3 oclock All thn eight < into I teen luiirdiiR whit I intnndil to do lit my inltul nnd diuualoxut It la wy tior1u Tim nut IJJ Occult not oat luy lruich < in 11y I I lung and fwtwero cold lnnlt cow limo toiximiQiuico the opiritlou I fould poly itiudy my urreen liy Ihmullnc rrAlo I soidfive ono lhnnatleu to I tined I I am very I urlonliir t > out my tbniid It iltiiuw < illonniU < otiiuiinml fling sit elm eyo In u few tuimili my Land U jrl 11I1 wilt old I to t memo tu lt nyM lei I raid wink I prafonnnl tlm q < ntlonino fnlly After Unit I vint < n pnrfortalUK n groit ninny nix > rntluin Ut II VIM yuan Morn I mnld talo n I cluck > lonclioai If I hod torptrato at 3 ocrk Krom eta coneolentlon4 Klrntlflo Olin aprrpJmnnion ironer ilijnru for ho twits that U ulniiiuolhlulofonviv nil cLing And then nualli In I > lutes In bu ulniL < II holy human lift If nil octo aawumao the wrmlg word or Imps In II 1 li lusty tin wont that can tamp loss I Jklii daniim to hits putntlon If n 1InOf yrnou o 1lOclo dorI1 lu wont that cuss Imppoa In him li 11 Inal for henry Dutlf thii mrtyon In a lankironii i upcntlon mnki but the illrtiWi mint ikn It i may result III Inn h liwtidi I linen in i no rcmiily Mw fJiil many n tlmo on tho nltht prisms to a w nmi < i ration have I nwnli II1 nlyerIt from imaniloiH tronblnl alnry ry pMiorminif Um upt ration In IIIr trim It i is ul > cry much morn try tog I Ui < t surgeon to opcrutuoun frlim lean un j u ntnuiRfr It li t barn to tell lu thus l own who Is l mom to bo pltlcj Iho KKmortbu rotlMit I think the Ion try a cwt ofwatm the la I COlI tale h < I Ia r UunUouioi d anyoporatlou A frail Mtln wonmn thin ono wralil Minuet nay t tnraih 111 wlml wpnW blow au ny will ratrnro Uin imt pilnfnl and lUrgmnn WTSI itrn wiser o r nsyh etucky and Iron mu Inuaiit woman that mo vaai Ihlllt Mule nnrt c nlmo any iuN wilbl Oj i Tntlm will die tram omethlDj which L l iKt no a ml miuldnvddaiiBiraui 0 Aff York Sun |