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Show riolinti! Ccr.rt. Tho following bualnea waatrana acted la fern Judge Ilarlch Irxlayt r.tlaloof Patrick Hall, ilecin.wl;nd. mlnletrator a mared by J. II. Moyle, attottuy. Faa.ed. Ilatntu of Mary Jen.011, d coned; 1-tllllon for probato of will dlamlaaed for want of proier ubtlcV.lin. Katatoof 1-dwarJ llraln, deciaicd; x.tltlon for family allowuucu con-tluued con-tluued to t2iid Intt. Latatu anlguardlanahlpcf Lucille Tuylor; almlnl.trator'a aicouut aud l-jtltlouforHlliwan.ee came 011 regularly regu-larly for lieirluir. Proof of poatlng at 1 roved. John Clark nnd Julia A. Taylor awotn Auilvcxamlued, Account allowed, and allowance to minora of P) per month, todato from December IbOO, ordered. I.itatu aud gu irdlacalilp ol Annie J. HhfelUa at ul., minora; etliloii to aj.-..1iit aj.-..1iit guar-llau i-onie ou forbearing; proof ol gating apirovod; 1-IUabitti rthlelda awuru aud examined; order made aiialiillug her i.uardlan on filing fil-ing luud lu turn of JJUUforeaili minor und takiug the required oath. l'atato or John llalley, ilecellej; ad-mlnUtralor ad-mlnUtralor apurrd by I, M.IWaddel, attorney; paa.ed. I'.lUlaot Jamea Uhleldl, dcceawl; return cf ..In of peraoual properly cAinu ou fur hearing; coutluuod to tllat iLlt. Katatu of Harali Yarne), deoeaaed; continued lonrd luat. Latatu and guardlanahlp of Florence Alwoid, a minor; bond of guardian for tlPOo approved. Latateani, guardlanahlp of Miner O, Alwood, All Incumpelent; guardian MaO I. Alwood at ieared. awotn nnd examined; teatliuouy aliowa that .MluerU. Atwood dlvl a abort time after the appointment or guardian; utato lolly tetlleJ aud dlatrlbnted; order maju dlachargleg guardlau. Lataiuordeorgull. Caimou, decenr-ul; decenr-ul; Harah II. Caiiiioo, Admlnlilfatrlx, appeared. Taaiyd. t |