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Show Amnirmcnt Notes. AtthoHaltl.ako Thialro lut ovec-iDgwm ovec-iDgwm preaeutedoneof Daiey'a new jilocca, "Lovo rinda a Wy," by llio Katie l'ulnam mmi-any. Uf the play llaelt a Rtrat deal can not bo fold, though there are commeudaMe ftaturre In It. Old Dan Ilradley, tho rtformeil drunkard, who flghtaa.-alnetlita tlilr.t for liquor, and agalnel the aollcltatlon of hlaold boon rompaiilontto return to tho bowl, lia well dillneated character. Uf courao, whatever of intritlalu thu play, li rendereddouhly more o by Inn auperlor acting of Mlaa fuluani and hereupport. Her renlerlng of "The ilogey Man" waa clhaa the beat of her vcc.tl icrfjrmaiicra. Uf her acllni; little ncod bo aald to Halt Lake UieMrc-gocre, ante that on laat lilirht It loat nono of Ha ex. cellence. The to leal aong, "Thtro nre Momenta when You Wlah to he Alone," Waa a ftaturo ot llio iierformanco that waa received with loudaud prolong) d laudlla. It waa well rendered, and ilr-irved the ralie Itrecelvid. Unthewholethu l'ulnam Comjiany liaatronKone, and acqulto lUtlf lu m inetltoilotia manner. Tueaday "An Unclaimed Expreai Package" will lu prtnud, and on Wedntalay -riio Uid Cuiloally Hhop." Mr. Wllklnaon'a Wldowa" will l given on Thurtday. Friday, and aiurdny mallnro and night. Thla la cilo of tho notable cventa of tho icaaou. MONDI.ltI.ANI. Thla week'a programme contalua sevetal leaturef of Intercat aud tho little itittcli ipacnted by the atock ompauyta auinllted to Imono ol the beat, liadlet'eouveulrdey tomorrow. |