Show rAfaEl 0I A5PstAeL Vedlln inese All hhIcIInt lila llrlileiromtt Mnul Ilirr CoitiMM N Y Dec GCollnlh Isled I aU Is-led over Ibo dluppearaiico ot John Value who claimed to hall from Troy slid who has been employed hr H It ICalhon here lie was la have been hoarrieuf be blIss Item Ilrewer a few dsysagm A Itrgu oomiany Includ Inll thin clergyman bad assembled nllolllIon of Ibo happy event bul Value fallid I to appvir Heveral days III have since elspsed I but 1 the Colllblana hn no kuowlrdge of his wberra bouts |