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Show LATEST TKLKOltAMS. .nrntiijc AkhIr-I llleinl StmUne WASitt.NaTO.N, Feh. 16. The rrgn Ur uunual prrcUmatlonhy the lrtl-ihnt, lrtl-ihnt, wAtnlnx all rwrsora imaluit llIefale.Altuizlullel rlnir tea, li pn ivared aud will robatly to iMued hi a (cwdn)v. lhe) rocUmatlout It la un tleritood, la couched lu thu unual term. rit iuttlon of aontlnului; tho mmlua Iviudl for thu prrttctlati of llfoln ItehrluuT irn which vtu lu Deration lut kunimir hnd not Uen ngreod upcu up tuuday ortnuogo. Mntllt.IK. I M(lIr. IIOMHAY tih IS o.Rial.wX which )irh rbvnlltil t eru for om time ha btcxii) epll'tnlc. Diirlm the pant week ihuv.n.re twentj three deathi from thttdlatau. rinnnrlnl Trouble Ottawa, OuU I"eh 15, Cisielmin Lumber Co.. at Cosilmau. Out , have jenell.tj ilquldallon. The llsollltlu arenotnanouncei), but tltsy are aald to lie very larue. The rumeta amount to fw,uuu. A Itallruail Itunrrrl. liltTLAM, Orrfioli, 1 cb. 18, J. Wharton, LlnJs.) Hmlth auJ Ueorgo IJekelm, who control five million dot-ls.rs' dot-ls.rs' worth uf stork of the Oregon l'a-lI l'a-lI He rallroat, hive troUKht suit In tho Uult.il Htut.s ilrrlllt court Ineijeln the vheritf of Uenton county from Issu-littf Issu-littf ALetlllhatn of salu nf the runl to V.. Jeb, who hid on It lu last NomUr for one milium dollars f ar lhe U in lit of iheslm nliulji rs. 1'lalntllli olleifelliat Colouel llrsjir, irisldcnt of the rein-I rein-I any, Isatlrini tine; tu form a titer com-I com-I any andtrsitifir thu aloik to It, and thus Oelraud them of lliilr rlghls. 1'iirilia.eer Timbre I ami. Han Kham.im.1, lb. IS.-Mlles Ilrevsstir, a himttrman, uf (Irten Hay, Wis., and ratiini ,1. Jionrcr, or fled close Lumber Co, bavo urchand twi nty-eli;lit thuusaud acres of line tlml-rr lind In Hl.tbcti aud tjlissta uoiinllee and will enter Into rsHsslon lu a feir days. Next wirk thcyulll conimmco the conslrujtlon nt tony mllen of rallrond to countct vrlth tliu California aud Oregon rad. Mislof tho land waa purcuusid from the rjouihem l'acillo tompauy. rite tital pi Ice paid for thn land wasJsM,-uud. wasJsM,-uud. Mlrblran cnpltillnla am niRotl-ntlng niRotl-ntlng for a ttail of TtKM airta niljolulnic this turcha.c. tlrnlinaiiil llloln. Ionios, IU. IS. Aa n leeult of tho storm, two Vfiails, one thu JlrUlsli Utk 'Cavotir" and thu other unknown, un-known, have been trrecknl, and It la thought thu crew, e of both liavo Lien lost. A dispatch ftotii ltlu do Jan. ilro states Hat advlna nelveil thire from rott Alexa, tlie capital ot tho Htate ol Cm a, slate that ills-lurbiucia ills-lurbiucia havu broken uul lu tho KUlle, nnd the teople of Ihocopltal have drheu the icovi rnor fn m Iho clly. No reason for thu outbreak la ntngntd. Tinnlt s,ii,ni,lr, l I'm, a, I'Ams 1 eh. 18. II illuay an I street tralllo la almost entirely susjuudeil beiAiiso of IhclKaey luotfstorin, and several fatalillt. aru reoited. Ilnallinr llesl.l lluuhnlli Vtllti.rn. Nrw Vuliir, l'eb. IS David Dunham Dun-ham Wllhtrs, the"raieof llrotkatle," as he la known tu thu turf uorlj, died at llrevoott HuusoatS.30 this worn-tHK. worn-tHK. rnneeeiiilllievellran rAius, l'eb. IS. Ill order I ) stop the friction tietwceu Frsrcu aud the Vuti-uau Vuti-uau duo tu the refusal of Cardinal ltlchird, atchblahoii ol Tarls, to com-intiulcale com-intiulcale to the 1 reneh t Ishopa the Kttii wrlttin to him by the Tope, In which his llolliiiM.i'Jolni. IU i I'm, cli I rilatea to nhu their luliialou to tho leltlbllc. ( ardlual ll&ninolla,iaialsic-reiary ll&ninolla,iaialsic-reiary of stale, hue notlflid tiiu j'rench povernuient that the apal uunclo al l'atls haa belli Instructed to dlstrlllltu copies of the folio' letter to the blah 0- Mere ri liun In Arts 1 ork. Nlw Youu", l'lli. IS. Thu nioru cases uf typhus feur liavu deveIoied nmunir the small contliiEt.nt nf flurainn Hi brews t-ti J. Ills Island, Tliry teeie rtmovid to North llrolher Island. Mvn steamships oru now detalmd at (lunrantluc, lucludlu the ".Sric,' irom Ureitieu, which lauded Itajass-engera Itajass-engera on J.llls Island this morning. Kenpielnd Isalil llubliern lleleentil 1)1 Kit, I'ch. 18. Tho i ears of the list notorious Mt Coy iiani; who htkl iipthultlo tiratde train Iait August nearCotaiiuxl hafo indul In then-leasoof then-leasoof Kid McCoy and I rank Ua' lntkastberu la no testimony to hold them. An Indian lliilit. WamuMiTuv, I'ib, 19, Ceurral Bchofleld thla morulnir ricelved a telegram tele-gram Irom the Ktneral oommaLdltit; thedepnttmentof Arizona this morn Ins, eaylnit that a Unlit occurred ut Tint Btan'oii. N. M. ye.lenln I. ' tanii Mercali-cn anl LIk.u lr.il jus, u dutlu whloh four tuiu nirekilhnt 1 tt mm wolilidul IlesajalhBtt fra re t" have ipiietiil down and that no furthsr trouble la tutlclpatid. 1 tlmllriiee. fir. Iioi'i", i'eh. It. Itumi rr are le. ' Inn circulatud In thu tlTVi t that s'ai, t'ommlnsluni r ltlchard Kleium In challtnecd Louis Wllllch to R dtitl. Wlllkli ntlacked Dr. Die ncir, tdl t , . of Iho At,ztatrJ)ei II rsftus and fall . i. i In-law of Klemm, In the iiilumnsof t hh wi-cVly Juurnal he latrrne a-ii jti lhe nllettid challenqe Is the outcome. |