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Show Mllellt 1 1101 111,1 IN Al'illlUU. Aiiiitt n week 11.10 the (Vnlrnl Labor Union of MasMchuretts received A rrort of the rotuUtlon of labor at the Antipodes from the Australian Labor hederatlou. This report was received In reply to a conimunlcktloti forwarded Hit August from II tou to (Jaoerts-land, (Jaoerts-land, for areurnto jiarllculars uf the labor sltustloii In thatciuiitry. Nuni Lersof inechanb-sAiid laborers of all kinds left the Lnltsi rilalis for the Aiilrillanouloiil diiilui thn fall nf 1800 au I the early part of 1811. The rewitwa.s rurreiit that n scarcllr of white labor prevalle I out there. On tbo other hand, it was slate J that such was not the cose. Flo ally the Central l.sbor Union authorised III secretary, Mr. Abrahams, t) e-ommunlcate with the Australian Labor Federation and ascertain what were thereat facts. A roly was retired on Iho. IrJ Inst, stating that the condition of white labor In QueenslMi I was nnythlng Mil alluring. It htd lo uonteul with Chinese., Malays, Japanese, Cingalese, lVilyne-slanianlbirds of other aliens from the Asiatic Cotitlneut and from Ihe equatorial regions. The rerurl says: "Fur marly a ircncratlin the whl c. working Hiiilalloii of (ucuns-land (ucuns-land his beeuerigsged lu a stnugtu for Its very exlitcnce agslnst the capitalists, who prefer live prollts of ehinplaburto the well being of their own Utah and blood N it only iu the sugar growing Industry, lut lu tlio wool fruit and mining InJustrli n liavo employers Invldluii'ly and rrsltently attemptel to rejlaoetliu white workers ly colored labor. The snmo cflorta have been made to oust white workers by the squattors nn 1 1 Ig slicwp owuors, and othurclaiseaof employers." Tho reiorl then gosi on to state how Sir Henry t'arks tupilintul white lalwr In thn printing traie with Clu-Ifslese Clu-Ifslese tyios; and how during a strlko he had all the white primus sunt tu Jsllfor breuohof the Misters nn I Her-antsnct. Her-antsnct. It api tars that th Australians have on have on hand n labar problem more formidable even than our nnru. All thu vessels trading Willi hlna nnJ Ja an nru uiauued by colored crows Organised white labor Is making n bitterflght to have Auetrillaii vessels si rved with Caucasian seaniiu. For some time a hirl struggle has bcun galop; on In the Qusenslaul "bush"er rnnih regions. Ihe squatters" squat-ters" cr 1 1 inters favor colored lnlmr lecAUsoot Its cheapness. The4 bush" hinds c( posed the Introduction uf cojprcd labor. A strike eiiiucd, and tho tnltlLary vine called out. Many pf the Iradcia of the bushmeii were arrested and convicted of conspiracy tinder au old law. The reiseet of Hill law li now demanded, and In New Bouth Walea It has beou already revalcd, but strong einrts aru being made by cajllsll-ls lo havu somclhlng equivalent to It substituted. sub-stituted. nullum in the labor market Is the rule In Australia at j resent, but In (J iceuslani It Is worse than In any of tlio other colonics. For the past years Iho ranks if tho unemployed have tea Illy Increased, and yet tho Ktate still aids Immigration. Thla rouJItlou of thliiKS makes Jelordlsaltcctc-d, aud It Is thought that serious lstiirbaucea will soon iceiir. |