Show CATTLE Chicago CHICAGO Jill July 30 Receipts Cattle including Jul Co 5 Texans Ct Market larket steady strong good to prime steers S. S pool to medium stockers and fe feeders ders h 52 S CO le 2 canners canner bulls 52 calves S. S 70 Texas bul f fed l steers U 5 Western steers GOX 1 Hogs Today Receipts Today 2 2300 tomorrow 1300 left lef over Market 6 lower and butchers good to choice heavy 7 rough heavy goo i. i i light l ht 7 80 iO bulk of oC sales 74 i Sheen Sheep Receipts Receipts Sheep slow la lambs Iambs steady good to choice 4 fair tall to choice mixed on J S Western Vestern sh sheep V p 2 S 0 native lambs 7 |