Show c KILLED IN I A HORSE RACE Lot IIiu aYoDog Man at hrmlcjloo thi Unfortunate Victim lie WM Illnhlr 1 llesrmeed In I llielanit lu Mllcli M lll en I sale UIU I < Gained rntfouuii aueiuw I M4l I tOe Oases FAIIUMUTUN Ueeeraber flu A niKslUmenlabie aud tidal aaoUeut oo curred at Ibl place lait eveulng at fl ve oclock rime Iolm wan Lot lieu Iho son of Ulaku IiMldeul John W lieu Tbu young nun would have been liluueeu years of age on the 17th of next month He had been worklug Iur Ihu last two or three WOk un hla lather farm at IOmuulh Ujx lilder cuuuly and wai returning homo lu a wagon driven by one of his brothers Attached to Ibu letm was a horsn hu hal recently purotuiud Wheu with lu about halt a mile from home they wet a youhug aniualulauco uu horse bach Iheru wai come goodnatured bauterlug about a race which was run In Ibo road ahead of the team While time hortee wera straining very ruuecle and ruunlng at full speed Lots 1111 mal elumbled nnd fell tu Ibo ground coming down uiou I a rider with Utmvudoiis force loots nick was brokeu and hla body wia tauruur badly bruiieU Death wa Intlau Tbu deccaied was well and moil favorably kuown lu tIme lowtilu which be lived Ills friends ware many and they loved him for hIs houtily and 10 tigllly lie wunmoit kind andoludlenl lu ills lareuls who have tin sluccra aimpathv ul the community in the great tllllcllon lhal has uverlaktn them 1 nu lima of tile I funeral hoe not ytt 1101 diclded upou sod will not ba until arraugvmenuaro made to have relatIve inldlug at I dlitanca atleud Ihe advIce |