Show SPRINGfiELD MOB IS STILL DISORDERLY Y Numerous OutbreaKs of Lawlessness La and Many Persons Injured BIG REWARDS OFFERED FOR GUILTY PARTIES Governor Deneen Determined Determined Determined Deter Deter- mined That Justice Shall TaKe Tale Her Course SPRINGFIELD m IlL HLf Aug 18 That lB-That That the mob spirit has not boon boen entirely subdued In Springfield was evidenced last night and early today when despite do de spite the presence of thousands of militiamen mill mili tiamen there there- wore sporadic outbursts of ot lawlessness in many sections of tho the city Nono None of ot them was serious however bo being boing ing confined to disturbances I by groups of two or three men Th The center of tho trouble was Harvard Haryard Har Har- vard yard Park Pork a a. suburb where twice during dur dur- ur- ur iD lug ing tho the ni night ht patrols wore oro fired tired upon from ambush Troops were rushed to tho the scene both times time and during the second hunt a t shot hot fired from an alley struck the sword scabbard carried by bv by l. l Lieutenant Rid Ridgeway of company r E First infantry Tho The shooter escaped Tho The fir first t disturbance followed an attack attack attack at at- tack on OD Tom Richardson a n brother of ot George Richardson the negro suspected of Lavin having assaulted Mrs m. m Mabel Hal Hal- I Jam lam Richardson who vrho was a driver for or a packing firm left his wa wagon on in tho street and escaped to tho the Illinois G Central Contral station where ho he took a a. train for Mississippi Brothers Arrested Later the guards picked up James and William Richardson also brothers of George o Richardson and locked them theta in the tho Jail It was stated that they I had Le been n inmates of the Jacksonville asylum and that their arrest was a measure taken for the time public safety I Two hundred dollars reward for lor evidence evi dence leading to conviction in each ench of of the time cases of ot violent death during tho the rioting is is offered by Governor Go Dencen Deneen The governor who is is' determined to ill all proven to have to have participated in tho deeds deeds' lof of violence last ni night ht is issued is is- sued mcd six lix proclamations one covering each of the cases of ol death resulting from the tho race outbreak Tho The same reward re ye- ward card is offered in in each cach instance and it is b hoped to secure tho the evidence nee nee- to convict the leaders responsible ble blo for or tho the crimes Officials i s Determined Plans for the prosecution of all an who had anything to do with time the riots have haa been heen completed d by b the city and state officials There Thero will m be no o half way measures taken and tIme laws law's action will be bo S swift t certain a and d impartial The task which the authorities face was increased yesterday by two more moro deaths and news that a third victim of the riot rio of last Frid Friday n night l bt is in lying dying G G. G W. W Scott a white man who was wast t shot hot through h the lungs lung durin during the riots Friday ni night ht died last ni night ht The other death eath was that of the threet three old old daughter of Mr Jr aud and Mrs Lawrence Paine Paint negro refugees at Pittsfield The rhe child died from exposure as the result of a night ht flight li ht from Springfield W W. H. H Bowe chief clerk of ot the count county county coun coun- t ty treasurers treasurer's office who was attacked and shot by ne negroes roes Saturday while whilo walking through the burned district is reported dying at St. St John Johns s 's 5 hospital The states state's attorney attomA has hRS secured from from- him an mortem ante statement for use usa before the grand rand jUT jury Kept Militia Busy An attack upon pickets and tho the forced hegira of negroes from corn cornfields cornfields fields fieldg on the theo outskirts of tho the cit city to tho the state arsenal kept the militia miliha busy u this mornin morning The rhe firing upon the sentries sentries sen sen- tries nn and their answering shots occurred les less s than two blocks from the headquarters headquarters head head- quarters of General Youn Young at th the tho county ini Jail No Xo on ono one was hurt burt but the firing caused consternation in tho the district Tho The trouble followed an attempt to set pet tire the to a building on Eighth str street t between T Jefferson and Madison fad son A negro who had been ordered away from the place several times during the night was wag discovered lurking in a shadow bv ly Private George Howell of troop E First cavalry Howell ordered the man to tomo mo move nuove e on on but hut the ne negros negro's ro 5 rop reply was a ashot ashot shot from a 11 revolver He dashed down t the e street disregarding the commands of other ether sentries to halt bolt As he turned into an an alley Corporal Adelman and Private ato II Lowenstein n both of troop B B. B fired at him Tho The shots went wild but hut they the aroused the headquarters two blocks away and md company E of the tho First infantry was ns sent to the place on the double quick Search in Vain The alley and adjacent houses searched but no trace of the fugit fugitive fugito o owns was discovered disco Th The affair happened shortly before daybreak k and was wan tho the third occasion occasion on of the ni night ht in which whir attempts at fit t tempts had hail been heen made e to assassinate militia pickets picket Tho clearing out of ol the corn fields southeast Rt of th the tho city was wa the result of successive ss o nights of terror in Harvard liar Har yard vard park An inspection of the tbt corn cornfields fields late yesterday showed bowed that at least uc negro ro rc refugees bad had camped therein The pr presence of tho the negroes is thou thought ht to have ha been Len r responsible for the th disturbed conditions conditions in ia the suburbs Both last night and Sunday numerous shots were fired there and it is is now thought tho the minor depredations ions by I starving refugees has caused the tho trou trou- bles hIes At daybreak to today a company E First infantry under Capt Jacob JUDson of Chicago o was sent to the place to herd the negroes into the arsenal Support to Governor Go Deneen's Deneen s 's 8 appeal to the the citizens of Sprin Springfield eld to aid tho the authorities in fastening responsibility Continued on p Pago PageD o 9 BROTHERS BROTHERS' CIRCUS IN THE TI DITCH GHA Wath Au Auff Aut 17 Th The first fret section of Rin ln a s circus train was n g wrecked d at Bort Kells B. B C. C oh on the thc Grea Great Northern l' l railway thirty r b- b bor of or 1 hero yesterday a afternoon after after- ter noon and nd half a dozen attendants attendants' are r p rt tl i ns who left hor horo f for r th the wreck eck last ni night ht have havo not re roo ro- ro turned |