Show I CIGAR IN A CHEESE Material for tor Farce Comedy In a no Strange Case Caso in Paris There was an extraordinary occurrence occurrence occurrence occur occur- rence recently In a n. shop In tho thoA A venue Paris One of the tradesman's customers who had Invited d five friends to dinner had purchased purchased pur pur- chased a large cheese and when hen it U was cut Into the stump of or a smoked half cigar was found in the middle The host and his guests round Ina Ina In Ina a body to the che er to demand an explanation and the tho return of oC the money or th the substitution of or another cheese but tho tradesman refused all three thre propositions and ond even suggested that tho they ought to be satisfied as ns they had not only the cheese but half halt a cigar r as ns well cl clOne One of or the guests then threatened to report the for selling tobacco without permission High words followed and at length the tho customer picked flicked up the offending attending cheese and hurled it with correct aim at tho dealers dealer's head A regular battle ensued The shopkeeper wag Mas as backed up b by his wife wiCe and three n. n assistants and the customer cus cus- tomer b by his friends The counter was Vas piled with cheeses of various kinds and these were Vere converted Into missiles wile while lIc the butter buttel also came in handy The fhe uproar attracted the attention of ot t a policeman who arrived Just as a a. large Dutch cheese crashed through the tho window window win win- dow ow and caught him on tho the chest cheat When the officer had recovered hi his breath he separated the combatants and took them to tile the police station where here they were discharged lI char e th a caution Pearsons Pearson's Pearson's Pearsons Weekly |