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Show LOST AND FOUiN'I). l Craodsll Inturrs Ills life ror $JO,000 ffiBBfflJj and Uluppears In it Jljtte. kRSOjBI rloui Day. LvKflKiil PArvr or thc insurance moncy itMrll! wk P,D' fflm W fir tad mii la HI (il' Dut Iiclectlret .Voir Claim lo Uiri ifrHoi Ji1 lonnd tbe Mining Mm In En i' California. i ISm nf Tslixrseri lolbeNi-is I 'tehtBl IK' m tnatiovai. innnr, P'tlHK Cr.od.ll l, in.mmi hi. Ills aed ' 'M WBISl lll.rprrr.l I. seuml. VHlilwl 1os Amuklis, Cal, May 21. A ,'tatfslil lensallonai arrest hss been mad by irilfiaMLT tbe Is Angeles police authorities. 'Jf jtWB About April 1, 1680, Hryant D. Cran. ' fflB Jlallof llulTalo, N. Y., after lusurlng i IStWMI his life for IJ0.000, dliappeired. Ills -Jtll clothing was found on th bank of the "T 'Pwlll! Niagara, which seemed to point to '4$!lil2?' suicide. Three months liter a ilsid trlBsWI body eras round below the rail ex. AjTipflHi actly fitting Crindall's doicrlitlon. SiiTisaHfil Crandall'a wife and relitlvei positive. IsfltaB' ly Identtrled the body as that or Cran t !lfiaasWi etall, and part of the Insuraac money .sftaRil was paid. The Insurance association! ft&nflasill were still suspicious, and tho mailer 'WBtti wu taken Into, court. In Mircb, 187T, i t 31m Crsndall was seen on tbe street! or VvKsVK! Los Angeles I.y prominent clllisusof , tfl!xsT3l llulTalo, N. Y, Th authorities were I rfiflKfi nolllled, whereupon Ibsy comnieactd 'WfllxWIfi a search for th man, but he had dli- iiMexHsftl apnsated. Bom month ago Cran- irBXTw dill wu again seen In Jxis Angelei JlBlMjI. and again disappeared. From thai sVllKll time Chief Glus and Ilia detective iff JSIoll fore have been on bis trail, and b SHbIHU wu floilly locited at Newhall, this StlfBir) oounty, whsr th petroleum well V1H) are. When an ofllcer reached flew. '(flBll hall, Craudall had again dlsapr-sared. I , l Isit wu esslly tracked to this city anil "", .lafsBl located la th country bupltal, wher , i 1,'JIBf lie wu being treated for inlurlss re- iTirllsWlJ celved In tbe oil country lut Tours- "&IHHtl day. Chief (iliss anil DeUctlv ., X LWBJ MolTat arretted Crsndall, and he wu MK conveyed to the city prison, where li QH MK hu sine been eonllned. The matter xrr itflB wu kept a seers I for fear or habeas ,(jjf WHM corpus proceedings. Th Nw York Utr irflli authorltlei were aollfled or th cap- AV iWfv ture, when a requisition was for. MM, ZWHtl wirded lo Governor Markbiro, and to- wgi ! i morrow Dslectlv Dlehl of Jluflilo, WRS 'llW N. Y., will arrive heru for his prltoaer. S VLMH Crandall'a esse attracted widespread f) ''B! attention at tho time It occurred. Ills ,!It tlHII wife and children irs still In DuOtlo, IfN IW |