Show HOW INDIA STARVES A current magazine says cc Drastic legislation is shaping to th discourage sedition in India Indi and wheat which literally millions of Indians need for nourishment nourish ment is weekly exported to Liverpool During the last forty years yearB of the nineteenth century some fifteen million people perished of famine famine fam Lam ine in India In 96 i 96 two millions of people starved to death in India most of them because of British leg leg- That is Great Britain caused the mints to tobe tobe be closed in India The people of India ar are fond of silver ornaments ornament rings ornaments rings bangles etc Long before British occupation of that country little mints were established all over that country In time of misfortune misfortune misfortune tune the people were vere in the habit of taking their surplus silver to those mints having it coined into into into in in- to rupees and with the rupees bought what the they needed The mints were without notice closed and the Indian council in London fixed the value of the rupee It was done partly that British officers in India mi might ht receive their salaries in gold and partly to help the interest gatherers of the world to destroy destroy destroy de de- de- de stroy silver as money When the famine came in 1894 those poor creatures tried to convert their un un- coined silver and their ornaments into rupees and found the mints closed and there was nothing to do but starve star In Iii that way iy two millions of them died The Indian council the British go government knew that the mighty might tragedy was going on the men who were fighting silver mone money knew it but not one of their hardened hearts was softened enough to cr cry out out in pity And ever since England has been buying buy buy- ing our silver at about 50 cents per ounce coining it into rupees at the rate of 15 to 1 of gold gold about about 14 per per ounce ounce with with that money has been buying the wheat and cotton of India and bringing it to Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liver Liver- pool to compete with and reduce the tho price of American Amen Ameri can cotton and wheat Was there ever eer anything more cruel than England's part in the business business' Y Was there ever anything more imbecile than the course of our own government 1 Look at it itt I Our government by robber legislation denied 8 silver lver its place as money and convert converted d it into a commodity At a time too when it had afloat in irredeemable irredeemable irredeemable ir ir- ir- ir redeemable paper and owed an interest bearing debt deb I of It doubled the value of the gold goldI I dollar allar measured by any form of property on earth It t robbed the nation of half its wealth to enrich a few bankers jankers and bondholders Up to date it has robbed the he silver mines of this western country of more than Our miners now have to sell their silver silver silver sil sil- sil- sil ver at half price England buys it at that price coins it at a ratio with gold less than our original ratio of 16 to 1 with it bu buys s 's the wheat and cotton of India and bringing it t to Liverpool puts it in competition with the wheat and cotton of American farmers and planters And our government further continues its banking system with the debts it m owes cs behind those banks janks as a guarantee of their solvency And we call ours a great nation and there is nothing which we have so great an awe te of as our great eastern financiers financiers finan finan- ciers cieri who from their rookeries in the eastern cities milk the whole United States looking wise all the time and giving profound opinions on the probable prospects of this county country under their benign rule And the people believe them because the they havethe have haye havethe the money the reasoning being that the men to look I to o for advice are the men mell who have ha succeeded in their own business The good God turned out the larks the wrens the he the orioles and the doves into the world and at the same time the eagles and hR hawks ks with beal beaks s and talons alons were turned loose and the rule among the birds was made the rule among men |