Show CORnETT MAY BE CALLED I Before tbe Ltiow Committee to frll About Attempted BlackmaiL no asic s Stepaes 5la5 ui Ce used a neninllnu III aimrllna llrrlee Now VORR lw GA sensallon was caused In uporllUK circle tail eIght by a report that Champion James J Corbitt would coon bo called before the LexW conimlltea lo tell what ha knows about auattinipled J7uiO btaokmall several years ago Corbitl manager Hilly Brady It he l said houses 1 about a certain train action at wells < this champlou and bit iMinuony would serve sesmary strong corruboratlon Wheu Charley Mitchell aud frank I Hlavln came to thIs cojntry In IbUl they had threo obeola In view lint lu get on a match between Hlavlu aud rinlllvan second ta arrange a limited maui go between Corbttt and Mitchell Ihlrd to give a iulvo ol boxIng box-Ing exhibitions throughout the coun try The propotvd match littweeu Hlavln cal Hulllvau fell through Hub kisiusully a metllnglook placebelwren Lxihell and Mltchrll lu thu Uipjur I 0 111 oo In January IhU Alter much I Ulicueeluu 1 was mutually agreed that for Ibu Kate receipts the men should iiuii In a limited number uf round In Madliau H < iusra garden llraay bad urraugtd with Mitchell toneuro the garden fur lie specified dale aud aclually putdowu i > deiutll for Ihls puriioto ol JIOOU The fart uf this step having been taken was con leyed lo Mitchell at mediae Inaprt arranged code by a frlrud 1 was dlilluctly i xlDeJ lu tile artiCle that the conleit was to be un purely tcliutlflollutsanj ItwiMobo decided ou poluli Uhoitly alter the match had boo ratified thu llrltlsh boxer received a myiterleu telegram from llrajy aik lug that a certain friend of hit ihuuld meet him lu the Astor house That friend soil Mitchell came over to New York and while the former repaired la tIme Jaltit houte Mitchell awaited developments lu u silooo ou IM Ik row rowCoibett ova with Hrady the Altar houia when Mitchell repretentaltvr gut there and he blamed both men for arranging so public a meeting remark 1101 that If any newrpa e reporter saw theiturea together they wuuld prubjb Ip be Uenouiued as Irulumuahuid a fake tight Behind clod door the solemn con clams wai held I llrajy actej as ipokei man and laid that he and Corbel figured marked on rests I fSOOU lsboweveriuruelhlng pune but re 1 ihould tell you and that Is I why I asked you to meet us here Tnero is I a third arty wants to cjuio Into this deal of ours Charley Mitchell friend Inquired hew much the third parlya uumlug means llrajy replied that the lon referred re-ferred ta wanted a Ihlrd of the net receipts re-ceipts stud would hull 111 putllni hli own Ilon IlIlulnlIl and lu Ibu pay boxes Ihe proposition atmoit winded Mitchell Irlend who aiked O 1 right In cueiiluK Ihli man as Mr Iollcernnu Brady auiwsred that hose were the terms demanded by time 101111 nl1 ol lIme preolnct adding lhat I Ihuy were not com lied wllh no I eruilmlou would be yrnnled for limo coutenl lu the garden Mitchell Irlend then said tuo simple English of time thing woe a seven or sight 1 Ihouiand dollar black mal and nddcdl You can loll the police for me with my compllmeuls that they can go and smother them lelvei I wont have Mitchell held up lu daylight and hli clothe guno through by highwayman Tliisie my ultimatum Corimtteiprciicd much anxiety to tee Mitchell and ha was Informix of ills whereabout and sent for him The conversation rxgarJIuc the I blackmail as related was again entered upon aud Mitchell Indignation knew I no bounds Hu said he would not stand any lush arrangement as Was luggtited and left the Astor boute hur rleuly remarking that he preturaed be aced nut trouble liluiirll about training train-ing or thInking any moroul lien matter to Alnnie nail Itbe fllr DINt Dec 1Mubisgere David HeuJerion and W 1 Hull of llioad nay onol theater have arranged wllh Managers I IMTau and Nelll of the Lyceum 1gor ceum to play Ihelr tock company ohio of tbu leit In Ibo country at llroad way hue reualuJer of the sesson beginning be-ginning Juuuiry Oth Ultlcu and Nelll will also 1Ie a cloth compaoy in hail Lk |