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Show The III HUli IVm, 11 Mauy oontilrlee ago tho Lrittah juirliv larnt cUlmetl tlai right to rinruluto the tutcattdou to thoirowi, It p.Mr.1 from lime to time iittt w liicl. reinuli. in foreo and liz tho heir.htp to tlio throno exact I) I'nrllatnetit wonld nu lo lbtettly lx-trdte lx-trdte tho right to chingo tie law of oot.4tlon Itaelf had made, If ft bah fit II) lull tutted tn (lurru Anno a rtlgn tlio trown cuunt pin to 11 iiertou not i communicant of 41te cttabllthttl t Lurch No member of Iho ro)al family can marr) without llu, coiMont uf tho tov- ilclgil Tho nota of lairltaim nt provi lo ' Hi it tho throno thi.ll p i to ouo heir 1 niter another In the itrtctetlou of nttvt i hit one f.iull) intul bo eth.tutod W-toro W-toro another entt rt on Iho throuo j At ll o death of tjiir. 11 Anno, danghter 1 otJimeall Hie trim 11 fell to tho aon of I'riutoM Boplila wire ot the Duke ot Urunawick and i'nu.1 granddaughter of Jlarj" Stu .it. riilt ton waa Ucorgo 1, founlrr of the Hanoverian dynttty Queen VittorU I. therefore n direct .Itttend.utuf Iaryoflk'otland Qoorgo 111 tiud uluo tout Tlio ,Jd.t, Ueorgo IV, niiteeilnl him lie died without children The ton liumcli itoly follow lug Ueorgo IV In 1 died before him, alt . without iliildreu Cotieequcutlythoauc. loatluu Tell to the ntxt tun tf Ucorgo III, who butauo King tt ilUmn IV He did und Itfl i.j heir At tlio tW of his death thero wero threo tuna of Uooi-go III tlill ll.ing Hut the brotlur i bext )uung.r than William wat HI ward, duko of K, nt He hi. 1 m.rrlod an I died, leaving a dtughtrr, ictoria. To her theroforo. at next lu tuciettlin, I Iho crown roll, pa-wingi iter tho ho idiot J hir untlee. S.i the chll Iron of tho I'rlnco of Wiilet will bo heln to tho throue, ono afttr the other lu thoordtr of ue, tiofoi-o uny uf cjatn Victuria a other children If Prime Ueorgo ihgtil.1 be king and dio w Ethu.it helrt, Ihon tho tuccciaiuii u oul 1 fall to tho next )uiuu,or of tho Wahw.hlldrin, Loulw of life or her ihlldtcn lu eiau iho dloil before th. m The t ife luctxntlon la vrhat the nobility uf Hnglanl inuet triy to la. delivered from They an. to joalona of ono an-othi an-othi r that th y would ulinnit ralhor ien Lutlferhlmttlf rain 1 to the throno ot On ut Urituln than even u dttcendaiit uf uue who had lu va,1 lu their cln J |