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Show Liebig COMPANY'S :Eilti:UfH For twenty-flte ycara the fe '; ilandtrd for purity, flteor anil wholcaouulieii. Ita P '' quality noer 'arl.s tnd It ') li tho aiutle today M when g Ihut put up by ll ln culor, tj ' the itroat cliomllt, JilMu V von Llibli;, boao llsu.luru A 'f It beara, thiul K ! rrl l It la the pur ewnco off? nun. bruili of conJedir. ft lUtrTrAilYoofrum ft or n pchtlnp, tud iuUUpuusttblo 5 I In lnjw:l it! I Ejataie Ctjiwf, CURE t Ml riWuffaaltt, ! P MiT for I UK .4 4Imiw lit trtl-JJ ED. L. HUNTLEY'S $10, $14- and $18 Suits. i on mm a Ni wrrii. Writ ti.U oiirnlwwinfndaontrtnMtiii.Mt tieoJi. A 1f r.rj..nrmi.l tlmk tn Wf intMDie IPTtXinU, Wwrtm Roodt M.tt, Mt, M mH.I Nil.' liHTinn ') r xxfi tnciir for mm hikI in IftrttrrqukntitifAlttAn ! olbr In ourlincvn bin u to ottrr minf eia birfMnt oiiip trorbhbl It oUttr hn. All fn1i ttitrkfl in )Uln flfiitf. Un yrtrm In all. Hon- l-nfuttdrd fti all Utnr If food ir 9Q ' Ai t. ltVTlhT,t CO. S4t d ,T .1.fVw birttt mlAOO OUNPOWDEn. Ii htm Dow trWa trA nn rr tl b dfd Aim fAatfwllolwllWtr, ii mrn "Ktmodf ma HAX41.lv Tri lbootloir.H II AT 4JIH !iOf. Shooll.f HAXtKtl! MUlftinf ltd lmitlBt -HAZAHII'ft brBrl, Ihamoil rtliktrl in tbamarktl THE mARD"VoWDERT"cOUPARY, Hinrdvllli, Conn. 'I'Sb""" Palno &. Lyne,ytli. WESTERN mnsm COMPANY. Tho Only Bill Posters, Distributors 0 Railroad Rail-road Advertising Agents in Utah. ixttiu crit:ri 1111:3 irn:n it :!l L:ii Mr:, Ijia. hsu hrk blj a LaU Xtg. Aid tOOJM. 0. IF AXJliltSOI7, CMNSKAL UJMjatl WHY THE DESEFIET NEWS SHOULD BE SUUSCRIBED FOR IN fREFEHENCE TO ANY 01 HER PAPER. I, It U the Orjrii. of the Church ol J Mm Chrlit of LtU;r dy HalnU. aixl the tuthorUod mcOiUm throuRh which th tUwh, wlvhM n 1 Invtrurtlom of the Chiuch AuthorltlM re eiprott.oJ, adJ Elventotbei'nU. 2. It may aIwan he rellej upon a Ad TocatioK or deftindliiff tho rljiht atU of every quMtlon project tor publloJourutW to troAt upon. 8. It U devo(.l to the IntaretU of the lAllflr-dayBaluu arnlhaA, fromlulnccp Hon, VKllAutly itcfpniml their r Ik lit and ajToUnl tho prliitiplcM In which thojr twtlerei And rery IttcfUay 81 tit buuld there foro frcl qudcr obllgaUoDa to do hl aH la holpliu to iiulAln It. 4. It li not published fbr apwuTatloti, and never haa 1)hd, lmt for the ffood which It U capablrt of ftiHwmplUhInf j the profltA, If Any there 1 dorlvnd fhm ltt be Ins devoted to extending Ita apbere of ( uacfuloeaA, And bcncQUlog the coi-uiunlty. coi-uiunlty. 5. It U dotnjf IU utmo-t ta Mtabllah I home lnduatrWa, atnonjc which are paper , nialtlnf and type-found 1 ng, aterentyptnff end electrotyjinn branoJica neoeaAry tothedetelopment and ludcpendnnoa of the community, but which, during tholr I Infancy (which lu thli Territory they ' have not yot pa,!), run otJy bo carried. ou At a pecuniary loaa, I t. There lauodangerof tnyaubaerlber ' totheNxwM ratlins to get what he ub. crlbea fgr throtmh failure of the bualnoai I ml a lUflDouriluu of the publlcAtlon- j rckultlo the caje,of hundred of news- i pixr venturon tytty year. 7. niai.owprIntMthroucboutlnnew I end readable tyi, ao that oven the aged cau iruae It without difficulty or danger ' to their eye-'lfht, j 8. It La free from objectionable adver-UvemenU. adver-UvemenU. ao that tm prul need fuar that j bli children will havo their mlnJa cor-rute1 cor-rute1 from hating acoe io itj In faot. It refuaee thousanda of dollar worth of tho bout jytnjt AdvcrtltuiuenU annually, I bocAtue It la devotod to the moral and plritual tolereebt of lUruaderalnateadof i to t'otUna tfaln at their expenae, 9. It tone la not regulated by publlo opinion nor the hop of fiAlolnic "ub. e liber or ad vert I t meat. It advocate that which la rlffht aud condemn that which la vtroiiif, regit rdltw of reaulta, UuAiiclal or othernlejo. 10. It never nauaeatri It reader by paIn.lnR off ujluinn of eolfpraiae for uuw Heme. II. The Nkwr practice no 'deception and reaort to no tubUrfugf U Imluc ptMiple to aubacribo) but on tho contrary, piefiratoaUndpuita own merit a the top)tt'newapaper, with a promlaeonly to do IU utmokt to lve It jiatroua the full nlue of their wuney prom which tt ha eudi)AvoreJ to flth fully keep la tho puet. 12. In conrlutlon, If a Latter-day H-tlnt can afford to aut acrlbe for only one i.ow a-I a-I aper, tlmt papor ihould be the DuiMttT N'kwi, and If lucr th4i. one, the Lva ihould Invariably bo tho flrat iviucntmo lUTrai IYr. OMo, 9 Mo. 1 Mo.. Daily, 1 10.00 5.C0 $itO t.oo tVrnf. ItVaiy, S.U0 1.73 1.W ,M VeurttWuUi, 2.M 1.C0 Addria all Communication to TUX? DlWKmTr NKW8 CO., Ai. Ukt Cli UUh. , J 1 -rTIlTS . . AViaJSlv-Sr- ii ouit BOYS' Al (IHILBRED'o DEPARTMENT, mm? h i co's tes THE THICK THUS AM) eTJ th- EYKIIYII0IIYTHLI5 THE PRICE. T AUIU Ol AIT MhE ASH H'tlltOUNDINU COUSTIK. TI1R TRlCKI J Ibalaltieaerret tt. It was ear biriillelal low (tlrri that frowtJel our lore laatwtei Aa i IMa vttk a hate turned onr aileatlon to oar CI lldrct'a aad ttoyt beparluitel. Aa.4 p othtra will Sad bont UrtIn In Suits, Knee Pants and Shirt Waists And a iaM at leaat of ftr rent. ItnrlBf now e unote a fw pncei a follow tOOtllll DltUN'8 KM-.K l'ASTH.Rreiltolt.Cofr10t?.,wortti!&t. roCIIlLDItC' KNhL l'AVT,arf4 loH.HJfor ttA, woilhTSfi. 60 1KIKN ClllUHtKN't ,UUT H IT, fi toll, fofor )i., worlhUe. ?. tlllt IHirNh TltOl'lt. t. ebir, afl 4 to U coMHIOO wntthlt.Oi SiO Clllt-tiltKN'HTWU IlKtK M ITMitt to 1). $o lor lt.5tf, worth UU. ' r, fllll IHIK.V THO I latR HITS, 1 1 l,i tor J1 worikKK IwJCHIl IHIKN'S THO IIH.I. HUT, aaeat to 13,ie fur UW.wuitl.iiM, 1S Citlt.lJKtN'ft tV, Ol UCK, MUTt), IM 41oUrO lor U, worth I 00, 2W) UUUmiCV M.STAN KtlTe, eitM 4 tof.tron IU0 to IT Ml. WOKTU I)OUI3Tl2. 100 noY' IA)N l'AT UITS,air II to 1. ao tor tl H worth !. e, j fHne WSU l,INTtltlaieiIfcM,ntrrlD,wor. I' Da tO .tuVrV U(l I'XNT hl'lT. aMll toll, tofnri;ui worth t(l. SM UO V 1USU PAST IL'ITS, f ea It lo Id. Q for I1W, worm III.M. lteuitflarellof 'itevrrr Utait tijlea, and made from ttt Ttrr teit tnattrmi ai.luftuaDrl.ii icuarantred Mtbara, cum and . lirl&tt your toj. Cum tally bd torur tbfl Ur(iLl CI, 03 and 05 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY BUTTE, OCDN, SPOKANE FALLS and BALTIMORE. M IMMENSE VARIETY of .A-isriD vr-p. fitS-THINK OF ITI A BABY CARRIAGE H.DiiifIrueN,Bo, i vtmmimiirmnumiMmmtimmBaejimmiS3!SBSttKSKMtSUIBi 1850. 1892. ,'Wm -gTHEi" '''filial DE8ERETNEW3. J Pioneer Taper of tho llochy Mountain Country. $ ', IB DISIIHMII IIS II ii ; lltn EIGHT PAOES, SCVCN COLUMNS EACH. f WM i nj ihco tvirir str, rictrr lUNDtr. ' SnU 'Mi hi Han on ExtotiHivo tind Inoronslnpr CIroulntlon, ,Ajf BA AnJ ai a Ntnrrurit and ADTtr.Ti.lxa Miiiii'n "V It, mRut IT-HAS -NO -SUPERIOR. plffi ITa tnLUvaa ooetttx I p " IBfUC I. !' II rtiLL TKi.rananiio nn-onr.. Bik; ukliaui.1: imvjli. irui, ' ; Wi, uoac iniinui-oYnrrcE, i Rjk ioui.ium coiciirtroinrtrE. j u EUlt ITIUYAI, tdllKfl.TCPIAt. Ulil IIAILn-AV A.ll 1 1 I Kfjli oomutio nrn 'til tUft mm ai-ira ms. j I KianT VAons, i:ioiit columns each. , IBwl imHLI Publlshod Evory Tuosday and Friday. K tSlaWS t. tui titkMwn LARGEST CIRCULATION N UTAH Wm And Adjoining Sliln and T.rrltorl.i ol any Paper rubllih.d, HlJfcjC And faa. adranUcn which oommend It tn all who cannot afford or ar. not eoneinV ' ffl Jjlaajf .nllj altuall fjr taking a Dally luj.tr. ll oouulo, . i.uiiuar .1 th. lyp 1 jHf( Htm of th. Ttrl., II Domritle and ij& leHrV Telrcraphfr, II Urrlirn em, i BJh Lortl, A Idllorltl Irttdri tj? H( Blicfllineom, ; Upon Trmiplrlnr Etentu ! gRi inn n iv nm niiiccui ll&KHS A STANDARD HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL 1 ilH DESERET WEEKLY H IZaitanllulinil Juno lr;, leiRU, lllftSl li pukllihed arerj Hitnrdaj, a. a 11 to 10 paf . Maailoe, and aa a CUItltRNT IJ13. AsRHmI 1U11Y Ol-' Till: C'llUnCH, and of Iho lut.reitlni acenee through '!BIBli w hlcli the eiijt. of thla region are now antic., alb4 la wlthont a ileal. The volume, wb.n I HBit I tound, tr. HH INVALUABLE ASA WOllK OF llEFEREXCE. IBB TERMS rort THE DAILf I ! H Oai reer On.Te.e eio.oo nHHjl ela Jluull.e S00 , kHHH e Tbre.Moalhe, ...- ... IwBH TERMS FOR THE SEMI-WEEKLYt j Hjfl ne vmpr. One Te.e ee j JHHmJ M Tbr..Heutl,e.WM ... 1 00 J flleHL ! TERMS FOR THE WEEKLYl t uffill C.,7, Oe. Te.e (e-nk-.rinc Two T.lnmee) e Se I nHMH us tt.aiiii .... ui I aSuHn ' TnE NEWS ImIH Book ai Job Printing Office u on or- eaKtarH The JVIost Complete in the fJClestl HKb Oilne well qulppe'l Ith the IiAticit tin Rut Stili- or Tin t ''tllEll f 1'nu.Ki, and other tlrat-clau inatorttl, w. tro fiSeavtlKl prepared to do ewiSl!tv! ALL KINDS of JOB PRINTING in the BEST STYLES, MM With I'llOMITNESS and DISTATCU, and tt IlHASOKAllLn Nit&W llfft R rOSTEI13 OF ALL MZLS,, from tlio Snallut Ittnjblll to tho UrccU Mimmotl , f ij Sj JjJ Xi w BTOkUtJ to mint. J? lu jllji |