Show SNAP SHOTS AT HOME NEWS On a Purchasing Trip Mrs G. G H II Morris of at Walker alker Brothers Brothers' store went East yesterday on a purchasing Ul- Ul ing tour Applicants V Are Examined Eleven applications for tor certificate wore examined yesterday esterday b by tho the State Board Boara of P Pharmacy Take Trip to Wyoming Ite Rev fles' and Mrs rs C. C F. F Arnold left teet toda today for Cor Evanston Wyo Wo where they will Wll be Joined b by a a. son sonS son Dr C. C F. F Arnold Will Go to Brighton James Sadler and family accompanied by Miss Phyllis Young will go to Brighton Brighton ton tomorrow for several weeks at cotta cottage go there Mrs frs Hawleys Hawley's N New w Home Peter Anderson has secured a contract for tor building a R. 2500 residence o on Seventh SI East Kast street between First and Second South streets from Mrs 1 Laura Crocker Hawley Sues on a Judgment T T. J. J Brown I Is Ic suing William T. T Cannon to revive a Judgment fo los and costs and ond Interest from August 8 S. amountIng amount amount- tn Ing to 77 The sum sued for is l Wife Charges Cruelty Mrs Margaret Rob Roberts this morning commenced a divorce suit against a her husband Fred Roberts on the ground of or cruelty They were married on September Septem Septem- ber bel 24 2 1 1551 1 Petition Is Approved Mayor Thomp Thompson on toda today approved ed th the tho petition of Pro President Joseph Jo F. F Smith of or ortho tho the Mormon church that the tho original line of ot the sidewalk on the north side Bide 0 of South I Temple be retained t from State to Vest West Templo Temple streets Excursion to Lagoon The Salt Lake Florists Florists' association and The he Twenty seventh ward of ot the city have excursions to Lagoon this afternoon No 0 special ha has been arranged but nearl nearly loX have gone out to spend a few tew hours in the cool shade Seeks Missing Heir L. L J. J Ruth of Salt Lake Is Ig In receipt of ofa ofa ofa a letter from Ohio heirs to lar a large e Eng Eng- I Ul lUh lish h estate Inquiring about the supposed death In this city several rol years cars ago ajro of ot Georgo Holdeman another heir Theman Theman The Tho Thoman man In Question was traced tracer here from Aspen Colo Cob Mr Ruth will Investigate tho the death re records cord a. a Reynolds Is Remembered George Reynolds second ft assistant l sup of the thc L. L D. D S S. S Sunday school or of Salt bait Lake L' L has been presented a hand hand- some leather chair by about thirty of oC the officers of or Sunday school union toa board The nc pres Presentation speech was made b by Dr J. J JM M. M Tanner and ami remarks were made b by b Presidents Joseph F. F Smith and Anthon II Lund West's Body Dody Sent Home The Tho remains of ot Edward West rest the tho young electrician killed b by a fall rail from an elec elec- light pole were taken to Golden Colo Cob this morning for Cor or burial The Tho young oung wIle wICo accompanied the remains She has been almost prostrated with grief since liar her husbands husband's death yesterday morning Instead of ot tho the father of at tho the dead n man an having met a similar fate tate It was sas a a. brother who tell fell f from orn a telephone polo plo with lIke results The father I Is editor of ot a 0 paper at Golden Colo Cola Assayer Is Stricken John Currie urr e nn an a assayer yer was overcome b by a hemorrhage or of the tho st stomach mach while rIdIng rId rId- in- in Ing a wh el in Liberty park last lat night Ho lie bu became unconscious 10 and Dr was vms m After ACter an hour he was able to be removed to his home lIe He is resting easily Mr Currie toda today has and been boh Is somewhat subject Improved to severe stomach trouble for somo some time Appointments Approved Mayor fa Thompson today disapproved tho the appo appointment of B. B S. S Kimball as s policeman policeman police police- man and approved that of or William E. E Carey At the thu same time ho confirmed tho the appointment of or JohnT John T. T Wilkins likins Ethan A. A Barker Robert C. C Condie and John P. P Howell aa as special policemen at nt tho the Salt Snit Palace He lie also approve approved t tho the appointment appoint appoint- ment of extra police poUce I lor or tho the Elks Elks' reunion Prize Fighter Is Fined Pined James i Francis a negro e prize fighter w was tried S before Judge S Diehi hl this morning r rg on a 3 charge chane of or a ault and battery batter Ills His alleged offense was tho the striking of or another er man because use tho the latter would not fight him He was let off ort with a a. I Jo line 1 B D. D A. A was as aa arraigned nM on a similar ch charge rge and pleaded d not guilty His hearIng hear hear- Ing InS will be held Monday morning |