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Show v Jiianw 4fy warTii)MA2fD xuTBiuoca Vcm dioiifortb (Sbcoa A trial will ohow lla fJRUAT SUPnRIORITY In CTRENOTH, PLAVOft & CHEAPHESS.t llaro vlatted our Hoys' nnd Chlldren'a Clothing Pepirtment : and purcha-iiHlgariiionlathURoasoiitliat iloaied themory t j much, for Mlilch faotwonro very proud of. And wo havo j tho exlromo gratification ol knowing our patrons appreciate ' I our tflorla In having auch clothing mis up to the times. Our ' ' Spring and Summer Clothing s ron BOYS CHILDREN Is lin equated anywhere, and Is only equaled In largo eaatern . cities, thereby giving you tho same advantages that Ihoio hat o who purchaio abroad. Variety of Stylos and atsortmont of Uolora imflDESE. j Kneo Pant Suits, ages 4 to 14 years, $2.25 and upwards. Boys' Long '5 Pant Suits, ages 13 to 19, $4.75 and up. ' TEMPLE OF FASHION. - -ft, 63, 65 Ha' Stroot. - We are the Leaders - IN " Men's and Roys' Clolliiiig, Hals, Shoes iinil Fiirnisliing goods, j AND DEFY COMPETITION. The grandest assorliiienl of Wraps, Empire Capes and Jackets in 11 variety of Colors, Lengths, Styles and Designs as varied as tho : STHRS, : -AT JSASBEL k SIS, AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, - aOl!' SALT LAICK "T.TY. Capital $260,000. Snrplns $50,000, Organized October, 1890. JULIUS GAUER, Manufacturer |