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Show I v KKt iihioim: I ... ,f U.r .cnIf-M.rr.nl " ' ..Jin. f. " "' U,'m"" t,"SwTthbn II. A.l.m.,10 '' neVuniarrleJ ou ll..HU of ,Mk it I In lb fllolllwm b.lk'"?.lTii lo MealCOltl le- (tt .1 oh rounlry. I trr wl.ti to fcD:t?.atlioralt.t tuaro I.I. tut ."lht ...."!.; M...-In tiir iiMIi1i nil I.11?11 'li "ii. '"i '''"' "nl1"!1 ,o11- I0 10.T tilt mill wllilerne"! ". ..lint two ...III. for .. KjWlll.uol murmur tlio wilt.. I fS.i tin ilck, ilmnlitrlim com. "at.1 "w ill "nJ H. Hi; J An i of Ortola-r 1. rrlTl .1 KiMe ii.UO few ill) , nu I. '"I'll! t.b'. ml body ot 'lb. llrtUlton Xiuptiiolln ur.ii.tol. norlh. ,lto l'liello.wlicra !. mnilnnl SrtMll.. intir. In tlio prinic of mi 5 rrrl.rdat Koit John, yow uVtmle. Tlirr. II w... lo.rmd lint S ail within H.ree mil" o '" nMfi.'iii.pfl.y '"") 'l,,llua !V S , ,tol clt.it. I ravelin .lo f U U (.t ailiult.ll.Umo I row tin. I lo-... lo-... c- ..I"' I'llthtii ber Irnl .on K.MIiofJuy, HIT, tlimklnil OoJ i,r lb oa-ia of lliocl.ierl.anl kitlnlalnt II ik v loJiwMfor t m goo. i iiihiiul V ..Clin ro hIm nail ,,j yet urWli.r..earytrivel.wllli lb. tettllioo ami Into th valley. She ... now irriiir.il l ooiillnno ttr UIiom In conor. lion with her Iu.ImuiI, aa tlir nuiilt of "o I mUli J direct. In li (trollier Adama iiJ linir I ulliela of wlicit, v,l.lcli v. at morn ante 111. I I'y l', living tJ Iho lint wmt.r nnJ tnrlnK on rllllllteer, Ttier row .undo ii hum on Mill (lirkiwlialrth.) live t milt.' win'or I tiblTunllllltrvmUef lsil riieu me. I Milt I it. I tun imu nly, w h to ih. y 1 iitlTnloiillielllliot fiUtnir, IS.J II.,forlli..llilr.tlnif i Iml hrr nuw cnr lkd R a uwuler of tho lUJifiocltty, lnvinn Uon a monilwr i that orrfanliillon In Niuvoo u ilo I. (Hint H.K 1'iVt. ltl5JI,lirwiif.tnart ly Aw " O x.rtiiilfitowaUuionlur MU ,:!' Tor IS yrati ihe huinllj mbwI liiriilllnK wllli grilucrr, w-llirr liuit In Uoil, therllniulit-rJlttallliol therllniulit-rJlttallliol tin io with whom ihr. kUM, I liming acf, to) anJ cooj iMhill anionic wbom tho ajiuln- Iglhofall of IS'. ilm movnl to II r tM i, WiMilngt in Uoiinty. In m Etrtlitfiiclrty w ormnlMil In IliU iiv, ami hhuuai thoieli prwUrnt lul Kltvl In that raiMlt till 1STT, b,D ibn rrUnrl on account of III iiilib, iml tho fr..i nt nlli from Iho ut in 1SS3 hr h.iltl. wmioiiio. it.l ImrroTiJ, an I In March of that tut ,bo wat oh hn hy HIior I., nt at hrr tint Uounrlir, Bho t.M that lnulllon u ti Ihu lor of ti.r o.alh, vthlih otcurrtil it ID pin. on tho 2'lrl .lay ol J du.it, lha.', ath.rrutlilriuoliiilar. riiburali, Waihlnslon cunnli aftrr a lMtiiett.il llln. W llh hut llttlopnlu uiullrrloie bho wt.l away ultlioutn tftiilrartia huihauO, ono dauirhtcr iqJ oibtlirr aaJ an a iaj U-.I n, twt n I; Dm tMtidchll Irrn, live tfi. I'iiiJ.IiIIIicii Ualij.i. thrto orhm callilrm that ilorrar.il ami a hot of IritnUft to mourn hordoiarturo. Jun (ruTloui to hir drparturo Umf Ihu Ilfr, ilui railed her on- la liw hy tmnio, on 1 lni rrpiK 1 up n him tho urtivtity of dlrrct Ii' ll.o tmrKln. and itrrtitth of l.r ttritidchlMrrii In thOM. . hit. brlilbnt wouli U.t tromjto Dm In ! Imilaof tho work of Uod, lu whlih ciuirbhohillatiorrdi hnthluit douhu lui . fir nrirly fifty yrm. j Imrril a.rvlrnt wcru .'onduot.'d at I Ibi LrrdH nuctluf; liomr, whrri. tho I hrgnt itathrrlnjr that ln mot thorn fur j.iw, armil 1 to pay IhMr !' i"l cl to Iho ouo th.-y lovrd to well. Uu.ollnf rnnnrki win. mado by lourirlor I.ttlUim and l.hlor rjt.olo, D(anirtIUburj, All iokt In tho hlchint torios ot Diruiiy Tlrtunaui unaworvlui: In-inly In-inly (or Iho cauio of trulli. I.. V. |