Show NEWS OF THE WEST Bnaco Slitters Will Be Summarily Dealt Yllh In Dennr I JUVIMLK IIUlhLUKIUKI Iltniirkaule licJ irons mouth llirltllan ImlraTor heltlu and lliiiur lletliri = Ton lender Wjo Gaulle 1171 the Lander rraniiailmiiui ouuipiuy hat bought SWUW unjo Bale In lituilcf an far UiH itetou 1YIOIt MB per I liundretl null for Ilimaini The Kttchuiii Idaho AJi re 1011 n rich urikv in Kuunii ul Julf cirtk 17 mange Z lllneaman the Utter enouiiileleJ a iKlunt halve ea a from winch run It m SII l 0 101 n Ion gold nnJ high in silver The soda lakri traticli I will iron te 10 shale lo have the Coils 1 ruiitlit I In ty can frntn the lake soy the lva nilt UMnitany I hI loch works will thru rtumo o HMIoiu cud IIhl em plojniflil la a iiuoilir A gang of jroungtteri has recently attemrJeil to teak luio ollloei III Ilio lwpli4 llink ktilldlijcal nr dun Inn the early hour ol moinlnx On VrdiiHHlay motoliiKi about J oclock Unierr Mcltiititili inught Ciaudc Hmllli and Iuroy Iuuat lolluitiu > lolou > ljr In Iho ulllulC and arrrtlnl 1 thrill upon UIloluo iiuuUjr they wr taken to the ivunty Jill J lorrruor Markham ol California liai isirJou il Duwmd HioiiflpM who we a unlII1I In Kebiuaty UOI 10 folly oue yon lmHli unitnl in the pebl toutiary Huilltlji Iii 1Ir morn lIa1I her home In MiMiUrl lo lid money euuuKli la no la Oallioriila and ruikvn > r > oual 11101 lo the HOT einor llo tea laidiiDrd uloon Iho couJlllou let tin WHIU hat Call ion da amid user rrluiu Tho canialKn if time Chtllllill tin draTor luclellta ot Alameda county CI 11 lnai fiyuureellluguii buuday may now Ian MM tutu otiintl U will te priaecutoJ wltliKUal vigor laclitocl t1 Iou au ar < uil tijiuiiilttt < hob h-ob Ib uuJIIrllo with a ge11eral etroutiveeommlttermad agood deal oiellcllveterra uVupioloU I by Ike ufellIberl of the orKulIiIlOO hluro rltcllvu day At Ml Ilul llktr and Wllllo Iflenon were 1I11IIiK olllh Irom Mln l4 > ri > < Imnir say the UlohlltlJ Adle cote their ionic Uctmn IrUliU cued at aime CI lint In the road and oolf Cho buggy MM dunked lu 11 leca aEiluil lunchIng 1111 In Irobt ol 1 Mr Unlmini rnlJnica and the 1 arson mthrowm lul Mlti Maker was drained several yards and II WAI atllrt Inured she was badly hull bill her > trdy recovery tin agritably till uipvlultd thru auxlttltr Ilank Deacon an emplojn ol ha Kdlion Llnlil and lower l 10110 ny at Oakland Cal bad a mntlk tl I uiapv Itpm deatli on WtJctJay Its Ml IVru HorlM In the new lulluliicon Mailtvt stunt onj Leaped wills a rlth slid a brulir IU was wlilnij the cow lullJlUK accld ntallyilt > rd oars luoea 1 build and Ml down shoal Houm wilt broke lilt fall He wa romiwliat ituuntd Hud liken to Iho JttfltlTlii noiiltal whole ho on oar lushly riauilnel The turiieou could llud only it bruliii on Hie lelt arm and a ilUbt laceialiou of rue iculp Uaroll may have rlleJ Internal In oil The 1I0Yor Acu i sal that Chief of Tulle Atiutlrouic nai mood an order Iliat all kuncu ttttrert te untiled and thrown Into Jtll every Hum hey are found attiiiipllni In work their 1111I0 upon thttiirtetf ChI good w1 bai brgun and oh W uirJ y Lin hoc if the bunco mm wan taken up on chargei uf Taiiraiior Ouc of tliv II I ruoneii was tiled and ooiiTlclrd lie was tenlencvJ to serve ilxly diji In lime 0 11 lilY Jill ltw 1 the llrl cam on reoord where well known itterer him sell locked up In the county Jill upon a vagrancy onurne amid adoi lie Jfiici oII wan a clear 1 Tlolory for the lulls I onlclali astir at II weld |