Show 1119 915151 5 lIA59C lie Illil Mm llrr IB Irftlilfiit Obeys booS III I III llfior 0 KANSAS CITY Me Ooi IDfhe folowlui le ttra hlo oorrrruuueci lurtfirriii I loa luoote1 I irxr ih In Ormtral Mllcii annual irHiit li I veIl explanatory KAMA CIT Ma Oaiabtr 17 Utntial Neltnu A 11 U H A loot Hill OhIo < la Itutli tipriliii ITI Thou lurinripli In your recout an nuil reptil U I beIng much iimle > l and roiutueud Url iljOil by the 1 rmiauj IUL 0 The conduct of the Iroopi lure I ilurlDK order m d oonfldencr whtrv mot J Tiblvuce and a riUn ol terrul 51 ItleJ In Cblo > < u wi maiked by irtil lurbeiniicv lorlltud all octlleut ultclplliie and their icllju holt tery Kltaiiy ouutllbuted lo bIle iiiiinleuauco ol tltil bow I and In my pinion lYN IbIs country from mrluiu lelitIlloli wbeu oiio bad been jubllcly utilind I iu exllt by one of the Uloil Ulpvuilble forlliezliteucr IthmiKteiiKld I Ibis one you refer I to li I 1reildtnt Uluvland sod It 1 bat boots 01 poland by ynur trlio li lOot yOU p rubs by intant Kiuen V U < U 1 V III you pleiMi wIts ailtleiueut oOuul ibn matter to tbv AttocUted Irix Kiuiii OIly 10 for Ol ruiluitlou thohOul ° lOUt iho ouutry sod Ibereby fatorut MIIIVIILB IX HTONF Uuetul aun < tr Aitd 1riM run IIKPLY ANADAIIICK O T Oct 19 ° Melillle 1 ti > uue Url Miuiuer Anoilated Jnu Kaoim City MI II Ibo Uniutof my annual report doeinot wirr utanyiuuli aburd loIs tonitrulK a < ooiililnej lu I jour bOos laud file eirunldftlrt Rod urH > i 1100 ol lou 1irildeiit ol nialuleliiliK luo iipitniicy ol law I and civil jOTfln 111lit and lue no duration of I sate with Hit 01 l tottlble I Utliy In luo wtll kUOWII U be llllMllldtNl u d or llbll mIhrecllhrd I I l I1 11 MILU Mtjur Osuolul l 1550 rIryle 1 aApbon t based ClllUAUO lob I Igf IMterlltb Iricuiitul f Inliutry U ri A commanded com-manded by Colonel H A Krofloiiwai prtieoled Wills hOod 1 cuiure I at Korl I dberldin toUy by I hlinjj cillientlu reconnlllou of the IdYll uuruu the lirralilrlke ° mil win the hOst hors ulIl100 01 Ibo klud Ih1 Ter 00 gourd 01001 in I niiiuni JIIMKM iiai WABIIINUIUN 11 Out IDCllp talu William I JoUuion a iiraJuite ol Wool Iolnl died loire yrilerday Ha fought under ricolt aud laylor lu tilt moil luporlaul Uttlr ol lbs Mei Icau I ami hoist oew Indian sortie lu the luuihwuU 1Ibll oseslod0tsh HT IxjUia Mo Oil IDrhn He nubllcaon uf I lbs lleTeiilb Minourl Couertiilonil dlirlct today rinoml iinledCbarlti P Joy uniealod by Inn 10110101 > Couiri lu nor of JoliuJ 11171510 Democrat The 111 ShIll Ill of lou Iwelllli olitrlot uomlnilu1 I 1rank I HltirUI to oppi Helb Cot I Domtirut I |