Show Tea ofii ir nrinriiK ra 11e1 NIlI coca slit 111 We tl O 4lra la call I your attention to the hmpurtunceolueinglrldiwne > Obetily I Illli and Otwiltv Fruit Salt to reduce jour fat whltlilt the CIUK of fatal l ilii rams uch ai heart failure llrljhti dlteasc and oilier utilaraRead HI halo reliable man says about the remedy Uuta Autlllori Cleik t 01 lIollln toe UIIInh Jaoh Mhh Dot 12 IwYI Netr eMaeltnn I here liken ono i a r cue Aar toy a cant uu mrMiil tlr Hllmna I any Ills OuaillylMliaudrrull cult iiil drop led in f IPJml n w i lii I irnm tin > 11 a > t 17 l naol a snll Ito all Ifraluelly I lo hng MIII 1 1 f M win mnadenl yr re during m1 lf 1 Aowh 10 thedulrnl wnghl 1 Juno C ae 1 The Fruit Silt rml 9100 per Imttle l and Illl ft v tier bottle ur 3 Lot Ile for fin html for nn elghtculumn article un nlii > < lv Allmi IXIHIKO HtnriirM XoIll uueeitliitirft III Tlirn goods are alK old by Ions Coolauye Mnlll InlllullulI SoIII Lib Chip DESERET MEAT MARKET 83 B South Tempi BtD Hlllon A Co 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WALE CXn I inn B i I lator AS A to SPECIAL toe now SIG S GII Of BG I D 0 NT I dont tisane don I ON1S Sa it lak JL B I eyesight spoil I your temper voice I I s GUll I I r amt 1 eo hue curtalni an I I o I bncuu I nbrut by nnbmhling IO iluat nust bnsupptrtable of donlettc i ulnllcthrna emukv stovew 1 n we o I I hall lust rniWil I IVI LARLOADs up THE It FINCSl l STOVES MAUL mcliiJu u OAK1 VNDs I a GOLD lOINs and HOUND UAK > nl ul which I It Ha I 1A ue are telling at tricot tu suit the makeit pocket 0 ar9 U A Visit to Our Mammoth EstablisbmcotO 11 I II I I 11 iS S SGlllethlq forth Rem mb r riu nl 11 I o f SECOND s01 Is 11 0 In P a Yip I j l O Deseret National Bank I U S DEPOSITORY I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH CAPITAL BOOOOO SURPLUS 86OOOOO I ta Hill Jrel 11 naps Thit b or VIoelMil Wm W nir 1 e o rKe llnnmfy Ja > T LluK John Cl Colltr Drreclorsl Jimmrp Ilnry Ulnwoodey I > IMWr tollk JXf nrlnS J 1pho 1J liirnca Judo 11 Wlndfr K Ile l KloltVlg nrTon40alli SAre Oc OlIT nOXES rOIl nttt BANK OF SALT LAKE JAMES II n4CONFreeldenl F L HOLLAND CaMt H MUACON Vice JrMlucnt I W n HOLLAND AulJlint Cutler CEKERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAFE DEPOSIT UOXBS FOR RENT re IiteedWssdra Leo III Oeeea 1noIdA Ceckla I Iun CArlTIL M0o001 CAUl aVlhtLln 5100b0 I Ziois Sauirj s BaijK TRUST CO Go i3 Eist Temple Street Salt Lake City Utah I tUtiblliheu 873 Incorporated till DIRECTORS VllforJ Wootirulf freilJent Oeu Q Cannon VlcePrtitdrnt I Joseph h I Smith George Reynold Angu M Cannon HtberJ Grant 1met lack LoienioSnovr r O teller J1UCl4 M Lym n I II 11 Ctawioii I John Nullall Otorje M Cannon Safely ilepoill bOlts In our burner pool vault lor tent at cry low rate Oron for dpoilU B lui3iNI hl main S oclock KTATIONAL BANK NATIONAL A N of THE REPUBLIC Frank Knot 1mliltnt IC I K rikk Vlrlreillent Hd W Duncan Cashier LAI IPAL IAII IN 500000 honking In all In brincht tn ° n acled K tlnnrc drawn on the principal clllti ul wrote Intcini paid on lime dtpoiln UircclonCeo A Lowe Kmanuel Kahn Jul eJ G ulliefhml II U I I A Calmer W f Startle G S llxlirx Frank Knox IL C Karrlck Rd W Duncan I THE State Bank of Utah Corner Main ami South Temple Slicetl Salt Lake City Capital BOOOCO Surplus SBOOCO Hrttr I Grant President Wm 0 Ildtun Vltelrcitdent llebcrM I Uellt 1 Cothler lll CTl llebtr J Grant Abraham II Cannon jwepliV Smith IIWrM i l Well Chat S Ilurton Spencer Cliwton Vm 11 Preston p I T Fammonli luae llarlon COMMERCIAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES AccounU Solicited Laree and Small WALKER BROS Ba9 ers CCCUOl TO TU 1 UNION NATION HANK Eitabllihed IPBO A GENERAL DANKINO DU3INC3S TRANSACTED fiH Schettler bo l > uII GENERALse Ko 60 Ham BANKINCr EI 1 Opposite Street te the BUSINESS Coop and I PAYS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS 111 Too ActoatL BDflAl I1TIOUL1IUK cr SILT urn air 11 > I S n II rT t o IIg p INTEREST PAID OR D TIME DEPOSITS I IItIlKCTUIIr IL A ° tbaeb Jb J 0 sillslryOioYtae C YoaThoe aInlI it r tinw e di hWweey Jona W lJo w llUoenen 0ukl t u e T R JONES CO Bankers 101 MAIN STREET IHOKESSIUXAIi IIIIl1IlI S IiIllI111IN II Attorneys at Law Itoomi 6111 In MU Mrl oral k Illltnk US II I JIOIIC Attorney at Law Hnomi ball in 1 h i H < inmuiiii u illlint Inn j t I Li I Il till 11111111E16 TIIUS 1lInK AUornuyn ut Law and Land Attorney 11 r 1 IK I M colic II k Hilt lobe fllr MM loiLU U iu La uriuila Yniinit KlcUrl W Young lone W ilnjlo Attornoyn at Law licirM Net honk IIMn MU Iak i01lT IIKlLllll II I MllllliP Lawyer 1740 Commercial Rock i r inKhrli IAIKNT ATroiiNHT t leer 7 re 1055y eel aret1 not 10 urdat 1055 nI nn r I nK IIIUCU ItS ill 1 Cno Dentin lteonln 4M1 OTtll ninn ltiilldln 1 J Jii II liElSDIlcUlll Dentists Rooms J and ScotlAuerbach HullJ 16 inc I ut floor id Main St IIII lfT l TIIOi I 1S1 S Surgoon Dontlst IdMilnSt All work etoerninel nmhiilni Ailmlnlurml Fur lnnantw WliU the ORIGINAL ItIIIiEIIS 11 X lIn SSOILTIOX OF DCS MOINCS IOWA Call on orWilia 10 II II CAIIIKII Cltol AuMitiW oath Weal Tampla CHURCH BLANKS Printed end foe 51 a 1HE DESERET nEWS OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY lea a a0 sae leash tool a0ou 0 rnnu 1n ouo eo orn ecu r TLUL1 bpI rie r bp-I M U I aepone e IMW Oerlews a o a eo YeaeA Mat or H KM I ft Ill lea rflOi a elae non and coned na a4R r U U I 1 Hull aid Gaud Buois U M wW aoa 14 Noel 1 vMoet aLq nlaa alb aan Caaa n three arnei rata bra r tr > a r + v ROBERT BONWER Superintending too t shooing of Sunol with the Puiram Nail 1IIoUI x000 Pas WI a1111Y1i A NIn1Y Y r str TJ ftlL r Wt I Lb tow le t11L acratetexlltplle I tut rJi rJllri 1 thrt Jr I 4a i Inn I Ny unw Ndlne otbn bath 3a eles to Ilia Wnl rilb w our rlwro l rlu w l Ir tap Mil I fotaUMluiu ii V anion llneuy lay iertad Nal It l ee ral lt Na110llar I bWnenn aSHiHS rrm ha ua CdaIIOI If l r r cry oUW1J + w4 IcY m t Tho Putnam Nail Is I tho only ego Sl nTiyiSr80d ana Home morPolnletl Hall Look In your smllhs shoolna hogIf the n3a have smooth cdgos for the tvholo I ton tie they are the PUTNAM for tiny oto Hammor Polnlod and nro not ohoerod lb abns Meter frolo a pbole errrte n u Iulnaw ell whlhulalwlndloe I r lf tot Nuuul liJllo W coat Iq IM tutu lea tot a 4If aM lipilli r i blr alit l Nat l WNt rayUr torp cio ei unap fen PUTNAM NAIL 00 I Ncponsot Jlostou lass For Sale by Z C M I and Branch Iiouiei NOW OR NKVKRI n ladies Capes SI50 to S700 Jackols 5100 to S30D Wlnbr Capes and Jackets in Cloth DraidoJ and Plain In all tAo Latest Styles 5350 to 320 Childrens and Misses Coals In this seasons stylus S250to 310 ALL NOVELTY DRESS GOODS At Greatly Rodncod Prices I Shoes I Allacs prices A P Johnsons E P folds Unlip foil Doa Bola and Peerless Kid al tho ollowlng Reduced Prices 5300 Shoes for S200 Si00 Shoes for 300 S275 Shoes for 8175 All tho Nowoit stylos In largo quantities to select from In Narrow Square Piccadilly Opera and London To3 at tho i Lowest Prices Everything In Low Shoes at cost I While lilnnkcls 75 a Pair Heavy tray Illankcls 200 a Pair Fine Scarlet lilankcls 500 a Pair A h Jolt Lot of Still hats at 100 Sco ocr Mens Underwear from 50c Up A loli Lot of Mitts Coals At from S200 to noD Each Mens Sensation lialiaorals 175 Mens Live Oak Shoes at 250 Mens lone Calf Slmes at 1100 COME QUICK AND GET YOUR PICK fKA8DKh Z SUNS 132 134 136 138 Main St Salt Lake City Telephone 194 DESERET t EVENING i NEWS e e I Advertise In ItI Subscribe For It 00 rRead It I So 0 And know wlmt your Town Territory Nation and the World are doing day by day Friend of Homo IndiiBlrIc3 I Friend of thu IVojilu I Clean Reliable Tonrlosa I Lnteat and SlralBhtost Tulegrnplilo soul Local News I Biat and Urlglitogt Special Corroarond euoo I |