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Show The li. I i ., minims. In The Magiutiia or American History linn ArUmr Ham), president of tbo Cnnudlan iuaiiiute throws n light on tho character of tue great llenoose dbv coveror which is qjlleilineixut from Hu halo through which we are aocualoinud to behold him lahlsdefcuaeof hlmaill Culuiubns swaks uf hmiaelf as n ca4nla who by divtoo will has eou plena! n new world and tail It uudur lite dominion nl bisiln, ndllng these significant worda "Through which Kpulu, which used to bocnUed pour Isuow ileh In Hint last clause Is u euinmlng up ct liihiuuan outiuges and ernettles lot which not. inly tfpAiii, but civilised man kind, ought to blilih ulilll Ihu worlo stands. Culiimbus ohtaluoil fnun thi ti majiaitleii of atln his ox; luring nultil solely on the itrength nf tlie Idea lliathi wonll Uud gnll for them gull, gold gold! 11 waa Ids Idea and theirs fron lint to last One ot tho first places ot enlcrpriso or. the jairt ot ColntnlsM was lo selae htin dreila of the nallvea aa UvM, lo be sent to Hurojai ard sold This waa dono II tho beglmiiiig ou Iho exotle that thc woro eaunlbalA Then Ihouainds ol them were seised au I put to hunting and washing gull In thu prortucci wluro gold was feunl cieh Indhu ulaive fourtevll was forced to briug te the Hpanlurd erery threo months u cer tain mnoiint ct gold, nud those else-where else-where had togivo "anitrrohacf ooltun " Tho InJiina rebtllwl They t,rev ro dcsisirato that tlm) I1M to tho moun-tilna moun-tilna nnil tnud tostanotho bjainlah ro-i querorsout In i Oil they w ore pursued nnd trcatod with uuajieiikablu tcroelty Tliu pious Columbua himself on cmoiio-ciislou cmoiio-ciislou writes home. "In tho naiuu ct Hie Holy Iriuity there cuu bo sent ai I lanj ll ivea as sale can bu found for lu bpain, and they tell me that 4 VUO can be soldi also some logwood, realizing together to-gether about t0 UOO." Nuw mark thu endl Today tho lieat part of all tho lamlaCc-Iambus so proudly proud-ly clntmod for rtisdn is ow nwl and peopled peo-pled by Hugllah idling natluua, and soino of thu lnit of thu rest seeuis dis-tiueil dis-tiueil nlao tu peas into thole hands. Old Spain herself h is lost everjthlng worth having In the Now World execjit Culii, aul It wavers ami treuiblea In tho Uil anco Will miy Mr. llancyiiuoUitha wordiofCunau Ilojlui What U litis that II atoan tneP Mbonei ennia Ihi r 11 e ajoplia,4liKe lurdlr imlloui, IIism uiULlrrouDlrlaa ableb rite up Lifuri ion) I lo-ik (Kruno an I otliera rlie, au 1 ret other. Ur ami Unljrr la Urn alMirva ef tb uttoriiUMt wslcne liny crowd! Tlierawariul TliasoilJ la ilieu le Ibani and It rreoiil.ll wltb Iba clsnii of ll.elr lianiiDtira aud llie rllue lis or Ibrlr iburcU lulls. TUy cell lima liuny name aud liter rule tb.ni tlilawayel that but tber are all e- islUb, for 1 hear Ibi vulrna nt tlir mo.Ii Ui I lu, alel ouifarj our Has whera luaa Lath bvtir Jll aallad nod 1 aae a kiaal laud umlcr caw sura and a itiaoKr akr.and still Us land la Kualiuul WUrre Lais tier ehlllran not gone) Wliul hsl a tbef twit il wy 11 ir eannrr la l lanled ua ku. (lor n.u.nir U aeorrba.1 lulhe aua. Hbl lliaailiwiu'ltbabindl.a&d Lirehaduur Ueicl IL Miaa. |