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Show ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. ' A Tejro Slid lo Haw Ttirjatcnei lbs Lift of Dr. lilggins. urn tms ton a Dituic. Al'oicof .Iwanlt iilllilnlpiill'i Murder tagranrr, hlinp-l llllug and Ullirrtatca. Henry Bmltb, a colored mac, with unlimited fill atrutancu I ut n meiigro amount ot Judgment, waa arralxued biforoJuitlccUte, loJ.ij, on charge offoigir). He enteied a pleaofuot guilty and waa tent batk to Jail pf tilling till-ing arrnngementa for trial, lteetina thatyolerday he nllcmtttd tornaha forged chick bearing thu name of Doctor ICenlall, mid calling call-ing for $.50. Tho cathlcr ol thu Conmiercltl Ilank, to whom the raj er waa presented, refund to hnu'r It an J auinmonoJ an onicer,-!! ho placed Htilth under arreat and couod him to tho city hall. T ho negro la n rook by occupation, twinty-nlnuyt-araot age.and ittclatte lu the strongest Kngllah that ho can command that ho la entirely Inner-nut of the otlelliD charged, but so far hat failed to exilaltih'.w he ratiie In o-etaalon o-etaalon of tho a.urlouschtik, or why liu atteni ted to taab It AMrriiru cuon cai- Alexander IiUartj, anolhtr coon, waa coiivIUikI In the police court to day of triapaaalng ou the iremlrca of Dr. Hlgitlne. Lallerly una, at one Hint, eui loyed at general aervant hy Dr. HUglna. but waa recently illi-cuargeil. illi-cuargeil. Ilia place waa II I ltd by nnolhor "cullud p,emen" agalnat whom, It a-iroa, he haa alnce outer-talneil outer-talneil thu most lutenso hntred Dr. Hlgglus, too, lias lioeu an oljritof hla dislike, audltlsaald haaroveral tlmea Utiithnattned ly IjHTnty. Two or three uvenluga ago hnla aald tu hnve iKcneeonlurklngaruunl thu doctor's pre.nhee, peeping lu the windows win-dows on "all fours," all for nu evil p'jr,ioc. Thla ho em- hatlcally denied. The court, how-titer, how-titer, thought ho waa Rullty mid fined hlmteu dollars. I.iUirty waa ri presented pre-sented by coll met nud gtvo notice of nn nieal. A.tuiiirn .tiina orKr.NDint, John Harris, a qu-meleome and daugtiotia darkey, ttne adjudged guilty ot aasiull with Intent to kill. Un Hattirday night laat ho struck compaulon over the head with n heavy Jlete of troii, laying baro tho aVull. to was held III flOlk) bunds to await the action of the grand Jury. On do-fault do-fault of sureties ho waa sent lack to Jail. HfTV UVtS lull A DIltlNIC. Tom Tolln, a chroiilo drunkard and public nuisance, who has Just emerged from tho county Jail, after . having served u Jentem.u uf sixty days for vagrancy, was beforu Juatfc-d tleo today to-day furdrunkenutas. Hewnsnojudgcd gutliy and was rentenct-il to flfi days' liupileoutnentln the city atl. When eeuteiice was pronounced Tollti as-eutued as-eutued an air of Injuied tnuocoiico and Inquired, "Is that all, )our honor?" 'lieventj-tlvodaysfor jour luipertlu-euce.alr." Atturuiy J.lchnor(rialug qulcRly) The court cannot Indict thla penally, as It is In cxceis of what tho law allows. al-lows. The Court Very well, then, let the seLteiico stand as It was fifty days. Tolln Thank ye, Judge, thank ye. ion vuiucr. A.M. Dawson plead guilty to the charge of vagrancy and was turned over to tho custody of I'rlsou Kioper ltalolih for a erlod of sixty d jj s. I1IBI1I l UTAliLi: won l.N. Molllo Donahue aud Mollle Ilrown, womeu of loosu character, paid tlielr tributes ot Jil each lulj tho city triaaury. No Atii'.iJtrs. Beveral case cf shoplifting nre reported re-ported as having occutrod today and ytaterday, but no arrests have bt-eu mado thus far for this offense. BAI.AIIV ACCJfNr. The coat for maintaining tho police de nrtmeut for thu mouth of February, was $3'J-H 01. This amount was dla-trlluted dla-trlluted umong forty-two men, llltC'IIAIUlLU. M. Meakln, booked fur trtspass, waa discharged. |