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Show H MLIMMl6ll I'tlH'llllSM. ll iTla Itlable tu note the poalllon of J ' i tho morning "I.IWral" organ on Ihe M jl report of Maater In Chaniery I.oof. M liouruw with rrgardto thn tll.pw.UIon 1 cflheeaclieateil funda of tho Church of H Jaui Clirlat of lnttir-daj Halnta. It H commends the finding of the Maater M and takea the ground that his reiom U- ruendatluu, thnt thu funi be devoted to H tho lenellt of the pibllo aehoola, l M oinlnently ro)er. The rtaaon given M la that tlio "Mormon" chlllrrn In nt- H tendance at the public uducatloual in M ' ttltutlom outnumber the other tu H dentc. Thla la one of thu moat at surd, H not to cay InfsmoiiH, rta.ona for com- H ptlllng the majority of a community to M lay for the education of tho chll Iron B of the minority by n special anl one- M f aided process thnt could be Imagined. H Thu uon-llMornioua'1 who udo- H tate such a uku of tho funda In M ipjistlon nro urging for tbemaclvo H mid their, children u coudltlon H of ii If Induce! pauperlam. That l this dialriil beatowal of charity haaaa- B W Biciatod with It tho glamor of Kw,dor .i not alterthe position of thoio who nre Bt mmnuudlng nn outrago aoglarlngl) B J unjust,' They favor thilr own degrudu Bj luu,by endoralngandclaiuoiliigfortho M( ' mouey donated byim liomat and In- H duatriousieolnfir onminunal Unellt H within Ihopalaof their own Chun li H tu lie devote I ti the eduiatlon of their M ihlllreu, that they may be tellevtl M from ii duty tint pniierly belongs to V each Individual or tu tho Hlate. B1 Ihrre la no excuse fur such a runul- K j fully dlshoueil inversion from the i Ideas of tho arlginnl donors and W owners of tho funis In question, V 1 ecauee, ns heretofore stated In these V columns, thus are nunuroua lawful B' lurfOsestowhUh the prober tyeoul I lie f duvoted. rheso objects are also In bar- B mony with the ulshes anl Inteiillous H1 of tho jeuplo who uontrlbuUd tjie H, means. Wo hold It to be 1 1 yon J r thu rtnlm of succeMtful controversy 1 thnt no other application of the funds ' ' lhali thnt whleh Is lu unison ulth tin Hj intent of the imrauJ In lit thusuine H1 tlinu KkoI, Is i I bir Just or lionut. H ) That there should ho uou-"Moruious" I H . Mho, III elFeet, endowe n rocea' liy which they can t partly relieved of the duly of educttlug their cnlldren.at the expense of the Church of Jmus Christ of Utter day rliluts, does not speak wall for their dignity or consistency. con-sistency. Wills regard to thoe non."Mor-niODs" non."Mor-niODs" who have been oj posed to the confiscation scheme and regnrl the application of the fundi of the Latter-day Latter-day HaluU ti purpos foreign to the Intent of tho donors as wrong Jn principle, prin-ciple, we havo nothing to any. If the recommendation of Judge Lsoftsiuriw shsll be ncoe ted by the Bur time court t the Territory, and that of tho United Htntes, Ihe elast of people referred to will be place I In an unpleasant poil-tl0L poil-tl0L but It will be to them an ooforre.1 situation, for which they are In uo way responsible. We believe we speik the sontlment of th i whole "Mormon" community, when we express tho conviction that any proposition that would place ujion them the taint of paupirl-in, by au a iro!latlou for their beuellt of the In lids of any church, outside of their own, would never have their sanitlou or n roval. We nre safe in saying further, that It woulJ, doulttos, meet with their determined roteit. Hut thin, different peoplo hnve various ways of looking at things nud there ere illvira Ideas uf wliM constitutes houiatliihpendenco, which is dear to ovuy upright rltlreii. |