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Show THE F1EE PASS FICHO. IU Slakra lh IK ot nTliaalrleal ! "This," raid iflhealrlcat manager, ' la a very pretty townilt ouitht to hav a hall Unlit around It, that might reflect In thoikytotli.it tlmanrroniidlngeotntrlc could ae-i and admire, llttnecll whiles, when) oil aro not Ulngatwal imnnd aaud Imggeil for your mom ), they stand ) on up for ue. L'pon my honor I w ns In troditccd In a man on Monday und on Tneday he buttonholed me on Fifth avenue and raid he would llko to come down and son na. '-So )ou ahall, in) loy,' wild 1, 'tho Ixix ortlco la oin from OtoOnud )uur dollaltaro alna)a Wei come ' "Another tlmo 1 waa a ott of en forced escort to a) oung ldy who was belated mid lead liiimed her ItiuUe. 1 know her slightly, and, u a ge nth man should, offered to tee her home 1 here lin'tn bletacd relntivu the has that 1 haven't imased luto thla house, nnd only the other day tho ) onng woman met mo and told her alster w os going to 1 married, mar-ried, nnd wouldn 1 1 give lier a liox, ao her brother-ln law-to-bo could gho a farewell Blag party. 1 dined at a lint cIim reatuunnt last week, where they serve second cloa minis, nnd the clerk, aa he atruck mo for two dollars, remarked, re-marked, 'You might jnrt na well uao the other tldo of that check to rnuke luo out tl pass "I chucked an Infant under tho chin the other day and aal 1 It wna tho living linngo of lla mother. 1 got letter from Ita father tho next doynvklng for two Boat nt the malinio, 'and pica,' he added, kp tho third chair vacant if jou can. llibyla going along, aa it La nurso'j diy out, nud tho little fellow may want to hive his mother kne.' Another day limcrowdtd s'-reet enr I exchanged tny seat for a strap, to which a j oung In ly was holding on. What do )oii thliiL, aho c uno Into my olllre only this morning and wanted to know if I vvonlln't lw ao 'i tllto' a toglvohera tent In the theater also. Bho thought 1 was so much of n gentleman alio didn't mind In the least aakliu me. "My paetor bega for pnsar. My 1 in 1-lady 1-lady demand them nnd pa) a oh her milk bill wltli them When I treat a man holooka aa if ho exited aims at tho bottom of tho glasa. Tho atn-et car conductor thinks one ought to go with over)' (aro 1 jeiy hlra. Young n omen re-tent re-tent mo with rimca. wearing u won't-jou won't-jou iMiaa-mo-througli thc-eloof tort of i xprcMitou, und their brother walk along tho avelico with nio and call inc 'my boy- and want to know wnat ntgnt 'mo and ala'cun find a couplo of teat. Then they take aomootlnr fellow' sister, sis-ter, llut for the cock of tho enko walk give men fellow ou fifth nvcntio whom 1 naked Mon lay to send mo down bouio things C. O. D " 'Wo don t trust theatrical peoplo at all, my dear air. Wo Hi id it doeiut pay.' 1 wanted tho thlngaslriiglitnvva and with dlfllcnlty made up tho snui out of the ch mgo In my pocket Tho next night tho ge ntleim. i was at tho theater door just a I came forward. "'I BiipH!o it' nil right ho snui. "What's all rlgluT aald L " 'Oh, yon know me. You did business busi-ness with uio yestcrdn). 'Jiu't It all right "1 didn't wait to say a word, but I rushed homo and for flvo minutes yelled bluo devils up tho chimnoy of my lirenlaco. after which 1 went back tolhe theater and for two hour eouldnt brink tho rno ot people waiting fur paacs." Then the manager, sighing wearily and wiping hla perspiring brow, wrote ou tho margin of a nowtinqier, "l'aaa Mr. Jone und party to Imx " When ho finished ho whlpcrli "My licst girl mother's divorced husband, who at tho 1 resent tlino ia ttamliiig In ngatnwtth the old lndy. If things conlluuo blooming bloom-ing there will lie a double weddln,." rutaburg Dnqmlch. |